her? errr- it?

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( this is old but I fucking love it )

Unblinking, she stared at me. Only for her head to snapp back, looking up into the sky, her head spasming and twitching, her hands moving back and forth. As though there was some projected screen that she could see everything on, only one for her eyes to see. She stood there, spasming. Almost seeming to panic in small seconds at times.

'but, androids can't panic'

And then suddenly, like she had never acted weird in the first place. Her head shot back, eyes staring straight at me again.

"Lucy? No, that dosent compute. No, ma'am, I believe your name is keelee. Yes, in my database you, are infact keelee miss."

My brows furrowed, this is the fith time. I've told her my name five times. Why am I even calling it a girl, it's NOT a girl, it's a robot.

I could hear the anger in my voice, I could feel that anger growing, my blood boiling in my vains. "My name is NOT keelee!!!! For the LAST TIME!!!!!!! my name is LUCY! Do NOT make me reset you, this precinct NEEDS a new Android sent by cyberlife, Conner is one of the two we need. Now, what is my name?!"

Again, the things head glitches, spasming harshly to the right, it's head falling on it's right shoulder, and then snapping back into place.

"Miss, your name is lucy."

Sighing, I pinch the skin between my brows with my pointer finger and thumb. "Fucking finally" heaving an even heavier sigh, I feel a hand placed on my shoulder. Turning, I find hank.

"New Android bothering you?"  His voice is gruff, he's just as frustrated as I am.

Sighing one last time, my hand falls from my face to hang lazily at my side. Turning to him I half heartily smile, chuckling slightly. "Honestly, yeah. Why do we even have a second, 'newer modle' android? The deportment dosent need it, the others won't want it"

Hank sighs as well, leaning to down to open the thrid drawer down of my desk. Pulling a flask that I didn't even know was there from it,

"it dosent matter what the others want, it's just what the head of the department wants. That and, I think we got this one half off. Maybe? I can't even remember." He says while spiking his coffee, most likely with booze. He really needs to stop drinking.

"Miss officer, were is conner? The other android sent by cyber life?" It's voice is soft, and clean, no hint of humanity in it.

Hank looked around, paniced for a moment, then sighed, "he's over in the lounge, and why dose your android call you that?"

Chuckling softly, I could hear the anoyence in my own voice. "It was having a problem with computing my name or something? I don't know" shrugging slightly I raise my shoulders. Placing a hand on my hip.

Hank sighed again, he seemed so tired. Wether that be from lack of sleep, or just tired of life in general. I couldn't tell, "hey, want me to tell the boss? We could send it back, get a newer version?"

Slightly debating it, I turned my head. Looking back at the android. It, it looked at me. With, was that fear? it her eyes- ITS eyes. It's not a girl, it's an android.

'But, androids can't feel, they don't know fear.'

Thinking about it more, I fully turn around, facing the android again. Looking it over. I find it's hands to be, are they shaking?

'no, androids don't know fear'

Looking back to its eyes. They seemed to be pleading. Almost begging, even though they don't blink,nor really move. They're basically praying, for me to say no.

'i must not be getting enough sleep again'

Sighing and chuckling again. I smile slightly, turning back to hank,

' I'm just as tired as he is, I just want to get home to the cat. '

"You know what? No, it's fine. If it breaks, I'll let you know."

Nodding, hank sat his empty cup down on my desk.

'you better not leave that there'

"By the way, the boss said we're needed some where. And that you're to bring the android. And, dose it have a name?"

Looking at it, I silently hope in my head that we don't have to go over this a second Time. "Hey, come over here."

Listing, I here the android walk over. Well, more like shuffle, over to my side. Standing strate, like a solider awaiting orders. "what is your name?"

I can basically hear the gears in the droids head turning when I ask. Hearing the droids neck pop and crack as it spasams again, I mentally and inturnally cringe, Winceing slightly.

"My name is zora-"

"No. That is NOT your given name, what is your name."

I hear the droid gasp.

'driods aren't supposed to do that'

"My name?"

"Yes, your name."

"My name? My name is zoey. I am the second droid sent by cyber life, I am here to help, serve, and protect. Miss officer keelee."

"No. My name is LUCY!!!!"

"Yes, officer lucky. Miss officer lucy"

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