it's raining, ocorina of time 1

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(This is lazy and rushed. But it's kinda cute 🥰 )
( Zoey is 5 at this point in time )

It's raining again. Yet everything is on fire.

"MOMMY!" Screamed the little hilyan girl as she ran through the woods. Small dainty hands cupped around her mouth to add more volume. Running back twords her little village. Stuffed bunny between her left arm and her chest.

It pelts around and onto her. Stinging her face and shoulders skin like wasps or a spider bite.

"Zoey!!" Came a scream from the distance. But she recognized that scream, she had heard it before, she knew it all to well.

In fact, she knew ALL of the screaming voices to well.

Stepping back into her village the hilyan girl fell to her knees. Gasping for breathe she so desperately tried to reclaim. Yet, not a single breathe seemed to fill her tiny lungs. Only smoke.

Seeing her village a flame the small girls eyes filled with crystal tears as she wildly looks around. "MOMMY!" She screamed once more, desperately searching for her mother, for her family. Fingers digging into the grass below her.

"Zoey!" She heard once more, turnig her head she could finally tell where it was coming from. Getting up from the ash and blood stained ground she grabbed her stuffed bunny, and began to sprint.

Sprinting through the village in search for her mother.

"Zoey!" Her mother called,

"Zoey!" Her mother hollered,

"ZOEY!" Her mother screamed, above all the other screams of other mothers,families, and hoof beats.

Rounding a corner she finally saw her, tears flooding down her face like water falls the small hylian girl opened her arms. "MOMMY!" She screamed over the roar of flames and other families.

Smiling sadly the hyilan mother scooped her baby up into her arms. "Oh my baby!" She sobbed, hugging her child like her baby girls life depended on it, witch it did. "were where you?!" She questioned, as she began to wildly look around, looking for a rute to survival.

"I was in the woods mommy-"

"And you came back?!" Her mother fumed.

"I came back for you mommy-" the small hilyan child tried to speak, tears still falling from her eyes.

"Well you shouldn't have!" The mother nearly screamed, but tried to keep her voice down to keep from drawing attention.


Hoof beats and the roar of flames fill the air.

The mother drags the child along, two hands intertwined, one small and dainty the other callassed and warn. Doing her best to keep her child hidden.

Hiding in a alley way the mother pulls her baby to her chest, rocking her slightly. "Shhh baby shhhhh!" She tried to quite her child.

Only to suddenly shreak in terror as the building behind her bursts into flames, as everything erupts once again into chaos around her. Old hilyan curses and cusses filling the air as adrenaline courses through her veins. Rushing out of the village. Only one thing matters to her. Keeping her little girl safe.

Placing her baby girl on the ground and grabbing her hand once more Amelia nearly tripped as she began to run through the forest. "Come on baby! Please!" Amelia pleaed, just wishing her little girl would rush faster.

Behind the two came shouts of anger. "There! Ones getting away!"

And hearing this Amelia panicked, falling to her knees she grabbed her little ones shoulders. "Baby, I need you to run, I need you to run far away. I'll find you one day! I promise!" Finishing her promise she pushed the little girl forward and away from her self.

"But mommy-"

"GO! Go my dearest!" She spoke, cold and stern.

And with that the small girl left, sprinting through the forest. Despite the pain filled screams of her mother behind her. Stuffed bunny still in hand.

( 30 minutes later )

Tired and sobbing the small hilyan sat down under a downed tree. Proceeding to lay on the dirt, going to sleep.


With a groan the girl rolled over, opening her eyes to see blue ones staring right back at her. And with a scared jump she smacked her head on the bottom of the downed tree.

"Who are you?" Asked the boy before her.

And trembling the small girl backed further into the log, almost wishing to become one with it. "I-i......your not with THEM are you?"
She asked, her voice shaking as she spoke.

"Them? What? Do you even know were you are?" Asked the boy.

And suddenly aware, she shook her head. She DIDN'T know were she was. I mean, she should still be in lavidia, right? "Y-yeah? I'm in lavidia?"

"What no, your in the neighboring kingdom. Your in Hyrule." The boy said, looking at her funny.

And Zoey found herself sobbing once more, oh goddess above how did she get to Hyrule? Did she really run all this way. Holding her stuffed rabbit in her arms the girl cried, and cried. She missed her mother, she wanted to go home.

And seeing her crying the boy seemed to panic. "I- uh! H-hey! Wonna pick mushrooms with me and my momma?!" He asked, panicked, honestly terrified. He hated it when people cried in front of in.

"W-with you? Ye-es please." She spoke between heavy ugly sobbs.

Smiling, the boy reached out to her. A hand in front of her face. "my names leviathan. What's yours?"

And taking the little boys hand in her shaky own, she warely smiled. "Zoey, it's Zoey."

"Nice to meet you Zoey. My momma will love that name." He said with a smile. And she smiled back.

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