two toned robot

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Scribbling on a random peice of paper the small fairy hummed, drawing her very best 10 foot tall friend.

Smiling to her self Zoey giggled as she moved the yellow crayon across the pink construction paper. Once she was content with the way one half of him looked she placed the yellow crayon down, mindlessly drumming her fingers on the kid sized table her and sun sat at. Her bright pink nails clicking and clacking as she did so.

It was just her size, if not a little small. She had offered many a time to sit at a table more suited for the 10 foot animatronic, but he always refused.

Yet her finger drumming stopped as she realized that the color she was looking for resided in the hands of her friend, looking to his sun faced self she smiled once more, grinning from down turned pointy ear to ear. "sunny, can I have that color when your done?" Asked the fairy, and she heard the robot hum in reply as he shook his over sized head, agreeing to give it to her.

( Few minutes later )

Reaching both hands up, zoey smiled as the robot placed the crayon in her dainty little hands compared to his. Getting what she wanted she went back to coloring, only for the girl to flush as her robot friend grabbed her shoulders. Her wings fluttering in slight panic.

"Little friend?! What is that on your chest?!" Spoke the robot, merely asking a simple question, yet it made the girl nearly choke.

"You mean my boobs, sun drop?" The girl asked quizitvly, tilting her head to the side slightly, just as a puppy would when confused.

"N-no! The ink!" The robot tried to quickly explain himself.

"Oh!" The fairy made a slight 'O' shape with her mouth as she finally understood. "It's a sun! Just like you sunny!" The girl spoke as she puffed out her chest proudly.

Looking up at the robot Zoey saw her friends spikes start to rotate, something she had found him to do when he was unbelievably happy. His face morphing into the biggest grin she had ever seen him hold.

'my word, your so cute it's not funny <3' thought the fairy.

Unaware of what else she was puffing out. "If you look on my back!," The girl interrupted her self slightly as she reached up her hands, pushing the robots large hands off her shoulders, and flapping her wings she lifted her self from the tables bentch. Turning her self around as she hovered above the ground slighty. "And if you look between my wings, I have a matching moon one!"

"Oh my-" she heard him speak, somehow in a flustered way. Only to hear a slight ❗ssssSHING❗the sound of his spikes retracting.

Turning her self back around worried she had affeneded her robot friend Zoey found her self placing a hand to her mouth, giggling slightly behind her hand. Eyes crinkling in a smile, glowing like they always did when she was happy.

Zoey could practically HEAR moon screaming inside the handsome robots head, yelling at sun in his nice smooth voice to, 'LET HIM OUT'. She found this metallic man so endearing.

"Sunny are you alright?" Asked the fairy, doing her best not to giggle at the two toned robot in front of her. Worried she reached forward, grabbing the robots hand. "Sunny?"

Suddenly the robot stood. Pulling the fairy with him as she hoverd above the ground.

confused the fairy held the robots hand as she hoverd closeer to her 10 foot metal friends face, looking into his dead like eyes. Reaching up her left hand she balled it, using the back of her knuckles to lightly tap the sun bots head, "hello? Any sun rays home? It's me, Zoey, nock nockity nock nock!" Asked the girl,

Then, just as suddenly as he shut down, he seemingly rebooted. His spikes popping back out, spinning wildly as he was now a very happy robot.

"oh little friend!" Cried the happy robot, pulling his large hand from her right hand he placed his hands under his little fairy friends arms, proceeding to spin around. Spinning the small girl in his hands along with himself, the fairy's laugh ringing out like little jingle bells. Matching the small bells on his clown like outfit.

Giggling like a mad man the fairy smiled, throwing her arms in the air as her best friend spun her around. "WEEEEEEE-" she snort laughed, continuing to giggle, yell, and laugh. Her robot friends animated robotic laugh rigging out along with hers.

Little did the two know that the kids where watching, talking to each other about how the two of them where, 'deffo flirting'.

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