( wip ) meet me at the second tower

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Smiling to my self I dig my phone out of my back pack. Finding it I place my bag next to the railing, not even bothering to close it. Turning my phone on and looking to I stop, hesitating a moment. Staring back at me is my best friend, Harlin, showing one of the biggest smiles I'm ever seen.

'i'm so glad I was able to catch his smile that day'

Chuckling to my self slightly I slide the lock screen. Navgating to the contacts I click his name, and slide. Starting a call.


'Come on,'




'i can just leave a message I guess'

The moment I think it, the rining stops. The sound of harlins voice buzzing out through my side of the phone. "This is Harlin, I'm sorry, but you must have caught me at an off time-"

In the background of the message I can hear giggling, the sound of little pattering feet following it. "Harlin! CATCH!!!!"

And, my voice to. I sound, happy? Hearing it makes me smile. I can hear the sound of splashing water, then my self seeming to erupt in laugher, "very funny zoey. Hold on, if you have something you need to tell me, leave me your information, and I'll get to you-"

"HARLIN! CATCH AGAIN!!!" The sound of more giggling following my scream. "Zoey! I'm gonna kill you! I told you no water balloons in the house-"

And that's where it stops, the very robot sliding dialogue coming after it, "if you would like to leave a message, please wait for the beep. At the tone you may start."

Once the beep sounds I half way chuckle to my self, knowing this is probably the last time I'll ever talk to him, I try my best to sound like I know what I'm doing, why I'm doing it, and that. That it needs to be done. "Hey harlin, you can probably tell from the pitch of my voice. But I'll say it anyway, it's me. Zoey, just wanted to say.................." For a moment I pause, swallowing the painfully large lump in my throat before continuing to speak, "I love you, like, love you love you?-" she almost questioned herself. This wasn't how she wanted to confess but it'll have to do. 

"I- I've been in love with you for quite a while actually, ahahahahahahahhaha....." She chuckled acwardlly into the phone. After a second of pause she continued.

"I might try and ring you again, mostly so I can hear your voice one last time. But If I don't end up doing that, well. Just know, that I love you more then anything else in the world. Well, expect for pookie. I might love pookie a bit more. Bu-bye now dude."

Ending the voice mail and waiting for a slight moment, I slide his contact once more. I would really like to hear his voice one more time before I go through with this.

( P.O.V change )

His subconscious hearing the annoying ring of his phone it did it's best to will his dreaming self awake.

Shifting around in a bundle of blankets the ware wolf boy groaned. Reaching a shaking hand out and over twords his night stand he flicked on his bright pink lamp that his house mate let him barrow untill he got a new one.

"What the fuck-" he groaned to himself, picking his phone up and pulling it off the charging cable he blinked slightly.

"FUCckkkkkkkkkkkkkk..." He cursed under his breath, why did he have to have his brightness up so damn high?

' seriously, people need to stop calling me at outrageous times of the night and morning,' he angrily thought to him self sleepily.

Yet he snapped out of it the moment his phone buzzed in his hand.

The lock screen flashing with a call from his best friend as a picture was displayed of the two of them. It was a picture that his other friend, Aphmau took when himself and Zoey wheren't looking. Zoey had just rounded the corner and pieded him in the face as a prank on his birthday. His face was covered in pie filling, the rest of the pie all over his clothes. Yet, he wasn't angry, he wasn't mad. He was laughing like he never had before. That had been the best party of his life. And it was all thanks to Zoey, she had planned it all.

Seeing that picture, he smiled. Pushing the accept button "hello," he yawned mid statement.

"H-hey harlin. It's me Zoey, you know-? Zoey, as in Zoey rose? Daughter of the world renowned actress and buissnues man? Ahahahhaha-" Stuttered the acward girl on the other side of the phone.

"Oh hey Zoey, what's up?" Asked the taller ware wolf, getting comfortable in his place in bed once more. Having already pushed the speaker button. He could lay back down and not have to worry about holding the phone with his hands.

"The sky?" He heard the girl state from the other side. Faintly chuckling to her self. Yeah, she loved bad puns.

"Very funny shorty," he laughed to himself slightly. He loved being able to have her back in his life. He missed her so in the month that they where appart. It may have only been a month, but damn. Was he a clingy mother fucker.

"Okay, but tell me please. Why'd you call me so late- er. Early, I was asleep,you know that's like. My favorite thing to do." He laughed to himself, excepting to hear his shorter find to laugh with him. Only, he didn't get that.

"Oh- I. I didn't realize you where sleeping, I'm sorry." He heard her apologize, a slight sad tone in her heavenly voice. It, worried him.

"It- it's okay Zoey. Don't worry to much over it." These ware wolf did his best to reassure his short friend that she hadn't done anything wrong,

"What are you doing?" He heard her perk up slightly, worrying him even more. Her mood changing like this so quickly is what her doctor told him to watch out for.

"Nothing really, just laying here. Making sure my ceiling dosent fall down or something?" He had no idea what to tell her, honestly. he wasn't really doing anything. "what about you Zozo?"

"Uh high?" The short girl chuckled acwardly in her end.

'i-is she serious?'

"No way, did you actually get high? Did kat finally convince you?!-" he couldn't believe her, getting high with out him? How fucking dare she.

I can't believe her-

"No, I'm actually high."

"Yeah, high off your short ass-"

"No, like. High up in the sky high." She cut him off from saying his sarcastic comment.

"Wh-what are you doing up high?" The werewolf asked, slight concern edging on at the end of his sentence. He knew that she always had a hard time when by her self.

There was a short, painfull silence. And then the girl spoke, "I. I don't think I can do this anymore harlin......" She spoke, voice wavering, then cracking. She was crying now.

Imidietly harlin was straight up, so tense he could feel himself slightly shake. "Where are you Zozo?" He asked as he quickly pulled on a pair of pants. No shirt, he didn't have time for that.

Rushing from his bedroom and down the stairs he headed straight to the kitchen. He needed his keys, and he needed them NOW.

Searching around for the key he needed on the rack as he grabbed a random coat hanging below the keys. He reminded himself to make sure to keep her talking.

"Zozo, where are you?" He asked, trying to be gentle with the way he spoke. But never the less it came out cold and sturn.

"Library...........second tower..." The girl barely whispered, just loud enough for the werewolf boy on the other end of the phone to hear.

Once the keys where in his hands he imidietly turned, leaving his dorm in a hurry, not even bothering to close the front door behind him.

Rushing through the mud and puddles he didn't care if him or his car got dirty. His shoes and cars could be replaced, but Zoey? Never, she could never be replaced. She was his best friend. And he couldn't loose her.

Phone gripped harshly in his hand he rounded the corner of the side walk and sprinted into the student parking. "Zozo, I'm going to need you to stay on call with me, okay? Can you do that for me?"

"Y-yeah, I guess I can......" Wispered the girl on the other end of the line.

( 30 minute time skip )

Slamming on the breaks Harlin put his car in park, he didn't do a good job at parking, but he honestly didn't give a shit.

Not even bothering to turn the car off Harlin leaped from the driver's seat. Doing his best to keep his composer.

"Harlin, what are you doing here." Spoke a timid crying girl as she looked down at the parking lot, "harlin you wheren't supposed to come here-"

"Zoey, shut the fuck up. Don't you dare move a muscle. Don't you climb over that railing you hear me?!" He nearly screamed as he looked up at the girl on the roof.

( 5 minutes later )

Slamming the door open Harlin looked to his best friend, only to realize she had moved. She hadnt listened, she had climbed over the railing.

"ZOEY!" He screamed, rushing forwards. Only to stop as his best friend backed up.

"Harlin don't come any closer, or- or I'll do it." She spoke, voice wavering.

Hearing this Harlin stopped, standing still. Fists bawled, his pink nails that Zoey herself had painted digging into his palms. "Okay, that's okay Zoey. I'll stay right here, okay?" Harlin asked, and he saw his friend nod a small 'yes' in response.

Skaning her face harlin found dark purple bags under her eyes, like she hadn't slept in weeks. Tear stains covering her face.

Watching as she sniffled, reaching up a balled hand and wiping the back of it under her eyes Harlin barely breathed, with every moment he thought she would jump. 

"I didn't think you would actually come wolfy." She spoke, voice cracking with every word.

"Of course I would come!" Harlin reasoned, why wouldn't he? "Your my friend," he spoke, brows nkitting in a sad way.

"Yeah, your friend." She spoke, whispering. A hint of sarrow and disappointment hidden between her words.

"I've never really had Manny of those, you know?..........friends." she whispered once more.

"Zoey please-" Harlin tried once more, just to get a little bit closer. Only to hault his movement once Zoey backed up again.

She was on the very edge now, one last move and he would loose her forever.

( Both povs I think )

Looking away and to the ground below her feet the small girl sighed, "I didn't think you would come, you wheren't SUPPOSED to come."

Hearing this the wherewolf boy nearly chocked on oxygen. This was his best friend, he loved her?

No, she was his friend, his GOOD childhood friend. How could he NOT come?

"Your the only one I called, you know?" Spoke the girl again.

" What-?"

"I just texted aph and kat, but you? I called ,you. I was originally hoping you wouldn't pick up. But........then I needed to hear your voice one last time." She sighed once more, this was turning out to be one big pain in the ass. She wanted to get this over with as soon as possible.

( 3 minutes of Harlin trying to talk Zoey down, later.  But I'm lazy. )

Opening her arms Zoey smiled, the biggest she had in the past two weeks.


She had been spiraling for the past two weeks,

"Zoey please..."

and this was going to be the last time she ever did.

"Baby girl please!- think about me! Think about pookie- please- I think I-" yet he didn't get to finish. She wasn't going to let him, she couldn't have him tell her that. Not now, not after she had waited so fucking long.

"Harlin, I want you to remember," spoke the mentally ill girl as she closed her eyes. "always remember. I love you." And with that she took the final step back. The sudden rush of the wind made her squeak slightly, yet all she felt was happiness. It was finally all going to be over.

( Harlins pov now. )

And suddenly, like lighting he was across the library roof. Catching the small girl by the wrist, hand tightly around it. He had never realized just how small her wrist was, his finger tips touched around it.

Life of his best friend in his hands.

Bare chest against the railing. Lord was it cold.

Grinding his teeth the warewolf strained himself to hold of the small girl, hands shaking. He knitted his brows, beads of cold sweat starting to form on his forehead. His bangs sticking to it slightly.

( Switching to how I regularly do things. Harlins pov fucking sucked. )

With tears in her eyes the girl tried to reason for the end of her life. "Please, Harlin let me go..." Spoke the girl,

"What-?! No! Just-just hold*pant* hold on!" The boy barely managed to squeak out. Tighting his grip he did his best to pull the girl up. The longer she hung there the harder it would be for him to bring her back to safety and he knew it.

He couldn't loose her, he just couldn't. He couldn't even think about what his life would be like with out her.

Who would cook with him? Who would sing for him? who would endlessly spoil pookie? Who would read to him crime novels, witch he despised, but he put up with for her, to him when he was sick and could no longer run from it. Who would brighten his day when she called to tell him about hers.

No one, that's what. No one would ever get to Zoey's status in his life if she was gone. Zoey had her own pedistal, and no one else could ever stand on it. That was Zoey's place in his life, and never anyone else's.

"Harlin, this is what I want please-"

"Zoey shut the fuck up!" Shouted the werewolf, still struggling to hold her.

"Zoey, grab my hand!" He demanded, trusting himself he leaned over the railing holding the small girls wrist with his right hand, reaching out with his left. "please-"


And suddenly harlins heart flew, he had gotten through to her. She actually listened. His heart fluttered when his hand held hers.

Only got his hope to shatter when she let go. And this time he couldn't catch her.



Slamming his open palms against the two front doors of the library harlin shot out of the historic looking building with great speed.

Sprinting down the libray steps, three at a time. He nearly tripped on the last step. Reaching her he fell to his knees. skidding to a stop on them next to his best friend, ripping his gray sweat pants and next the skin of his knees, but he didn't care.

God, he was going to be sick. The way her body lay there, unmoving on the concrete. The way her leg bent back wards, the way her hair sprawled across the ground, the way her chest didn't seem to rise and fall.

But he knew what he had to do, he was in medical school after all. Leaning down and hunching forward he placed his ear next to her lips. He never noticed until now how pink and plump they where. Yet when he heard a rattling breathe leaves her he couldn't believe it.

With trembling, sweaty hands Harlin reached out, placing his pointer and middle fingers to his best friends neck. Hoping; no, PRAYING there was a god who would listen to him. There was a god who would let him still have his?

His what? His best friend? His lover? His girlfri-

Shaking his head Harlin snapped out of it.

Only to nearly pass out with relief the moment he felt her veins pulse beneath his two fingers. Smiling, the werewolf almost forgot what he needed to do next.

Fumbling with his phone for a few seconds, he finally dialed the number.

"911 what is your emergency-" the operator tried to speak yet didn't get the chance.

"Hello?! Yes! Thank God! My friend- error uh-" he struggled for a moment, what was she to him? He had called her Manny things before but, 'baby girl'? Just what was she to him?

"Sir? Your what?"

"MY FRIEND JUST JUNPED OF A ROOF!!" He blurtted out. with the adrielen finally waring off, the panic and terror finally started to set in.

He heard typing on the other end of the line and then the operator spoke again,"okay, and are they breathing sir?"

"I-" leaning over once more Harlin placed his werewolf ears to her lips again and heard another raggid breath. "Yes! Yes she's breathing! But it's very VERY shallow!" He nearly yelled into the phone. God, this was all taking to long.

"Alright sir, we have traced your call. Officers and medical are on they're way. Please try to remain calm-"

Suddenly he heard her take a rather large breath, and then it stopped. No more ragged breathing, no more nothing. She had stopped.

"OH GOD!! OH MY FUCKING GOD! SHES NOT BREATHING ANYMORE?!!!!" He screamed out once he had heard the last large rattling breath leave her lips. Phone in his right hand, and his left on his head tangling his hair. He grabbed a phist full, pulling at his scalp slightly.

'god. Oh God. Nonononononononononono!'

He though as he realized what he had to do. Moving his thumb and placing it on speaker phone, he threw it to the ground.

"Sir you have to preform spr! Do you know spr?!"

'i've got this! You've got this! It's just like giving her a kiss! Yeah! The kiss of life!'

"Y-yes?!" He nearly questioned to himself.

'oh god, I don't got this!'

"Alright sir, good luck."

Locking his thumbs together he began chest compressions to simulate her heart pumping,




He placed his thumb and pointer finger on her nose. Taking a big breath in he leaned forward once more, tilting his head slighty, he placed his lips on hers, forcebly putting air into her lungs.

And then it did it all again, and a again, and a again, and a again. He did it until he heard the sirens, he did it until he heard the rushing foot steps. He did it until he was pulled away from her body.


( 4 months later )

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