Chapter 2

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The knocking sound outside the door can be hear in where I lay my body down, it interrupt my sleep but what can I do now? No matter how loud outside is I can not land my fist at them, they're still my neighbour after all, but I don't think they have the same though as me and that's not my problem. I can hear it clearly, maybe because sound easy to move through the water than air? I'm not one hundred percent sure if it is true but that what I learn on the internet.

The knocking sound become louder and louder by time, I don't think they gonna stop until Helena get home or they're too tired to keep knocking in despair. This has been a normal thing in this part of our 'normal' life in this apartment, since our older siblings choose to become a gangster. I guess Jackson won't solve this problem, he wouldn't lay a finger on them, all he want is silent and peaceful moment in the end. Helena and Helen won't get home by six, unless they get a day off or allowance to get home earlier, which never happened before, so usually it is me or my twin sister who go out there and chase them away.

I won't do anything to them if they don't hurt the people I love the most, it's obvious that the deal is good enough for both of me and them. But if they dare to cross that line then I'm afraid, I don't know what gonna happen to them in return. I decide to sit down for a few more minutes before going out and cut their act.

To my surprise, the noise stop by the moment I turn off the van. Did Aisu awake because their interrupt her dream or is it Jackson has enough of these unrealistic stuff and decide to stand up for himself. Whether one of it, I can jump over the moon that I don't need to solve this and get some sleep before starting my shift. Wrapping the towels around my beautiful body, a thing come to my mind, my intention told to grab some weapon, is it something attacking it? Or is there someone other than me and my sibling has enter this apartment?

I hide behind the door, carefully listen to the sound of footsteps, observe the smallest detail happen outside the bathroom. I see it, a girl wearing black from head to toe, is she a friend of Aisu? I don't think so, then who can she possible be when she can defeat Jackson. He won't let anyone enter and hurt anyone, I know him too well and I know that she is not normal either.

Suddenly, she turn her head and keep staring at where I hide with those red eyes, I'm not sure if I was being catch or something but I sure that nothing will be good once I get caught by her. She walk forward to my hiding place while I try not to let out any sound even a breath, I don't want to bite a bullet if I can be honest.

One step..

Two step closer..

I close my eyes pray for the god up there can hear my thought and save me from this situation, well who am I kidding? I don't believe in god, if he is real then he wouldn't any of this happen to us. The door where I hide open, as fast as I could I grab something behind me to defend.

In front of me is the girl I saw back when I were singing in the club, i take a look at this moment and careful take a step back with the hanger I grab earlier. The girl look at me with surprised as I weren't supposed to be here, I calculate everything for a last time while she still be shock before for my existence, I take a deep breath and throw the hanger at her.

She look up as a part of my plan, I throw the towel at her to block her vision and kick her in the stomach. Just as I thought everything have been go according to my plan, she block my feet with one hand and the other catching the towel I thrown away. I look at her, butterflies in my stomach. We keep face to face, no one dare to look away their opponent as if they let this chance sly away then there won't be another chance.


The cracking sound attract her attention and take this chance, I use my other feet to jump up and kick her by the chin. Running out as a way to save myself, I run out the run and as I expected she run right after me, she didn't get any injure even after my kick, she look like she can keep chasing me until the sun go down. I'm running outside the front door and hide behind it as fast as I could, hoping she falling right to my trap, not seeing me anywhere while the door is fully open, she run out of it without a single thought. The moment she step out the door, I slam it right away don't want she to get back in here, I even lock it up in case she open it again.

I don't hope anything like that happen again, this make me so tired and I still have job to do later. Today, is a big day after all...

I lean back to the door and sit down, why everything have to go upside down like this, what did we even had done to deserve this. I still remember when our mother told us that everything would be okay if we are all grown up and now looking at the present, we become the black sheep in the state we live, where suppose to be a place for us to share our pain and sadness. I can't blame they after all they have had lose too many things.

- Taisu-nee, what happening? I heard a lot of noise outside...- She rubbing her eyes while saying, it wouldn't be change if she don't remember anything, I walked to her and lead she back to our bedroom before carefully reminded her.

- It's nothing special, you can go back to sleep and have some rest, tonight we need to show everything we have.

Hearing me said that, she simply nod her head and go back to her bed like a good girl, I look around for a bit, making sure the main door and the window are all closed and locked carefully before going to my own bed. I just laying there, ignoring all the thing might happen around me if I let my guard down.

Looking at my little sister who fall asleep right the moment she jump onto bed, so peaceful and safe. It's make me green with envy, sometime I wish I can be innocent like her, so careless but free as she please. Not like I hate her but I love her, I cherish this family after all the thing we have passed until now, everyone still have a huge scar that can't be heal in their hurt. Some of us choose to become tough so that nothing can be able to hurt ourselves while the other choose to forgive but they can't forget about what has happened. Being left behind, betray, isolated by everyone else around, we have passed all of those and there no way we will stop at this. For the better future that we always have dreaming about, we need to try all thing that give us the chance to get us out of this hell, even if that mean sacrificed one of us for the other.

I brush her hair with my hand, I scared that one day it will be one of us who being separate from each other, what she will do without my protection and what can I be without her encouragement?

I don't dare to think about it, it might happen in the future but I just don't know when. I closing my eyes, ready to falling into a deep sleep and wish that all of this just my dream.

My heart sink when I realize that after tonight everything going to change just by one decision from a person and I can't said if whether it is in a good way or not.

Hope everything will be okay for all of us for at least today, just a little more....


Hope you enjoy reading chapter two of Blood and Love, i have alway been exciting while writing this, i mean this is strange but i have jump over the moon when i see there are 8 view reading on my stories. I don't know how the storyline will be leading too but i also hope for a happy ending for my OcS, i will upload the pro5 of all character once i done everything.

Love you guys!

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