Chapter 4

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-Get yourself together, Taisu. Don't lose yourself on this big day..

I said to my reflection in the mirror, not trying to lost my mind because of some small talk that I accident heard. No need to care for those who trying to show up themselves and thinking smoking is cool and all. I look at myself reflection, in front of me is a freak with two colour eyes and a weird colour hair that no one else in the Ouque have, except my twin, even my older sibling surprised before our strange appearance, some said we are the angle the god send down here to save all of them. Must be losing my mind when thinking that, the other said we was the demon guard and the only reason we're in here because we need to guide these poor souls.

I turn my head around just to see a familiar face show up from the air, it was the girl who looking at me at the bar recently. Without a warning, she hugging my waist and bending me down to the floor, let my head lean back to the wall. She move closer to my face and lay her hand on my stomach, a seduce feeling I can smell in the air, she griping my hand tight and not letting me go no matter how hard I try to get it off.

-What do you want from me?- I asked while frowning my eyebrow at her.

She remain the silent in stead of answer my question, her action only make the feeling in this room become more award than what it was already. She use her hand rubbing through my hair, a chill run down my spine as I try to get away from her. But then she lean her body closer to mine, whispering in my ear:

- Don't move, bunny - She smirked at me, look down on my hopeless body, don't care about what I might think about her first impression- You gonna spilled the milked real bad if you move, I won't lie, not to a pretty face like you.

She let out a small giggle, the air around us start to feeling with strange red smoke, it become thicker and thicker a time passed. Just then, I realize that she was the only girl who sitting in the Don table, her seat locate opposite to the stage. I stay silent for a while before biting her hand, who care if she is a Don? I know I gonna regret this afterward but I'm not that easy type girl let anyone allow to joke on me without my permission.

That was my thought until she open her mouth with that smirked on her face.

- Your sister is truly amazing, isn't she?

I look at him with furious in my eyes

-woah there, no need to be angry at me. Even if your lil sis have a beautiful and I'm not gonna lie, a nice body too, but I'm not into her but more into you. On the other hand, my lil bro and sis is might be a little interested in her.

I look at her with confusion. What she want from me then, I'm not the prettiest here nor the most talent among all these participant. What she can possibly gain from me?

- what do you want from me?

- I want nothing from you, but you do need something from me, aren't you?

I stunned at her words, only when she lend me her hand to help me get up I was finally understand what she want. She was the girl who got into my house and I don't think I should tell her I recognize her by the moment our met. That's.. will be better this way.

- Sorry for earlier, let me introduce my name, I'm Tina Marlys but you can call me Tina. It's my honour to meet such a gorgeous girl like you.

-oh.. yeah.. nice to meet you too. Name Taisu Globe.

We stood there after our inducement to each other, not a single breath can be heard, which made this screen become more stress and awkward for both of us. We keep standing there like a dead corpse.

-well... shall we-

A loud scream located in the changing room that can be heard from where we stand. I rush to where the noise come from as soon as recognize the owner of the voice, which is my lovely sister.

When I get there, the door was wide open and the scene in front of me make me hit the ceiling once I saw all the things happen in it. There was a girl pulling my sister's hair while the other hand holding a scissor and it not take long to think what was it for, the other girls was helping her by pressing Aisu's down on the floor, not letting her escape.

- What the hell are you think you're doing?

I walk towards her without any hesitation, glaring into her eyes. No need to say that she clearly scare when she see me, I'm sure that she know that her little game she play has pissed me off and I ready to jump down her throat.

- Don't rain on my parade, Taisu, I wasn't even planning make a scar on her face anything- she laugh

in nervously

- You were planning to use that on my sister face? Are you out of your might or you want to die right after the deal?

- What are you doing over there?! are you trying to pick up a fight with each other!!!
If my owner scream was only rank second then I don't think no one can rank higher than him. But I have to admit he is right, today is a special day for everyone, I shouldn't let my temper get over my mind, I let out a sigh when Aisu return into my arm with wet eyes.

- You shouldn't chasing rainbows, Taisu

A girl in one of those girl before whispering into my face when she across me with that ugly smirk face, I'm sure that she is the one who behind all those things just happen and no one else. I don't think no one who work in here as long as me or at least a half of me dare to touch the sweetest and angelic figure in the club just to mess with me. Everyone know how I am when I blow a fuse.

All the participants form into two line from shortest to tallest right after the owner of the club make a sign that it's almost time for the bet to begin. The people we were expected come in right the moment we already done all our stuff and form in a line.

I was surprised when I see Tina when I know I shouldn't let out any bad feeling towards them. I have expected that she might be the highest Don but that was only 50% but now thing happen in front of me, I truly wish I didn't meet her in the bathroom. She come in with two other people, a girl and a boy, they both look extremely like her but a bit younger. They must be her sibling, just judging by their appearance and face, I can see all the similar to her.

She stand next to me when I was drown in my thoughts. It must be funny enough for her to blow a whisper to my ears and make me almost jump out of here, she laughing so hard that I though she might be death because a stupid reason. Laugh to death. What a joke, I put a smile at first then stop after a sec.

The other two people come straight to where the shortest person stand, which is Aisu, they basically block all her escape and keep staring at her without a blink. For some strange reason, I can definitely know that my poor little sister is need it me to come there and rescue her far away from those people.

Then I look back at Tina who now coughing because laughing too much, is she really a Don? Where are all her pride, did she accidentally drop it on the way coming here? I grab her by her collar and look at her with a furious face, I still can't what she did to me in the bathroom and now acting all high up and strangely towards to me.

- Hey, let her go, you stupid b*tch, you ungrateful creature!!

Come along with the scream is the whip from the brand new stick he just bought for himself with our money. I guess I deserve that, thank to that I can finally calm down after all the things, I don't know what is the reason why am I acting like this, easy to get angry when she beside me. Did she curse me or something?


that's all for today, i don't know why and what is the reason i write the main character so easy too lose her control.. what is the meaning for all of this? and what is the reason why Tina, who only show up and meet her for one day acting like she is close with her

Once again, this story is all made up by myself, and the charater in here is my OcS so don't take this away from me please even if you are, please tag me in there or at least credit me

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