Randomness based off Instagram

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Technically, based off the vid above. By the way, I purposely made their personalities less accurate just to match the scenarios.


When being a good friend goes wrong

Everest: *sits down next to Rin* Yo Rin, I need your help with a boy.

Rin: Oh yeah?

Everest: Yeah, he's so hot!

Rin: How hot?

Everest: Blonde hair, blue eyes, big butt :D

Rin: Wow, even I wanna fall in love with him :D

Everest: What should I do?

Rin: You should make a move!

Everest: Here we go!

~Quickly pans to Everest and the boy in front of Rin~

Everest: Hey.

Unknown boy: Hey.

Rin: *cheers in the background*

Everest & Unknown boy: *makes out*

Rin: Yes! Yes!

Everest: Dude, it worked! :D

Unknown boy:*turns around;reveals to be Len* :D

Rin: Len?!

Everest: Wait, you know him?

Rin:*tackles her down from behind* THAT'S MY BROTHER!


When you see someone you hate in public

~Everest,Sophie & Cloverina in a store~

Everest: *Sees (insert boy name)stops them* Dude, it's my ex.

Cloverina: Ugh, I hate him. ಠ_ಠ

Sophie: I hate him too. ಠ_ಠ

All three:


Real life matchmaking!

Boy: *walks behind a girl with a flower in hand. Stops,turns around in giving up*

Girl:*minds her own business. Is unaware of the boy's presence.*

Everest:*walks between them and tapped them from behind.*

Both:*turns around. Sees each other. Love happens*

Everest: *Victory dances in the background*


The friends who always ask for your food

Everest: Hey man, can I have a chip?

Ryuto: No.

Everest:*fake cries* I just want one chip ಥ_ಥ

Ryuto in the tune of a song: 🎶I don't really care if you cry🎶 *punches her away* (-_-)

Sophie: *comes up* Can I have a chip?

Ryuto: *punches her away* 🎶All my friends are dead. Push me to the edge.

(I so relate those lyrics)


There's always that one clumsy friend

~Everest, Jana,Sophie, Cloverina, Luna-chan above a pool~

Everest: Okay, ready? 1,2,3!

Jana:*jumps off and lands safely*

Sophie:*jumps off and lands safely*

Cloverina:*jumps off and lands safely*

Luna-chan:*jumps off and lands safely*

Everest:*jumps off and fell in the water*

Everyone:*speaks incoherently while trying to pull her out*


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