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Trường PTTH Hai Bà Trưng             ĐỀ THI CHỌN ĐỘI TUYỂN HỌC SINH GIỎI                                    

                                                                             Bộ môn: tiếng Anh

                                                                      Thời gian: 150 phút



I.        PHONETICS:

1. A. debt                        B. nib              C. absorb           D. absent

2. A. wicked                    B. hatred         C. sacred           D. looked

3. A. delicate                   B. concentrateC. private          D. accurate

4. A. carriage                   B. voyage        C. massage        D. dosage

5. A. laugh                      B. plough        C. enough         D. cough         


Part 1: Choose the most suitable word or phrase which best completes each sentence. Circle the letter A,B or D next to the correct word or phrase:

1.     He couldn’t ............. his father that he was telling the truth.

A. admit                     B. confide        C. trust             D. convince

2. It was difficult to guess what her ............ to the news would be.

    A. feelings                   B. reaction       C. capital           D. opinion

3. My passport ............ last month, so I will have to get a new one.

    A. elapsed                   B. expired        C. ended            D. terminated

4. His answer was so confused that I could hardly make any ............. of it at all.

    A. interpretation          B. meaning      C. intelligibilityD. sense

5. I wish you’d tell me what I ............ do in this difficult situation

    A. shall                       B. would          C. should          D. ought

6. A competitor may submit any number of entries ............. each one is accompanied by a packet top.

    A. supposing                                      B. notwithstanding         

    C. assuredly                                        D. provided

7. He earns his living by ............ old paintings.

    A. reviving                  B. restoring      C. reforming      D. replenishing

8. The majority of nurses are women, but in the higher ranks of the medical profession women are in a ............

    A. rarity                      B. minority      C. scarcity         D. minimum

9. Although he was under no ............ the shopkeeper replaced the defective battery free of charge.

    A. urgency                  B. guarantee    C. obligation     D. insistence

10. To be a good short story writer one needs, among other things, a very ............. imagination.

    A. vivid                       B. living          C. bright           D. sparkling

11. This ticket ............ you to a free meal in our new restaurant.

    A. confers                   B. entitles        C. grants           D. credits

12. This book gives a brief ............ of the history of the castle and details of the art collection in the main hall.

    A. outline                    B. reference     C. article           D. research

13. Mark is very set in his ways, but John has a more ............ attitude to life.

    A. changeable              B. flexible        C. moveable      D. fluid

14. All three TV channels provide extensive ............ of sporting events.

    A. vision                     B. coverage      C. broadcast      D. network

15. ............ I am aware, there were no problems during the first six months.

    A. As far as                                        B. So much as

    C. Much more than                            D. Except that

Part 2: Put each verb in parentheses into an appropriate tense.

    We (1) .............(live) in our present house in the country for three years. We (2) .............(move) here after our second child (3)............ (be) born. We (4)............ (live) in town for ten years, and (5) ............ (decide) that as soon as we (6) ............. (can) afford it, we (7) ............. (move) away from the smoke and the noise of the city centre, which we finally (8) .............(do)  in 1999.

    We (9) ............ never (regret) it. We (10) ............(be) reminded of the wisdom of our decision every morning when we (11) ............(draw) the curtains to see open fields stretching before us. When the children (12) ............(have) breakfast, they (13) ............ (rush) outside to play, which they (14) ............ whatever the weather. While they (15) ............ (play) outside, we somehow manage to start the day.



Part 1:  Fill each of the numbered blanks in the passage with one suitable word:  


                                      The future of television

          The increase in the number of available TV channels world wide is bound to have far reaching effects. Up to now, television has been a uniquely unifying national phenomenon (1) ............. before have so many people had (2) ............ such a common core of shared cultural experiences. (3) ............ creates a durable communal bond. You (4)............ not know the names of your next-door (5)............, but you can be fairly sure that over the past few days they have seen some of the same programmes you have.

          Before (6) ............, with the vast expansion of television programming, everyone will be able to watch (7) ............ different_”Me TV” perhaps-just as each Internet user (8)............ explore a different selection of websites. The television will become a personal (9) ............ of equipment more like a mobile phone (10)............ a communal source of entertainment. But it is also possible (11) ............ on these personalised machines, people will actually (12) ............. up watching fewer programmes: that television will become more (13) ............ the movie business with a number of blockbusters attracting vast global (14) .............

          Viewers in all countries will (15) .............. day be able to pick their programmes in a global market. (16) ............. may still choose to watch their own national programmes since programmes (17) ............. at international markets, with the partial exception of those from America, (18) ............. to have smaller audiences than do national products. But, armed (19)............. a credit card and a remote control, people will eventually order television programmes from (20) ............. they choose. The television business will then become truly global. So, perhaps, will the cultural values it instills.

Part 2: Choose the best answer:

          A child who has once been pleased with a tale likes, as a rule, to have it retold in identically the same words, but this should not lead parents to treat printed fairy stories as sacred texts. It is always much better to tell a story than to read it out of a book and, if a parent can produce an improvement on the printed text, so much the better.

          A chanrge made against fairy tales is that they harm the child by frightening him or arousing his sadistic impulses. To prove the latter, one would have to show in a controlled experiment hat children who have read fairy stories were more often guilty of cruelty than those who had not. On the whole, their symbolic verbal discharge seems to be rather a safety valve than an incitement to overt action. As to fears, there are, I think, well-authenticated cases of children being dangerously terrified by some fairy story. Often, however, this arises from the child having been told the story on only one occasion. Familiarity with the story by repetition turns the pain of fear into the pleasure of a fear faced and mastered.

          There are also people who object to fairy stories on the grounds that they are not objectively true, that giants, witches, two-headed dragons, magic carpets, etc., do not exist: and that, instead of indulging his fantasies in fairy tale, the child should be taught how to adapt to reality by studying history and mechanics. I find such people, I must confess, so unsympathetic and peculiar that I do not know how to argue with them. If their case were sound, the world should be full of madmen attempting to fly from New York to Philadelphia on a broomstick or covering a telephone with kisses in the belief that it was their enchanted girlfriend.

          No fairy story ever claimed to be a description of the external world and no sane child has ever believed that it was.

1.     The author considers that a fairy story is more effective when it is

A.      repeated without variation

B.      treated with reverence.

C.      adapted by the parent.

D.      set in the past.

2.     According to the passage great fear can be stimulated in a child when a story is

A.                 full of cruelty.

B.                  heard only once.

C.                  repeated too often.

D.                 dramatically told.

3.     The advantage claimed for repeating fairy stories to young children is that it

A.   makes them come to terms with their fears.

B.    develops their power of memory.

C.    convinces them there is nothing to be afraid of.

D.   encourages them not to have ridiculous beliefs.

4.     The author’s mention of broomsticks and telephones is meant to suggest that

A.   fairy stories are still being made up.

B.    there are different kinds of truth.

C.    fairy stories are different from reality.

D.   there is more concern for children’s fears nowadays.


Part 1: Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence.

1.    Perhaps finding someone to replace her is proving difficult for him.

He appears ........................................................................................

2.    I’m excited that the new theatre will be completed soon.

I’m looking .......................................................................................

3.    I wish I’d paid more attention to his warnings.

I regret ...............................................................................................

4. The travel agent is going to send us the tickets when they arrive.

    I’ve arranged .....................................................................................

5.   Just lately, money has become more of a problem for me.

I’m starting .........................................................................................      

6.   “I admit that I forgot to turn on the alarm system,” said Robert.

Robert confessed to ...........................................................................

7.   She took extra night classed, so as not to have to repeat the course.

She avoided ....................................................................................

8.   He said that nobody had given him money.

He denied ........................................................................................

9.   It’s not normal for me to have to work this hard.

I am not ............................................................................................

10. The censors regarded the film as not being suitable for young children.

    The film was considered ..........................................................................

11.                        I was very sorry I wasn’t able to see him off at the station.

If only ......................................................................................................          

Part 2. In most lines of this text there is one unnecessary word. It is either grammatically wrong or does not make sense. Write the unnecessary words on the spaces on the right. Tick (ü) any lines that are correct.

    In the United Kingdom women can see                 their doctor on the average five times a   

    year, compared with a men who visit

    their doctor about three times a year.

    Two out of three women leave from their

    GP’s surgery clutching a prescription. Yet

    women have been taking tablets without

    knowing that what effect they may have on

    their bodies, because of a scientific anomaly_

    the most drugs are tested on the men. In addition,

there are well-known examples of the way drugs and other substances should work differently

in women. The different balance of the fat and

muscle in men’s and women’s bodies affects to the speed with which alcohol is absorbed and

 broken down, for example. It is being predicted that natural remedies will continue to gain

in the popularity as women, in particular, are

become more aware of the possible side-effects

of which the powerful drugs currently being prescribed. 

                                        ====   THE END  ====























                                                   ĐÁP ÁN

I.                   PHONETICS:

1.     A

2.     D

3.     B

4.     C

5.     B


Part 1:

1. D                                           2. B                               3. B

4. D                                           5. C                               6. D

7. B                                           8. B                               9. C

10. A                                         11. B                             12. A

13. B                                         14. B                             15. A

Part 2:

1. have lived                             2. moved                       3. was/had been born

4. had lived                               5. decided                      6. could

7. would move                          8. did                             9. have never regretted

10. are reminded                       11. draw                        12. have had

13. rush                                    14. do                            15. are playing


Part 1.

          1. never                                              2. such

          3. This                                                4. may / might

          5. neighbours                                      6. long

          7. something                                       8. can/could/will

          9. piece/ item                                      10. than

          11. that                                               12. end

          13. like                                               14. audiences/ viewers

          15. one                                               16. They/ People

          17. aimed/ targeted                              18. tend/ seem/ appear

          19. with                                              20. anywhere/ wherever

Part 2:

1.     C

2.     B

3.     A

4.     B


Part 1: Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence.

1.   He appears to be having difficulty finding someone to replace her.

2.   I’m looking to the completion of the new theatre.

3.   I regret not paying more / having paid so little attention to his warnings.

4.   I’ve arranged for the tickets to be sent to us ( by the travel agent) when they arrive.

5.   I’m starting to have a few money problem.

6.   Robert confessed to forgetting to turn on the alarm system.

7.   She avoided having to repeat the course by taking extra night classes.

8.   He denied being given/ receiving money.

9.   I am not used to having to work this hard.

10.                        The film was considered ( by the censors) not to be suitable / to be unsuitable.

11.                        If only I had been able to see him off at the station.

Part 2:

              1. can                                                 2. the

              3. a                                                     4. ü

              5. from                                               6. ü

              7.ü                                                     8. that

              9. ü                                                    10. the

              11. ü                                                  12. should

              13. the                                                14. to

              15. ü                                                  16. being

              17. ü                                                  18. the

              19. are                                                20. which

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