Chapter 28 : Life Struggles

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Tsumugu's gun was focused on me but I noticed he was sweating a bit knowing that it will just bounce off me.

You: So are you going to keep pointing that gun at me like a pissant, or are you going to be civilized and put the gun down. Either way the gun is gonna be put down.

Ryuko: You don't need to handle this for me!

Tsumugu: To be honest he is more intimidating than a half naked high schooler. Plus you don't have your Kamui or your Scissor. Like you can even beat me like that!

Ryuko: I can beat you even if I was full on naked! Your threats don't faze me!

I raised an eyebrow and knowing her she is serious about going full on naked to. I pinched the bridge of my nose and in my mind saying "bruh". Mako came up pretty dang quickly but I was facepalming as this was just a weird topic I noticed my costume was back on me which was good.

Mako: No, you can't! A girl only reveals herself in her full glory to the person she loves the most in the whole world! You don't love Mr. Mohawk, you love (F/N) deeply! Since you told me that night he was asleep and you keep looking at him in his sleep.

You: Excuse me... But you stare at me when I go to sleep?

Ryuko's whole face was as red as a cherry and I was weirded out about that.


You: Right... I'm flattered but that's just too creepy.

Mako: She not only just stares at you but she also talks about how cute you are and how she wants to...

Mako was interrupted by Ryuko covering her mouth and I just backed away from the girls. I was now scared to even think what Mako was going to say.

You: Well then... It was nice hearing about this but I have to go anywhere but here!

I walked out of the room and I didn't like the fact everyone was nude. I dived in the water swimming away until I got to the surface and I saw a city in ruins. I don't know how to respond to that situation since it is my first time being in that kind of problem.

You: What the hell happened here?! I have to go call ma and see how pa is doing. Then me and Matoi are seriously going to talk about what just happened. That girl loves me, this is new on so many levels I don't know how to respond to that stuff because I never dealt with it before. Especially since the fact that Butch bullied me about every little thing. But Ryuko loves me that's just wow, I'm flattered but confused. I haven't had many people care about me much.

2 Years Ago

Homecoming was coming up and I was helping out setting the decorations I had no intentions on going since me and pa were going hunting that day. After climbing up on the ladder to set the final decoration Butch came over and kicked the ladder from under me and I had to grab on to a ledge of a window.

Butch: So dumbass you got no date to homecoming, how pathetic of you!

You: Haha, very funny Butch now put the ladder back up so I can get down.

Butch: Nah! You're perfectly fine up there!

You: Seriously this is not funny!

I began to slip from the ledge of the window and fell on the floor. Thank god I couldn't get hurt or I'd be in a lot of pain. I faked spraining my ankle when I got up and limped to a chair the students run up to me.

Male Student: You okay?

You: I think I sprained my ankle, ow...

Female Student: You took a nasty fall let me get the nurse!

You: Thanks...

Butch: Hahahaha! (L/N) is only getting pity because he got hurt!

You: Yeah you say that, but at least I know my father.

Butch: That does it dumbass! I'm gonna kick your ass!

Butch walked up to me but a bunch of students blocked his path and I was confused on why they were doing this.

Male Student: You've almost got him killed!

Female Student: You should be locked up you psycho!

You: ....

I was speechless because this was the first time people actually stood up to me. A bunch of students helped me to the nurse as Butch was currently being escorted to the principal's office. As soon as I got to the nurse's room the students left me and I sat on a chair thinking of what just happened.

Current Time

You: She loves me...? Focus (F/N) (L/N), now I got to find out about the Life Fibers in my brain are all about.

The water began to shake violently as I took off into the sky and straight to the Fortress of Solitude. I walk in kind of mad at the fact my real father lied to me. The hologram of my real father pops up as I walked up to it.

(RD/N): Hello my son.

You: Don't hello me! Why didn't you tell me that there are Life Fibers in my cerebral cortex!

(RD/N): So you know about the Life Fibers in your brain.

You: Yeah! I want to know why they are in my head and how the hell to get them out!

(RD/N): The reason why you have those in your brain, when you were born General Zod ordered that you were to be linked to the Life Fibers.

Krypton 18 years ago

(RM/N) - Real Mother Name

(RD/N)'s POV

Zod: Now then (RD/N), your son has been ordered by the high council to be the first Kryptonian/Life Fiber hybrid. Failure to cooperate will result in imprisonment!

(RD/N): But he is only a newborn child, my son will not be some hybrid!

Zod: You have no choice, since you are being complicated I will take your son by force!

Zod's troops barged in our home and they grabbed my son from my wife's hands. I ran up to him and punched him in the face but he quickly was able to subdue me with a punch to the stomach and another one to the face.

Zod: Your son will be an achievement! The first ever Kryptonian to be bounded with Life Fibers! Think of what this could do to benefit us!

(RD/N): But we don't know what will happen to him, he could die because those Life Fibers are parasites!

I hear my wife running up panicking as Zod was taking (K/N) away from us. I got up and ran up to Zod but I was restrained by his troops.

(RM/N): Zod! Please don't do this, he is only a baby!

Zod: You two deny this planet of greatness for the well-being of your son!

Zod takes (K/N) away from our home and the Zod's soldiers let me go as they leave our home too. My wife ran up to me as she helped me up to my feet.

(RD/N): I wasn't strong enough to save him! They are going to turn our son into a hybrid. But no matter what happens he will always be our son!

(RM/N): I can't believe they would do that to a baby!

She began to cry as I held her in my arms. I got angry as Zod messed with my family.

Current Day

Your POV

You: They took me away to bond me with Life Fibers! But why didn't you tell me that?!

(RD/N): Because I knew that you would freak out from this. But you can only get rid of the Life Fibers in your brain by taking down the Original Life Fiber.

You: But by taking down the original fiber wouldn't that kill Senketsu?

(RD/N): I'm sorry but yes it would...

You: Oh... But I can't do that to Matoi, her and Senketsu are inseparable. But I do need to get these fibers out of my head.

(RD/N): If you don't do that, there is a high chance your mind will be taken over. Sorry but you have to this my son.

You: Yeah... I have to do this for humanity, but Ryuko will lose her best friend...

(RD/N): Til then my son.

He disappears as I walk up to the computer monitor mad from the news, I pet Krypto on his head as I look on the computer.

You: Sorry Matoi but I am dangerous if I don't get these Life Fibers out of my head... I wish other heroes were around this would be so much easier than it really is. But I don't know how to respond to Ryuko having a crush on me, I guess it will take time for me to process that.

Reports of Lex Corp making deals with REVOCS, and I knew about how it's current owner Lex Luthor has some pretty shady stuff about him.

You: So the new company Lex Corp is making deals with REVOCS. Maybe I should pay this Lex Luthor a visit, but first things first I got to call ma.

I pull out my phone out of my bag in the Fortress and I dial my mother's phone number. I waited until I got an answer from ma who was happy to hear me.

You: Hey ma!

Ma: Hello (F/N), it's so nice to hear your voice again.

You: Yeah It's good to hear from you again as well, I miss you guys a lot.

Ma: I miss you too! And I am sure (FD/N) misses you too.

You: I've been meaning to visit but I just had a lot of things going on over the week that has kept me busy. School, work and since I now live with Mako's family I go to sleep extra early to be the first one up to get ready.

Ma: Well you keep focusing on what's important to you, now when do I get to meet your new friends?

You: That I don't know, but I plan on bringing you down so you can get away from the farm and relax. I worry about you ma, I hope pa recovers so I can take us out for a nice dinner. My treat.

Ma: That's sweet, so you meet anyone special or how about that Ryuko girl you talked about last time you were here?

You: Hehehe... Turns out she actually does have a crush on me. But I don't know what to do about it since I am new to this... I mean I am so stressed about pa to be worry too much about that.

Ma: If you like her back then you let your heart choose, it's your choice about who you want to spend your life with.

You: Yeah... Well I will think about that but until then I got work to do.

Ma: I don't want to keep you too busy now so I will talk to you again sometime. Love you, goodbye.

You: Love you too, bye.

I hang up the phone and put it back in my bag then I sit back in the chair yawning. I had a lot of work ahead of me if I want to stop this evil corporation.

You: This is not gonna be easy. For now I should go back because this will not be fun.

I walked out with Krypto because he is not spending the night alone. We both flew back home where the I can see that Ryuko and Mako didn't get back so me and Krypto walked in. I noticed the house was empty they were probably out looking for their daughter and her friend.

You: Come on boy we got to rest for tomorrow, I really wanted them to meet you but oh well might as well go to sleep.

I quickly changed into pajamas and laid down at my spot of the floor and Krypto laid down next to me. I smiled as I pet Krypto behind his ears and then covered up because tomorrow is going to be a long day.

You: Goodnight boy.

Krypto barked then quickly fell asleep while I laid there for a bit thinking about some things. My brain has Life Fibers in them which if I don't get them out I could hurt someone. My eyes gotten heavier as I fell into a soothing sleep which was very rare for me.


I woke up early in the morning which I got ready like usual and took Krypto outside for a walk around town. A big rally was going on as I saw Gamagoori standing on top of a podium so I thought I watch this.

Gamagoori: Form up! At attention! Listen closely! Tomorrow, the Cultural & Sports Grand Festival will be held at Honnouji Academy! All No-Star students and their parents are to welcome Director Kiryuin from the spectator seats! Ceremonial dress uniforms will be distributed to all of you! Gather at the stadium entrance in these uniforms by 8:30 AM! Tardiness will not be tolerated! Unkempt dress will not be tolerated! Assume that even the slightest breach of etiquette will carry the death penalty! Dismissed!

You: Yeah forget that...

???: Wait just one minute!

I look up to Barazo and the rest of the family except Mako and Ryuko which was very surprising to see them up there.

Gamagoori: And who are you?!

Barazo: Barazo Mankanshoku, father of Second Year Class K's Mako Mankanshoku!

Sukuyo: His wife, Sukuyo!

Mataro: Their firstborn son, Mataro!

Guts: Guts, Guts!

You: What are they doing?

Gamagoori: What a well-mannered family. Even the dog introduces itself. What do you want?

Barazo: Where is Mako? I heard that Mako was conscripted into the Schools Raid Trip. The other students have returned, but not Mako and Ryuko. Would you care to explain that?

Gamagoori: Matoi and Mankanshoku? They are rebels. As the family of rebels, your home is to be confiscated and you are to be banished from Honnou Town! However, tomorrow is the Cultural & Sports Grand Festival. I will grant you a special pardon! You will be allowed to participle! If you wish to atone for your daughter's crimes, participate in the ceremony and wholeheartedly toast the honor and glory of Lady Satsuki and Lady Ragyo! Is that clear?!

Barazo suddenly gotten bold which was new to see for me since the fact he is scared to act that way when I am around.

Barazo: I'd like to ask you two things.

Gamagoori: What?

Barazo: Are the girls alive?

Gamagoori: Yes.

Barazo: Question two! Will this ceremony be catered?

You: Are you serious right now...

Gamagoori: O-Of course.

Barazo: Very well! On the honor of the Mankanshoku family, in order to remove our daughter's stigma, we shall clean our plates of this food leaving not one crumb uneaten! Mark my words!

You: He is serious...

I walk Krypto around some more but after I got home I saw a package for me. I was scared if it was another Goku Uniform but when it was opened there was a tux and dress pants with a note on it.

You: "To the guess of honor, Superman you will be given special seats as requested by Lady Ragyo herself. She wishes to finally meet you so please think of the offer. It will be a spectacular show to see, and a man with your power should be there to see it." It's clearly a trap but I have no choice but to play along to get Music Meister and save my father. Well tomorrow will be a hell of a day.

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