Chapter 30 : Mind Breaker

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Superman was missing from the battling going on below. Ryuko took down a bunch of mind controlled students while Satsuki pointed her blade to her mother.

Satsuki: Ragyo Kiryuin! You won't escape me!

Ragyo: Even though you're my daughter, I must say that I am impressed. However, you are making several grave mistakes.

A red thread emerges from her finger which wraps Ryuko up which then she was strung up high from the ground.

Satsuki: Matoi!

Senketsu: Ryuko! I can't undo this thread!

Ryuko: Son of a...

The thread goes into her brain putting her under control like the rest of the students affected.

Ragyo: For instance, you summoned this Matoi girl here.

Ryuko dropped to the ground all pale white as she was ready to fight Satsuki.

Ragyo: You may have expected her to fight for you, but if I do this, she becomes my pawn. What a shame...

Ryuko charged at Satsuki which both of them are in a clash, the amount of force from this clash causes a huge gust of wind to blow behind them.

Ragyo: This much power without Life Fiber synchronization? Magnificent. It would appear to be a inherent ability she possesses.

Satsuki: You little fool!

Meanwhile the newly controlled Superman was standing guard outside of the arena.

(F/N)'s Mind: Gotta break free from these Life Fibers! Think, think! I'm may not fully be under her influence so maybe I can get free. Somehow, gosh I sure hope the others are okay, I got to find a way to sever the connection but how. Great now my body talking about how great the puppeteer is.

(F/N): My queen will succeed against these pathetic humans, soon mankind will be consumed by Life Fibers!

(F/N)'s Mind: Oh shut up body! Memory note remember to slap myself in the face really hard after this is over. Wait if I am under her control then how come I can still think freely unless, the sun is still up maybe if I absorb a little more energy I can break this damn mind control thing. I just hope nothing bad happens with my body while it is under control since I am still using it.

???: A prisoner in your own mind Superman! This should teach you proper manners!

(F/N)'s Mind: What are you doing here in my mind?!

Ryuko and Satsuki still battling it out each strike clashing with the other. It's like they are even.

Satsuki: Matoi, snap out of it!

Ragyo: I tied up her nervous system good and tight. She'll never be able to break free of my control.

Both Satsuki and Ryuko'a blade launch up in the air out of their hands that's when Ryuko and Satsuki tried to headbutt each other. Instead of that Ryuko punched herself causing her to bleed from her nose.

Ryuko: Don't... screw... with... me!

Ryuko manages to cut the thread that tied her brain. She pulls the fibers out of her head which of course caused bleeding.

Ryuko: You can't tie down me and Senketsu with a little thread like this!

Ragyo and Rei stood there shocked by this but with Superman still under her control she was still calm.

Rei: Impossible... She broke free of your Mind Stitching?

Ragyo: This feeling... Impossible!

Satsuki: I expected nothing less from someone who's been a constant thorn in my side.

Ryuko: How long are you gonna keep talking down to me? I got a while heap of bones to pick with you. But for now, I'm taking her down!

Ragyo: La vie est juste drôle.

Ryuko: Let's do it, Senketsu!

Senketsu: Ready!

Ragyo: Truly, life is... most amusing!

Ryuko got ready to transform but Nui appeared right in front of her.

Nui: Long time, no see, Ryuko!

Ryuko: You! Nui Harime!

Nui: Satsuki said that the whole killing-your-father thing was her idea, but that's a lie, lie, lie, a big fat lie! Lady Ragyo and I were behind the whole thing! You want me to give you back this Scissor Blade, right? Come on, avenge your father right here and now. But don't get mad at me if your quest for revenge costs you your life, okay? This time that annoying alien boyfriend of yours won't get in the way!

Ryuko: Kiryuin, Ragyo is yours.

Satsuki: She isn't yours to give. Defeating my mother is my lifelong ambition!

Ryuko transformed in her Kamui state which doesn't surprise people anymore at this point.

Ryuko: Life Fiber Synchronize, Kamui Senketsu!

Nui and Ryuko immediately started in a sword battle, each strike connecting with each other but Ryuko was better this time. She dodged Nui's attack which left Nui with a shocked look upon her face.

Ryuko: Remind me, were you this slow before?

Nui: Mon mignon prêt-à-porter!

Nui spawns a bunch of clones of her but this doesn't intimidate Ryuko in the slightest.

Ryuko: You think scraps of cloth are a match for me?!

With a single strike Ryuko slashed the clones down cutting them into pieces of cloth floating in the wind. Nui was confused on how she did that.

Nui: Impossible!

Ryuko circled around Nui who was just left in shock like she didn't know an outcome like this would happen.

Ryuko: Aw, what's the matter? I've never seen you look worried before.

Senketsu: Ryuko!

Ryuko: What's wrong? Are you saying I'm getting carried away again?

Senketsu: No, the opposite! We've never been so in sync before! Right now, you and I are one! This is literally Life Fiber Synchronization!

Ryuko: I know! Doesn't this feel awesome?!

Ryuko sped around Nui until she decided to go in for a strike which Nui blocked but Nui had a worried look upon her face.

Nui: How can an ordinary human have this much power?

Satsuki charged at her mother but Rei got in the way so Satsuki swung her blade at Rei but she blocked it with her sleeves. Satsuki pushes Rei back into the big screen.

Satsuki: Ragyo Kiryuin! You will pay for taking the lives of my father, Soichiro Kiryuin, and my baby sister who was never given a name!

Ragyo: This is all about revenge for ancient history? For someone so young. You're so trite.

Satsuki: It is a noble cause resulting from personal feelings. Someone like you whose soul is enchained by Life Fibers could never understand.

Ragyo: Can you defeat me, though?

Satsuki: If I take your head, not even you will survive! Now I'll have your head!

Satsuki swung a few times before standing behind Ragyo as her head was decapitated. This causes blood to pour from her body as her head hit the ground. Blood rained down as Satsuki just stood in the same pose.

Satsuki: It is finished.

Satsuki stood there shock as she heard a noise coming to the school.

Satsuki: I was just imagining things.

???: It is you that is finished, Satsuki.

Ragyo's was still alive which shocked Satsuki when she was punched to the side by Ragyo's body.

Ragyo: As long as a single scrap of skin... no, a single strand of neck thread remains attached, my body can regenerate itself.

Ragyo's body pick her head up to reattach to her body.

Ragyo: It would seem that not even your Bakuzan was able to sever it completely.

Satsuki: Impossible...

Elite Four: Lady Satsuki!

Rei stood before them when a light shined on her.

Rei: You will not interfere.

Ragyo grabbed Satsuki by her throat then lifted her off the ground like she was light weight

Ragyo: Satsuki, you are completely misunderstanding. You think you are wearing Juneketsu perfectly.

Satsuki: What are you saying?

Ragyo: All you're doing is forcing it onto you. To the ignorant masses, even that much would appear impressive. If anything, I give you an A for effort. But nothing is uglier than seeing someone wear clothing that doesn't fit them!

Ragyo began to punch Satsuki multiple times making her cough up blood.

Ragyo: Wearing Juneketsu to this battle was a terrible mistake. Of course, you wouldn't be able to stand before me if it weren't for his strength.

Satsuki: I had enough of your garbage!

Satsuki swung her blade at Ragyo but Ragyo broke the blade with her wrist. Then she gut punches Satsuki making her spit out even more blood.

Ragyo: Your little scheme had given me no end of entertainment. But I think it's time for you to return Juneketsu.

A light formed around the two as it combust causing Satsuki to get thrown back while Ragyo turned away.

(F/N)'s mind

Superman: Mr Mxyzptlk?! What the hell are you doing here?

Mr Mxyzptlk: Well come on why go out there with that boring mind controlled dummy when I could bother the real deal!

Superman: Really...

Mr Mxyzptlk: Come on now, besides I know how to get you out of here and back in control.

Superman: Tell me!

Mr Mxyzptlk: Ah ah ah! Not yet first I need you to do something for me!

Superman: Fine... What do you want me to do?

Mr Mxyzptlk whispered in (F/N)'s ear but what Mr Mxyzptlk said shocked (F/N).

Superman: What no I'm not doing that!

Mr Mxyzptlk: Oh well you can be stuck in here with me all of your life!

Superman: Okay dang! But under one condition.

(F/N) whispered in Mr Mxyzptlk's ear and what (F/N) said made him nod in agreement.

Mr Mxyzptlk: That is perfect!

Superman: Okay so how do I get out of here now?!

Mr Mxyzptlk: Willpower! Come on you are freaking Superman you're suppose to have the greatest willpower in this known galaxy!

Superman: But I don't know how to... wait a minute?

Superman listened out when he heard a bunch of noises in the sky then while listening he can't hear his father's heart beat.

Superman: Pa... dad... no... he's gone. He's gone!

Mr Mxyzptlk: Oh yeah been meaning to tell you that Nui girl killed him.

Superman: She WHAT!

Superman's eyes glew red he was enraged at this news.


Superman was standing there until he began to wince in pain then grabbed onto his head.


Superman walked back into the stadium but he had trouble walking as he was leaning against the wall. One of his pupils came back but one eye was still glowing green. His mind was fighting for control as the mental barrier he had cracked a smidge. The sky turned red while Superman made his way to an opening to the stadium. Ryuko was looking up in the sky which this gave her a worried expression on her face.

Ryuko: What the hell?!

A bunch of clothing formed in the sky as it returned to normal. Superman eventually fell to the ground because all this resisting is making him weak. Ragyo held Satsuki by her hair as she was now wearing Juneketsu and not Satsuki.

Ragyo: Those are COVERS.

Ryuko: Satsuki Kiryuin...!

Ragyo tossed her daughter into the stands which the impact causes the wall to crack.

Ragyo: You are a disgrace, Satsuki Kiryuin! This is the fate that awaits any fool who dares oppose me... no, oppose the Life Fibers!

Ryuko: You bitch!

Ragyo: This shows that Satsuki was never worthy to be a vessel of the Life Fibers.

Ragyo flicks the little clamps on the arm band of the Kamui as she began to transform in a different state than what Satsuki does.

Ragyo: Life Fiber Override, Kamui Juneketsu!

Ryuko stood there shocked seeing that Ragyo transformed but she didn't know Ragyo appearing behind her.

Ragyo: However, I have that fool to thank for allowing me to meet someone I never expected to see.

Superman's mind was fighting for control which was slowly happening, he lied on the ground with his face in the dirt. He slowly looked up to see Ragyo who impaled Ryuko's chest. Superman's other eye changed back to normal, back to their (e/c) but he couldn't get up until he gets his strength back. Superman was crying with his emotions mixed with rage and sadness.

Superman: She is gonna... pay for killing my father...!

Ragyo pulled out Ryuko's heart which shocked a lot of people.

Nui: That's not...

Satsuki: What in the world...?

Ragyo: Ryuko Matoi, you are one whose body has merged with Life Fibers, just as mine has. All this time, you were the daughter I believed to be dead.

Superman: Ryuko's her... daughter?!

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