Chapter 32 : Pep Talk

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(F/N) walked back to his hut ready to call it a day when he stopped in his tracks. He didn't know why but he did which was confusing for (F/N) but he just shrugged it off.

(F/N): I'd better be careful if Ragyo ever finds me or else I might be mind controlled again, but why did it take me longer to... unless I wasn't under the mind stitching. Yeah I heard the whole thing while trapped inside my own mind. But that means if I am a hybrid... no I don't want to think of that!

The more he thought of being part Life Fiber the more frustrated he got with it. (F/N) just sighed due to the fact that his mother won't be safe forever, eventually the covers will get there but thanks to Lex Luthor betraying Ragyo Kiryuin when he set up defenses back in America it made it harder for the covers to get there.

(F/N): Krypto has been very weak lately, I need to figure out why he is not eating much. I wish there was vet around or hell I'll even take a regular doctor.

???: I'm a doctor, but probably not the one you're expecting.

(F/N): Doctor?

(F/N) saw the Doctor who he talked to that day when Tsumugu attacked Ryuko. This brings a little closure to the Kryptonian since the Doctor has been giving good advice to him.

Doctor: Well what are we standing here for?

The Doctor and (F/N) got out of the streets before the covers could find them. The two head over to (F/N)'s little home where the covers don't know to check. (F/N) drank some water out of his canteen while the Doctor was scanning the house with his device.

(F/N): So what are you doing here? Plus why are you scanning my house?

Doctor: I'm here because a certain someone decided to give up being a hero. Plus I'm scanning your home for any sign for any chance of your walls fall down. My Sonic Screwdriver is a very handy tool.

(F/N): Like I said before, Superman is done for...

Doctor: I know you blame yourself for your father's death. Well things happen that we can't prevent, like when I tried to save your home planet Krypton but couldn't due to it being a fixed point in time.

(F/N): So you couldn't save Krypton?

Doctor: Plus the Green Lantern who was assigned to the sector where Krypton once was, he failed to get to your planet before it exploded. You couldn't save your father because you wouldn't have made it anyways you were weaker at that moment.

(F/N): Yeah well they have Ryuko Matoi to save them so they don't need me.

Doctor: Ah, that's where you're wrong! They do need you since you play an important part.

(F/N): I'm pretty sure they can defeat Ragyo without me...

Doctor: Well they would've had the chance... it's complicated, it's not a time-y wimey thing.

(F/N): What are you saying?

Doctor: I'm saying that world does need Superman. Ragyo isn't the only threat to Earth, take down one villain and another shall rise. Okay in this universe you play an essential role not to Honnouji Academy but to the Earth. See a war is coming that not even Ryuko Matoi could handle, think of it if you never picked up the Superman mantel again well it's simple they will die. Not from Ragyo but from rogues that the other Supermen have faced.

(F/N): But I will just let them down anyways...

Doctor: Shut up! You're Superman, The Man of Steel! You may not be Kal-El but you are Superman, I've seen Superman done great things for people. You helped assemble the Justice League in the future keeping Earth safe from threats like the Life Fibers.

(F/N): The Justice League? That sounds kind of corny, but I dig it. I can't though, I am taking care of Krypto.

Doctor: Well guess you found the right person, so shut up and let's look at your dog.

(F/N) begins to hear a weird noise that makes him a bit frustrated. The Kryptonian covers his ears while the Doctor hears the sound but he dealt with worse noises before. The Doctor scans Krypto with his Sonic Screwdriver while (F/N) bashed his head on the wall.

(F/N): What the hell is that noise?!

Doctor: Don't let it get you (K/N)! Hey do you mind if I stash my Tardis here? It's until I fix the problem with it.

(F/N): Sure... It stopped now... I still don't think I'm gonna pick the mantel up again.

Doctor: Oi, you're gonna become the greatest hero in this galaxy. You're going to throw it all away just because you couldn't save people. Let me tell you something, I lost plenty of companions during my lifetime but sometimes you have to either deal with the losses or get over it! We all make mistakes, even Time Lords make mistakes. So are you just gonna sit there moping around like a little boy who lost his toy, or are you going to go out there and be a hero?! This world needs Superman, not some whiny man who can't even get the fact that his father's death wasn't his fault! If you need me I'll be in the Tardis with Krypto here examining what's wrong with him.

The Tardis appeared in the room as the Doctor took Krypto in there with him and shut the door. (F/N) just sat there for a little bit thinking.


The Nudist Beach members were successfully in saving Mako thanks to Gamagoori, but when the covers arrived they all played a loud pitch sound that annoyed everyone to the point they had to cover their ears. This sound woke up Ryuko who was now in a fit of rage. She burst out of the ground as wearing bed sheets as clothing.

Ryuko: Cut out all the sawing racket, you bastards!

With a single strike of her scissor blade she chopped down all the covers releasing all the people who captured by them.

Ryuko: Get lost!

The area with the covers once floated upon went up in multiple explosions which caused everyone there to cover their faces. Senketsu came up from the hole Ryuko made happy to see her awake.

Senketsu: Ryuko! You're awake!

Ryuko: Get away from me! I'm done with you. I'm never putting you on again.

Hearing this shocked Senketsu as the Kamui doesn't understand what was wrong with her.

Senketsu: Ryuko!

Ryuko: Just looking at you pissed me off! Cause we're both the same breed of monster! That's right! I'm not human! I'm a Life Fiber monster!

Mako came out of nowhere and doing her usual thing that she does trying to reason with people.

Mako: That's crazy, Ryuko! Senketsu is your friend, Ryuko! That attitude doesn't sound like the Ryuko I know! It doesn't! It doesn't! It doesn't! This isn't the Ryuko I know! It isn't! It isn't! It isn't! It isn't!

Ryuko: I'm not the Ryuko you know. The old me was one big lie. I'm a monster! I'm not a normal human, I'm a monster just like Ragyo that can't be killed.

Mako: Don't say that...

A cover that looked like Nui appeared obviously there to taunt everyone, she was confident since (F/N) hung up the cape and tights.

Nui: Someone got up on the wrong side of the bed, Ryuko.

Ryuko: Nui Harime!

Nui: But... Aren't you angry at the wrong person?

Ryuko: What?

Nui: Didn't you want to avenge your father's death? I'm the one who killed him, and you're ignoring me. But you're fighting this trash and I'm so sad and lonely!

Ryuko: Quit Screwing with me!

Ryuko slashed in multiple directions cutting up the cover Nui to pieces but then a cover version of Ragyo appeared.

Ragyo: That's the way, my daughter!

Ryuko: I'm not your daughter!

Ragyo: It's no surprise that you are confused. Soichiro Kiryuin, or rather Isshin Matoi. This is all a dastardly plan concocted by that fool of a man. He's done nothing but use his own daughter as a pawn. As your mother, I'm painfully aware of the anger you...

Ryuko slashed at the the Ragyo cover trying to shut her up. But it was no use since she kept dodging Ryuko's attacks.

Ryuko: Quit tooting your own horn with that smug look on your face.

Ragyo: Magnificent! Such unswerving determination! Looking at you, my heart sings, far more than when I look at my failure of an older daughter!

Gamagoori: Damn you, I don't stand for any mockery of Lady Satsuki!

Ragyo went up in their faces making some of them nervous.

Ragyo: What familial loyalty could I possibly owe to a daughter who literally stabbed me in the back?

Ragyo went back over to Ryuko now as Ragyo was just enjoying this moment.

Ragyo: Do you hate your mother? Do you resent Ragyo?

Ryuko: I'll kill you!

Ragyo: Come, then! Let us make Honnouji Academy the place where this mother-daughter feud is put to rest!

Ryuko: Just you wait, I'm coming for you!

Nui: I can't wait! Adieu, mon amie!

The covers of those two disappear as Ryuko began walking off but was stopped by Aikuro in his DTR.

Aikuro: Wait, Ryuko!

Ryuko: Don't try to stop me.

Aikuro: This is a trap. It's dangerous to walk into it in a blind rage.

Ryuko: Quit trying to act like you're still my teacher!

Ryuko slices the DTR but Aikuro was left unscathed but he fell to the ground.

Ryuko: This was your fault from the start! You knew everything, and you may have been acting all nonchalant, deep down, you were laughing at me as some monster freak!

Aikuro: That's not true!

Ryuko: Shove it! I'm sick of your excuses!

Ryuko was about to strike Aikuro but Tsumugu got in the way pointing his gun at her.

Tsumugu: So, it looks like clothing and humans can't understand each other after all.

Ryuko: You and that stupid scrap you keep spouting! I was never a human being from the start! Move! Anybody who gets in my way gets smashed, no matter who it is!

Ryuko swung her scissor blade but it didn't hit Tsumugu nor Aikuro instead a line of red energy sliced the top of two skyscrapers off causing them to crash to the ground.

Gamagoori: She destroyed those buildings with a single blow!

Sanageyama: I sense intense malice...

Senketsu: Ryuko!

Ryuko: That's right. This is who I am now! You people can just take off your Goku Uniforms. But me, I'll be fused with Life Fibers until the day I die! Senketsu wasn't the weapon that was created to kill its fellow Life Fibers! It was me...

Senketsu: It can't be...

Ryuko: When I look at you, I get so annoyed! At my own stupidity!

Ryuko was about to cry but she was still blind with rage.

Senketsu: Ryuko...

Ryuko: If I've made my point, don't cling to me anymore.

Ryuko began to walk away from everyone but Mako grabbed Senketsu trying to changed Ryuko's mind.

Mako: He will cling to you! I mean, Senketsu is your friend and your Sunday best! He's going to cling to you forever and ever, just like some outfit that's full of static electricity! "Pop"?

Mako gets a jolt of electricity which makes her get down a little bit.

Mako: Wow, I sparked! Ryuko...

Ryuko started to walk away again this time nobody is trying to stop her. Everyone watches disappear into the fog this worries everyone.

Aikuro: We really do need hope now, Ryuko won't listen but now we need Superman more than ever now.


(F/N) found some water to wash his face off with but his hands were shaking like crazy. The Doctor never came out the Tardis which worried (F/N). (F/N) looked like absolute hell since he hasn't got much sleep nor sunlight.

(F/N): I can't stop thinking about my dog, maybe the Doctor is right... Maybe I should pick up the mantel again, but I'll just mess up again.

The sun began to rise as (F/N) felt the beams of light shine upon his skin but the bottom portion of his face was mostly covered by facial hair so not much light on his face. When he looked at the sun he could feel it's warmth, see it's brightness. (F/N) was drawn to it like he smelled the most delicious meal ever. The Kryptonian began to fly again since he hasn't taken flight in a long time, he reached the stratosphere where he can feel even more of the suns rays. (F/N) closed his eyes and his arms were now acute of his body he felt calm when he getting a recharge in powers.

(F/N): Haven't had this feeling in a long time.

(F/N) flew away from the city to the Fortress of Solitude fast enough not to be stopped by covers.

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