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                          (F/N) - First Name
                          (L/N) - Last Name
                          (Y/T) - Your Thoughts
                              NO ONE'S POV

In a small town of Smallvile Kansas where livestock thrives and crops are fresh every planting season. Nothing strange in the small rural area except one person a boy named (F/N) (L/N). He lived with his parents Ma (L/N) and pa (L/N) on a small farm, he was picking the crops one day while his parents were away for while until he finished picking all the crops but he had not a drop of sweat on him.

(F/N): Great scott that took longer than expected! Well if I want to keep my abilities a secret I got to do everything normally.
He began to put the crops in the barn for now as he began to smirk as he began to run through the corn fields at incredible speeds. Gee this quite the rush!

(F/N) began to leap up high in the sky as he landed on top of silo. He then sat down at the edge of the silo as he enjoyed the sunset and he released a sigh as he knew he was gonna leave this place.

(F/N): Sure had some great memories here but too bad that Ma and Pa signed me up for than school. If only they hadn't heard about it then I wouldn't have to leave the US, well I will have to show them that not all Americans are rednecks or whatever else kids are into these days... I can only enjoy this for today. I hope Ma makes her famous Apple pie before I leave tomorrow! But why do I have to wear these glasses? Not that is a good disguise I mean nobody knows who I am there anyways! It's getting late I'd be get back before they get home.

(F/N) jumped off of the silo and as he landed, he did a superhero landing as he stood up some clothes on the drying rack began to blow with the wind as he had his hands on his hips. His shadow looked heroic and the towel that was drying made it look like he had a cape. After he finished posing he quickly ran back home just in time for his parents to arrive there.

Ma (L/N): Hey (F/N) we're home! Are you ready for your trip tomorrow?

(F/N): Yeah Ma I got everything packed but do I have to wear this uniform?!

Pa (L/N): Now son it is the policy there! I know you're not used to it but I mean it is a place for you to go since your old high school wasn't enough for you.

(F/N): I stayed only for Sophmore year and I told you guys I am fine staying there but since I am already signed up I got no choice.

Pa (L/N): Now son I know you don't like this as much as we do. But it is a place where you can thrive and fit in. Help Ma with the rest of the stuff out of the truck and meet me in the shed I've got something to show you.

Pa bought some of the stuff in the house as (F/N) grabbed the rest of the stuff from the truck as he helped his ma in the house. The house was a nice cozy place to live and the dog ran up to (F/N) as he began to pet the dog.

(F/N): Ma I've got a question, when I found out I had these powers how did that make you and Pa feel about this?

Ma (L/N): Well we were shocked at first in time we grew to accept your gifts as that doesn't the fact that you are still our son! Now go see your father in the shed.

(F/N): Thanks ma!

(F/N) walked out of the house as he went into the shed as he saw his dad with something covered up and it looked like it didn't belong on a farm.

Pa (L/N): Now (F/N) what I will tell may shock you. You aren't from this world this holds the key to why you are here.

(F/N): What do you mean pa! What you're telling is me that I am not your son?

Pa (L/N): You are my son!

Pa (L/N) hugs a now sad (F/N), after the hug he pulls the covers off of the mysterious object to see it looks like some kind of space ship.

(F/N): Is that a space ship dad?

Pa (L/N): It's the ship the that you arrived in. When me and ma found you as a baby you were in this ship, we saw you had no family so we took you in and raised you. We may not be your real parents but you are still our child!

(F/N): So then if you aren't my real father then who is?

Pa (L/N): Don't know but we found this for you in the ship, I think it is some sort of crystal and a costume.

Pa hands (F/N) the costume and the crystal as he holds them with confusion. Pa (L/N) then walks out of the shed.

Pa (L/N): Well son this is all yours take them with you to Honno City.

He closes the shed doors as (F/N) begins to try on the costume as the crystal begins to light up. This causes him to look at in confusion. Suddenly he knew what to do with the crystal

(F/N): This crystal may contain the truth but where should I use it at? Maybe I should wait to use this...

(F/N) walks out of the shed as he began to leap up in the air as he was trying to fly but he fails which causes him to fall straight to the ground. As he impacted with the ground (F/N) slowly gets up as he felt no pain from the fall as he looks at his hands.

(F/N): Wow no pain from that fall but can I fly, let's keep trying til I get it...

(F/N) begins to take off again as he was actually able to fly into the sky but he still was struggling. He makes his way to his house as he was flying at super sonic speed as he landed in the yard fast. He walked into the house as he got ready for bed after he ate dinner with his foster parents. (F/N) began to lay down in bed as he thought about what his new school was gonna be like.

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