Chapter 14

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Yes I know I know and I am so very extremely sorry...

My excuse: school homework and stuff, I cannot get my head off any test...



"That was clever, froststar" Neither of them spoke for a few heartbeats "I hope you learn from your mistakes".

Froststar didn't move, feeling troubled.

But he didn't,

neither of the cats did anyway.

They only seemed to stare like one united clan at stem of leaf who andvanced slowly to froststar.

"What will your next move be?" He unsheathed his claws "another pathetic one?" He added glancing directly at froststar and stopped a fox tail length from the leader.

Froststar who finally seemed to have regained her senses looked with narrowed eyes at stem of leaf. Stem of leaf's ears were pricked, waiting eagerly for the response, his neck fur rising, he started slashing his tail swiftly from side to side.

"What will your next move be?" She asked as gently as she could looking up rather casually at the dark warrior "another lethal one, right?" She asked looking through two slits.

The dark warrior only laughed, his head swinging from side to side "come on, don't be stupid, you know you won't win this battle" stem of leaf said. "We won last time" froststar answered.

And that comment, stem of leaf could not deny.

Froststar snarled, bearing her teeth.

"It's not too late to decide" stem of leaf said, changing the subject "give me the forest of your warriors shall die, your choice". The dark warrior tilted his head from side to side leaving froststar speechless.

"Well..." Froststar began her words crooked and hesitating "I would much rather die than not trying, and I think all my warriors must think the same". Murmurs of agreement rose from the cats bellow but, to froststar's amazement, stem of leaf spcanned slowly and surely fourtrees, inspecting every cat. After what seemed like moons the dark warrior looked up.

"So much modesty, but do as you want"

Stem of leaf backed away, hissing at the warriors.

"Do as you want!" He repeated smiling slowly. Then whispered under his breath "you would much rather die"

Then he left fourtrees, murmurs of anxiety rose from the cats below until a massive yowl shook the cats "dark warriors! Attack!"

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