Chapter 18

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Sorry guys, writer's block has been terrible lately, so I stuck with my other book, but I know that I have to update this so... I'll try my best!
Oh and guys, since I feel bad for the long update, this is gonna be a long last chapter so enjoy! No like really long chapter guys.


Froststar looked around. The dark warriors were still as powerful as they were before. Was Stem of leaf looking in the darkness, fury showing in his eyes? Or did he leave, in fear?
Was this attack planned out all along and were they trapped after all?
Panic jabbed at her, it felt like everything was lost. Suddenly a mew broke her thoughts "Froststar!" Gleamhawk? Would he ever get out of my thoughts?
Froststar pushed the thought about his former deputy away before he could show any sign of sadness affected by his loss. She entered the battle once again only to be thrown over by a heap of fur, another Dark Warrior. She was pinned down. "Froststar!" Another call came, but it felt distant as if it was forced to be pushed out. "Stop pushing me out of your mind!"
The Dark Warrior felt troubled as well and looked into Froststar's eyes. When she snapped back into reality, Froststar used the Dark Warrior's confusion as her advantage and rolled over herself, getting up in a heartbeat of a moment.
Without any warning, she lunged on the Dark Warrior, not waiting another instant as he looked at her in disbelief.
He rolled in astonishment over the ground. It wasn't supposed to be that easy, was danger lurking out there? Trapping her as if with claws and teeth?
But did Froststar care? Of course not.
She scraped her opponent with one unsheathed claw and expected her easy enemy to flee. She waited a few heartbeats, and scraped the Dark Warrior's belly again. But he didn't flee.
Froststar felt as if a mouse had escaped her claws, after such an easy fight, he didn't seem to even show a sign of resistance at Froststar's mad scraping.
She snarled and prepared her claws for another set of scraps but when she was about to launch her paw to the Dark Warrior's belly, she heard Gleamhawk's voice "Watch out!", but it was too late. The Dark Warrior launched himself over her and they wrestled, full in the wrath of combat. They rolled and pinned themselves one by one until they stood in a silent place in the forest, they coats red with blood.
The Dark Warrior had the miserable Froststar pinned down next to a rabbit hole. They both panted, one on top of another. There was no sign of battle, but that lasted only for a heartbeat, a heartbeat where Froststar had lost track of the moment, where everything seemed so peaceful.
"It's not finished!" Both the Dark Warrior and Gleamhawk warned. Gleamhawk was still lurking in Froststar's mind, his plaintive yet cautious voice warning Froststar to pay attention but always at the very last moment.
Suddenly, Froststar was launched into the rabbit hole, her fears returning. She got up on both paws, her fur up. She looked at where she fell, and with a sigh she looked back to the hole in which she had fallen. It was too hard to climb up.
"You should pay more attention next time." Gleamhawk casually said. Froststar ignored him, it had become normal to hear his voice in her mind.
She looked around herself and sniffed the air. The shock stabbed her.
Was that... Stem of leaf? And was that pleasure at finally finding him she felt?
"Now be cautious." As Gleamhawk's voice reasoned again, Froststar jumped, her lips drawn back in a snarl. But nothing happened, Gleamhawk's warnings had always been so last-moment-warnings. She relaxed but kept her ears pricked up. There was no danger right now.
She looked back in front of her, the tunnel didn't show an end, it was as if she was obscured by darkness, the only light coming from the hole she had fallen into.
She expected danger from every place in the dark, she expected eyes staring at her from everywhere, StarClan be with me.
"We will always" Gleamhawk was back into her mind. Thank you. Was the only thing she could think of and she was lost in thoughts when finally Gleamhawk charged into her mind and yelled to her to watch out.
Froststar turned around, her eyes wide with curiosity. She looked at the darkness, nothing came out of it, she pricked her ears up, no sound, her nose twitched, she couldn't smell anything in this hole that held a strong rabbit sent. But a shade, on the ground, was a clue and Froststar had to look at it closely. She couldn't ignore it.
Silently and gingerly, she stalked towards it, her ears pricked up. The shade moved, it must be alive! Probably, it was just a rabbit and nothing else, or maybe it was a Dark Warrior or maybe, her eyes narrowed, it could be Stem of Leaf preparing ingeniously for a battle. She shouldn't do a mistake, it might cost her her life! She decided to stand motionless, and waited for the shade to move once again.
"Froststar!" Gleamhawk's voice was cracking. "Just pay attention! As in look at everything, everywhere!" As if I didn't know that...
She stayed alert, of course, for anything, and she kept looking around her at every moment. Her heart was pounding as she waited for the shade to move. But, to her great disappointment, it stayed where it was. After a heartbeat of thought, she dragged her paw steps to the shade, it moved swiftly away and left Froststar to stare in agony. Her whiskers twitched angrily.
She stayed there, anger churning in her belly. Finally, after what seemed like moons, she leaped toward the shade, her tail making her keep her balance and her hind paws, lifting her up as she fell once again, on the ground, without any noise.
As she looked at the darkness, she wondered what would be the shade's next move. She must be standing a tail length from it. "Get out!" Her loud meow sounded, and she, herself, felt astonish by the authority that showed in it. "Don't be shy." She scented the air again, the stench of rabbit filled her nose, she couldn't figure out where Stem of Leaf was.
"Froststar! Dodge!" She stumbled aside, Gleamhawk was never wrong. Stem of Leaf had silently leaped on her. But he didn't know that StarClan gave her power.
The shade scattered away, just a rabbit.
"Still feel like you can win it all?" Stem of Leaf asked and, without warning he launched himself on Froststar, he didn't expect an answer. Froststar rolled on her back and waited to see Stem of Leaf's astonishment on his face before unsheathing a claw and slashing his nuzzle. As she did it, blood was rippling down Stem of Leaf's nuzzle. "StarClan is with you..." Gleamhawk said, "you've got the power of StarClan in your paws right now, use it wisely."
Froststar nodded, surprise that Gleamhawk was still in her mind during the battle but now was no time to think about that. She slashed again at Stem of Leaf's nuzzle a few times, energy pulsing in her paws. The healer swung his paw at Froststar's ears. He had just given her a scratch that she wouldn't forget.
She stumbled on her paws as Stem of Leaf swiped again. But she wasn't going to fail this battle. Ever.
She struggled back to her paws and rolled on her back again, giving herself time to get back up on her back legs and slash again, in every place she could manage. After a few heartbeats she felt blood prickling down her ear and she flicked her ears a few times, struggling to keep up with the slashing.
Her enemy took this as an advantage and raked his claws along her face and ears. In a few moments, Froststar was oozing blood.
She dodged a few strikes, hoping it would distract the healer. When it did, she raked her claw along his flank, he howled in pain and gasped for air as Froststar did so, she felt pride swelling in her.
Froststar kept raking his side as much as she could until the Dark Warrior turned to face her and tried to pin her down as she dodged aside. She, again, slashed Stem of Leaf's side and he howled more. Froststar felt him feeling wiggly on his paws and she finally understood, she had to rake his sides so that he would loose balance and fall, then, Froststar could bite his throat and it'll be over!
Thank StarClan! She couldn't help whispering.
Energy pulsed once again in her paws and she raked, with all her energy his flank, feeling Gleamhawk's sharp claws, Flamestar's courage and Rainpaw's determination.
Froststar raked so hard, her paws ached, but she couldn't stop. The healer was now yelling in agony, it was almost the end. "You can't...make it!" Stem of Leaf said panting.
"You know, you can't always win!" At this, the Dark Warrior felt surprised, as if he hadn't expected Froststar to say such things. But he looked back at her, tiredness showing in his eyes, before he fell on his back, his eyes closed.
But his breathing was steady, it wasn't the end.
She regretfully got on the Dark Warrior's belly.
"You have been a great healer for your clan, but sadly, I can't let you live. You'll take upon the forest, upon everything!" Froststar blinked and with a last look at Stem of Leaf, she bit hard down his throat and in a heartbeat he stood motionless on the floor, blood welling around him. Froststar twitched her ears then got down of the Dark Warrior's belly, was this the end? Did Stem of Leaf merit the death he had gone through? Froststar sighed, she had fought so long against this Dark Warrior that she felt like she knew him all her life and now that it had ended she felt like she had lost something...someone...
She looked up at where the cave hole shown the only sign of light. "May StarClan let the Dark Warriors live a life of peace" she whispered.
Then she yelled, her voice using what was left of her energy. "It's the end!"

And with a silent prayer to StarClan she fell of tiredness on the earth, smiling stronger as she ever did before. Shafts of light were the only things she saw as she closed her eyes and the only thing she heard were howls of terror and howls of pride as she slept and joined StarClan...

Told you it was gonna be long! Anyone want an epilogue? Oh and please tell me your thoughts about this book and this chapter, I appreciate every comment! Don't be shy to tell me about some wrong things I did in my book, I would really appreciate it!

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