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"Starclan help us!" A warrior cat yelled whilst three badgers walked slowly up to the cats, their paws echoing against the stone cave. The narrow space between the two stone walls was not nearly enough for the three miserable cats to hide, their pelts were wet with rain, dirty with mud. The badger's noses wrinkled in discussed "starclan" the cat repeated fluffing up her fur until she looked twice his size "help us now" the warrior continued, narrowing her eyes.

As a badger lifted up his head to look directly at the cat who had spoken, he lifted a paw, every single heartbeat meant death was getting closer, every single pawstep meant threat over all the cats. "Starclan!" An apprentice howled as a wave of fury washed over her, her bright white pelt glowed even through the tiniest hole of the stone cave, even through all the mud over her pelt. "Help us" another apprentice murmured, a black tom with grey stripes, who looked the most scared of them all.

The badger scraped the ground as he walked closer to the warrior whom he had threatened before, he didn't seem to pay attention to the apprentices. Even though these two were well prepared for a fight, nearly ready to become warriors. But even the tiniest kit would know, they didn't stand a chance a against three deadly badgers.

The warrior's green eyes glistened, they seem to be turning red of fury. The apprentices were looking at her, their eyes full of sorrow. The badger's stares seemed to be as scared as the cats, but full of determination. The badger whispered something practically inaudible by the three cats. As soon as the badger had finished talking he looked back at the warrior, quickening his step. The other badgers followed after a few heartbeats, the cats gasped and the warrior closed her eyes, the cats couldn't win this fight.

But the apprentices wanted to die bravely, in loyalty their clan. They might be able to kill one of the badgers. They looked around. No way of escape. The apprentices were about to run to a badger when they heard a twig crack.

The sound was so loud that it echoed for what seemed like nine lives around the cave. When it had finally stopped, the badgers scurried off. But the cats stayed there, their breathing was constant and none talked, until they heard pawsteps entering the cave. They whirled around only to see an animal larger than any of them. Its pace was slow, a pair of eyes was staring at each of them in turn. The cats flinched as it quickened its pace and smelled the air. No help from starclan, no howl from any of the cats, no screeches, no gasps, only a dead silence as it walked closer to all of them.

As the cats prepared themselves.

But it only lifted them one by one in its powerful jaws and brought them to their camp.

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