Chapter Fifty-Four: A Lost Future

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Nala hadn't wanted to leave Myra and the valkyries to fend for themselves, but it was the only choice left. The rebellion had to live to fight another day and though she wanted to take her nephew with them, he was too far away, in a hospital in Cobalt.

It was when his life was in danger that Nala

realised whatever Jasper had done, she did not want him dead and never would. Not that would help now. She wondered how the valkyries would fare without them. Loss to the Empress might be unavoidable, but perhaps they would truly leave a dent in Kallias. Nala hoped they did. That would make her task so much easier.

A task that was becoming more and more daunting with every second she considered it. Medea would extend her control over Miras and Asriel, becoming more and more powerful. It seemed impossible that she could ever lose her death-grip on the throne. At least the Chancellor died thinking that we were close to victory, she thought sadly. At least he died in peace. That was more than most of them got.

So many lost to Medea. So many more to come, so much longer to go until they found the light at the end of the tunnel.



The news hit him like a blow to the gut. That perfect world with Myra that he had dreamed of ...crushed, just like that. At least she was still alive. At least he got to see her again.

By the time Myra and the valkyries arrived back in Cobalt, everyone was ready to leave. The city was unfamiliar to them and still held a trace of defiance, so it could never be where they made their last stand. They would go to the Hawk Mountains instead and fight there. His leg twinged with pain every time he thought of the gruelling trip across the Isthmus.

Still, he was happy when Myra arrived. Her face was distant, far away, but she managed something like a smile when she saw him.

He hugged her tightly, refusing to let go, trying to memorise her face, her eyes, the way she smiled and laughed. His legs felt weak when he thought of how temporary all of this would be. Doom hung over them all, a heavy burden that had made Tarua Teris abandon them. He would only have days left with the girl he loved.

Once he had worried about his inevitable death, centuries before she would begin to reach old age. Now it seemed likely they would die at the same time.

"I wish...I wish I had had my whole life with you," he told her, and felt tears prick at his eyes. "I wish I had had a chance to spend so much more time with you." All of it had been borrowed time anyway. Stolen from fate, stolen from destiny and reality. All those dreams he had had-of rings exchanged, of a child with his hair and her eyes-were impossible.

Myra kissed him again.

It was different this time. Before the world had tasted of possibility, before they had looked to the future and seen years together. Now they knew their days were numbered.

"I think I love you, Jasper." Myra told him, eyes shining with something that looked like tears.

"I think I love you too, Myra-Kat." He replied, and she cried.

"My daughter calls me that," she whispered to him and they clung on to each other for a long while after that.

For once he did not think of his regrets, or of his aunt. He thought of Myra, who he loved, and everything he had wanted for them.

In a flash, he knew what he needed to do.

And he knew that she would never let him do it.

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