Chapter Fifty-Nine: Lies & Betrayal

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They dragged her back in chains and brought her to the Empress. Or the flickering shadow that passed for her.

"Myra Isidore," she sighed. "You have been such a burning problem for me the past few months."Every thought left her head. Rage. The world was made of rage.

What right did Medea have to take her kingdom? To take everything away. What gave her the right to slaughter thousands and ruin lives? What give her the right?

"The gods are preparing a special place in the Afterworld for you," she smiled at the Empress. Something had taken hold of her. Something cold, something hungry. Something that howled for blood.

"Good thing I've got a special place in Dorgon prepared for you," Medea replied. "Jasper helped out, didn't you?"

He came out. The boy she had loved and hated.

"I gave her the idea," he replied wolfishly. "But really, all the credit goes to the Empress."

"You're a coward," she hissed, knowing the wounds that would hurt the most. "Your aunt was right to hate you. And you know what? I never really cared about you. I pitied you."Had she imagined it? The hurt and the pleading in his eyes. It vanished in seconds.

Jasper laughed, cold and cruel.

"Do you think I care what you think of me? Do you think I ever cared?"In that moment, she hated him. For Viktoria's body. For Ruby's screams. For that cold, mocking laugh. For the voice in her that screamed that she had been a fool.

"I will find you," she told him. "One day. I do not care if it takes me eternity. I am an immortal, so I think nothing of time. And I will make you all pay."

The world she had dreamed of, the world she had thought she would make with him...a world where there would be no hate dividing them...that was a fool's hope.

All that was left was hate, and a promise of vengeance.

Jasper only walked away.



The way she had looked at him. The hatred in her eyes.It had shredded him. Broken him.

He still did not break the lie. Even if she hated him forever, he did not regret it.

To save her life, he would sacrifice her love. To save her life, he would sacrifice her heart, the thing he treasured most.

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