Chapter Twenty-Eight Part Two: Letters & Codes

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He wanted nothing more than to do something other than wait for messages from a rebellion that knew nothing more about the shield than they did, and kept failing to bring all the supply lines down because there were always new roads poking up.

He was so tired of watching valkyries march and elves relentlessly learn how to shoot a bow straight and swing a sword without dropping it, whilst he did nothing at all. So tired of walking into war meetings empty-handed and useless, trying to explain to Queen Viktoria and the burning High General that the rebels needed more time.

He wished he could do something, even if it was just being the worst archer in an army of valkyries. Honestly, he wished he could cheer Myra up. Or just talk to her. Once.

Before the war started, he was starting to think of her as something like a friend. Or maybe he was just lonely.

So, so lonely.

He started hanging around the makeshift hospitals, holding bandages for the Keeper Medics, keeping hoping that he wouldn't see Myra amongst the valkyrie warriors with wounds so bad that they made him throw up afterwards. And he had seen a lot of injuries in the rebellion and army.

Jasper wondered sometimes if he should ask Myra, for the second time, if he could fight. But she always looked so tired and worn that he couldn't bear to let her do anything but scrape together a few hours of sleep. The burning sun knew she didn't get half as much as she should.

Sometimes he would squint up at the sky and see if he could see Myra amongst a symphony of fire and scales and death. Sometimes he thought he caught a glimpse of red-gold that might have belonged to her wyvern. Every day, he'd scan through a list of casualties looking for somewhat-might-have-been-friends from the Kallian Army.

But today he was tasked with the only thing he was ever tasked with: reading the coded letters of the rebellion.


No matter what we do the Empress always seems to have more roads for her supplies to run through. The few we do succeed in destroying always seem to hold nothing useful-or perhaps Medea just has back-up after back-up waiting for her army. She has so much gold I wouldn't be surprised if she has enough to fund your war effort as well.Our main source of information has gone AWOL. So many rebels have died in the raids.

We're doing our best-we have to make progress soon, right? Eventually, we have to wear her down. (We were confused by your claim of seeing Nala. You have our condolences, but she's long dead now, Jasper)

Good luck to you all.

They may as well have sent nothing at all he thought bitterly. Waste of paper and resources to tell them what they already knew: the rebellion stood no chance of helping them win this war, or finding his aunt. Jasper was still questioning why the valkyries kept him around anymore. He was so clearly useless, using up food and water and energy.

The Medics kicked him out. It was probably the most embarrassing experience of his life, but the Medics kicked him out. They did it gently at least, a private word reminding him that they had trained from nine with the best doctors on the continent whilst he had picked up things from makeshift hospitals. Besides, they'd added, the valkyries keep getting creeped out by your eyes, and when they're gushing blood and half-dead, they don't need that.

So Jasper went back to the target practice and watched as the elves spectacularly missed their shots by two miles.

Why can't Myra see that I might actually be able to help?

In the end, Jasper sighed and helped the elves hold a bow straight.

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