4. trust

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Garret didn't need to explain anything to the brass when, all of a sudden, the techs stopped typing to jump to their feet, hands up in the air and cheering out loud. All the faces at the balcony wore pleased smiles, performing some senior nods, and the Director was about to congratulate Garret when Connor's voice thundered across the vast place.


Everybody did, and turned to him very surprised. Tanya and Connor leaned to the boy's computer. Before anyone could ask anything, he put their radio through the Hive's massive speakers.

"Drop it!"

Gillian's lashing command froze everybody, and they all stayed very still, following the words and noises coming from the Ghost's house. The shots and the man's cry made them all jump. They relaxed at hearing Cassidy, and then got startled at the sudden noise of rushing and pushing around. Cassidy speaking again allowed everybody to breathe.

Wright produced his phone, but the Director stopped him and made the call himself.

At the house, Cassidy pushed the whining Ghost down the stairs, phone to his ear. "Yes, sir, we got him. But there are still explosives in the house, so it's gonna take a while until we can clear the area and let people back to their homes."

Ron came in. He'd left Aldana to keep an eye on the container and headed upstairs with his scanner. Gillian tried to stop him, but he wouldn't hear about it.

"Look, Reg, we need to know what's in here, and I'm better equipped than any local Bomb Squad. So I'm checking that closet right now."

"Okay, let's go," she replied. Ron scowled. "If anything happens, this time I'm gonna be on the next bed, to drive you nuts just for the kicks."

Brock came out of the back bedroom and heard Gillian's last words. He swallowed a sigh. Knowing how she attracted danger like a magnet, letting her go with Ron was the best way to have the house blow up. Lucky him, before he needed to find a way to drag her down the stairs, Cassidy's voice echoed from the front door.


She kept looking at Ron, who shook his head.

Brock wondered why they had to make a stubbornness contest out of such a situation. So he wore his best blank scowl and joined them. "Let's wait for the Bomb Squad, Bellison," he said, authority flooding his voice. "You have the best equipment, but not the proper gear."

Ron set his jaw and followed Gillian downstairs. Brock brought the rear, thinking it had been just too easy to be true. And he was right. Cassidy instructed them about how much to tell the press waiting behind the police barrier, when Ron stalked out of the vacant house with his full protective gear and his special helmet. Gillian saw him and forgot about whatever Cassidy was saying to try to cut off his way. But Brock rested a hand on her shoulder to stop her. The unexpected touch made her spun around, and Ron took the chance to go back into the Bolton's house.

"Let him do it, Gillian," Brock said, keeping his voice low. He saw the fear behind her stubborn scowl. "He needs to know he still can do this."

She scowled deeper for a moment, then it turned to a puzzled frown.

"It's the first time since the Irish Famine Memorial, isn't it?" Brock said.

Gillian breathed deep, taking it in, then nodded with a worried glance at the house. Fear squeezed her throat once more. Then she felt Brock's slight pressure on her shoulder. She wanted to let his certainty act on her like it always did, but she also knew he was trying to keep her away from harm. She looked up at him and met his piercing green eyes, not trying to conceal her feelings.

"He also needs to know you still trust him."

Of course he was right. As usual. Her concern about Ron hadn't let her see it. Jeez. It was always so good, having the stupid bitter man around, whatever the situation.

"Hey, Mulder, Scully! You done yet?"

Brock scowled up at Cassidy, a few steps away. Gillian was grateful she had to turn around to face him, so Brock wouldn't see her blush at the speed of light. She didn't care if Cassidy noticed her face on fire—she could send him to hell if she had to. The Bomb Squad and the ambulances wailed their sirens closer, and the team waited on the sidewalk.

Cassidy was on the phone again. "They're waiting for us in HQ," he said.

Gillian and Brock approached him, avoiding eye contact. She was about to make up any excuse to stay, when she saw Fred sign from behind Cassidy—we're staying. So she had no choice but to get in one of the SUVs with Brock and Cassidy, and let them take her away.

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