8. feeds

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Nobody said a word when Gillian came back, a little pale, a hint of red around her eyes. She went straight to the coffee machine, asking, "Are we all set?"

Aldana answered from Gillian's desk, just to honor tradition. "Yep. We've split the feeds to take thirty minutes each, T is working on the tablet's firewalls and Kurt is about to restore our phones."

She turned to face them, nodding. "Brandon left, too?"

"He couldn't stay," Tanya replied. Her voice suggested that the tech's busy schedule for Friday night wasn't exactly a boost up for him in her concept.

"Where are we with the code and the tablet?"

The girl shrugged. "Just getting started here. Kurt is at a dead end, that's why he took a break to fix our phones."

Gillian fetched her computer from her desk and shot a death glare at Aldana, who completely ignored her. So she went to Hank's desk and sat there to work.

She'd hardly opened her computer when Ron said, "Got'im."

"What? So fast?"

Tanya turned on the plasma and Ron's screen showed there, for the rest of the team to see.

He played the feed and froze the image on a man in his forties coming out of the restroom "There. This guy was the last one to walk out of there."

"T, isolate him and run facial recognition," said Gillian.

Fred frowned. "He doesn't look like a hacker."

"Maybe he's a hired minion," Aldana replied.

"Now hackers hire workforce?" Fred argued.

"You're both right. Ron, go backwards and give us the last five men who exited that restroom. Then we need to ID them and find all of them on the feeds from the rest of the mall, to see what they were doing. T, don't you have something to load their faces and have it track them on the feeds?"

Tanya turned to Gillian with a bragging little smirk. Gillian rolled her eyes—of course she had it.

A while later, Ron shook his head with a sigh. "Nobody else came in or out of the restroom in my share of the feed."

"I have two kids," said Fred.

"Congratulations!" teased Kurt, and for once, they at least scoffed at his pun.

Fred tried to finish. "But they're not carrying anything."

"You can keep a tablet inside a hoodie," said Aldana.

"They're not wearing hoodies or jackets, Al," replied Fred.

Gillian frowned. "Excuse me, are you two about to get married?" Aldana and Fred turned to her in shock. "I see, you're arguing about everything just for the kicks. C'mon, Fred, give me those kids."

"Reg, I can't focus on the tablet if I have to work on this," Tanya said.

Gillian winked at the girl. "Leave the tablet, then. Russell is bringing your padawan in a while."

Soon they had the five persons Gillian requested, and Tanya's search located them when they walked into the mall. From then on, each of them followed one, jumping from feed to feed, to see if they could spot any of them using a tablet.

"Guys, you're gonna love this," said Fred all of a sudden.

He hit a key to show them on the plasma what he'd found. They all looked up and watched the man in his forties sit on a bench near the escalators. He had a tablet in his hands, and the way he scowled and tapped the screen, it looked like he couldn't make it work. So he looked around and asked something to a young couple passing by. The boy took the tablet, did something on it and gave it back to the man, smiling. The man thanked him, smiling back, and they walked away. At the same time, all around, people started having problems with their phones.

Gillian huffed as the others chuckled. "Give me the name and address of this asshole," she said.

"Plain to see he's not our blackhat," said Ron.

"He's the hired minion," repeated Aldana.

"Kurt, can I use my phone already?"

"Nope. I'm making sure there's no malware le—Dinner!!"

Kurt's cry startled everybody, and when they turned around, they saw Russell and Connor coming in with takeout bags.

"Lifesavers," Gillian said, with a big smile. "Russ, we need orders and I don't have my phone, can you call to get them?"

"This late? We better ask Cooper to do it," he replied, producing his phone.

She waved at Connor to come sit with her. She would've liked to throw her arms around his neck and hug him tight for a good while. That would do the trick to shake off the last of that knot squeezing her belly after talking to her father. But she couldn't. Not because of what the team might think, but to keep from embarrassing Connor. It was hard, sometimes, adjusting to his growing up, accepting she could no longer hold him and smash a kiss on his cheek all she wanted.

Connor pulled a chair and sat by her side. His eyes met hers with a slight frown. And Gillian realized he was studying her, assessing her mood. It was so odd, being observed like that by her own child, realizing he worried over her. But she knew he didn't mean to make her feel awkward, so she flashed a tight smile at him to let him know she was fine. Connor stared at her for a heartbeat longer, as to make sure of it, then nodded and turned to look around.

"So this is your fed cave," he said.

"Yep. I'll give you the tour after dinner."

"Got'im," said Tanya, while the team gathered around Hank's desk to eat. They turned to look at the plasma, where the girl showed them the information on the man.

Ron read aloud. "Charles Singer, forty-six, married, a daughter... What the heck? He's the average middle-class family man. Why would he do this?"

"For the money," replied Aldana.

"Al's right. He's got two mortgages on his house," added Tanya, bringing her computer when she sat with the others. "And he's gone over all his credit limits."

Fred tilted his head, studying the financial information on the plasma. "Weird, he doesn't have any expense out of the ordinary to justify his red. He must have gambling debts or some other vice under the grid."

Russell joined them, saying to Gillian, "She'll call to give us the go."

Ron checked his watch and smiled. "You can always count on the Iron Lady."

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