Chapter 4;Aching Lonliness

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Mapleshade curled up in the grass-covered burrow. She watched the entrance with regretful amber eyes. She hadn't scented her adopted kits near and they hadn't come back. She curled her thick tail closer to her side.
"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you all. I was just so angry. I lost sight of what you gave me," she mumbled to herself, her amber eyes filling with grief.
She'd lost one pair of kits to a flood of water, and now she'd lost another pair to a flood of her own anger. Mapelshade curled into a tighter ball, keeping her ginger and black ears perked for signs of Splashpaw's, Willowpaw's, and Larkpaw's return.


  Mapelshade woke with a start. Her amber eyes lit in excitement but it was quickly summed as she realized her adopted kits weren't back yet. She forced herself to her paws and headed out of the den, her pawsteps dragging. She hadn't thought she'd ever feel this again, but she felt overwhelming grief and loneliness leak into her pelt. The feeling flashed into her eyes as she looked around for prey.
  "Heyo, Mapleshade!" The black tabby's ginger markings blazed against the rising sun and his green eyes were friendly.
"Olive?" Mapelshade was surprised to see the tom again.
"Yep! How are the kits doing?" the toms responded, his tail swishing behind him.
Mapleshade looked at her paws, flexing her claws.
"Not sure."
"They left?"
Olive headed towards her. Mapleshade knew what he was trying to do, and though he had good intentions, she was not in the mood for it.
"Leave me alone!" She hissed, lashing her tail.
Olive looked hurt but only bowed his head and replied, "Alright then. If you need anything just come find me."
The tom sprinted off, Mapleshade eyeing him to make sure he left. She sighed.
'How much more is StarClan going to punish me for them taking my kits before their time!'

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