Admin Guidelines

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Here are some guidelines for the admins of this roleplay. If you are a temporary admin or just a member of this roleplay, these don't apply to you (except for number 3 in the Banning / Warning People section :3):

For Challenges (Full Admins Only):
1. Get a dice out, yo! For every attack, you will roll twice - once for the defender, and once for the challenger.

2. The two dogs get three attacks. The one who wins two attacks wins the whole tournament and either keeps or takes on a new role in the pack.

3. The dog with the higher skill level gets 1+ on each attack. So if Lucky had a higher skill level than his challenger, and you roll a 5, his attack will actually be a 6.

4. At the end of each challenge, the loser gets the penalty of laying in the medic den for an amount of days (an amount you will find out by rolling the dice once more).

5. If ties occur, then add a fourth, or even a fifth attack. Keep on adding attacks if ties keep on happening.

6. Ones who challenge the Alpha fight to the death. If one survives an Alpha challenge, they shall be demoted to Omega.

7. State the who vs. who in the attack. So if we had Reaper against Rose, type Reaper vs. Rose.

8. If one of your dogs in in the challenge, please wait for me or another admin.

9. No favoring any dog. Play fair and don't lie when you write down who won. Be an ethical admin. No cheating peoples.

10. Both roleplayers must be present for the challenge. Because if you challenge a dog, and the other dog isn't there, who knows if that missing dog accepts the challenge?

Accepting New People / Dogs (Admins and Temp Admin only)
1. If they are new, tell them about the main chain, train chain, etc. Don't leave them confused and feeling miserable (like how most of you felt when you joined this). I usually write a speech of all of this ahead of time, that way if there is someone new, I just copy and paste :3

2. Check if the person had exceeded or is about to exceed the OC limit. OC limit is eight. If any dogs are accepted that have exceeded someone's OC count, and you accepted that dog, you will be warned -- maybe even fired from the job if you've done it frequently.

3. Admins, please don't accept your own dogs. Ask another admin to do that for you.

4. New dogs that sign up to be in a pack need to be asked which pack they want to join, just to justify. If it's already written, you're good to no ask that question.

5. You can always deny an OC if they seem to OP or if they demand to be Alpha or something. Those OC's are unacceptable.

6. If a dog signed up to be in a pack, they will always be given patrol dog rank. unless the Alpha, Beta, or Delta agrees on a different rank. Patrol Dogs have the skill Level of 1 to start off with.

Banning / Warning People (Full Admins Only)
1. Refer back to the rules to see what people can and cannot do.

2. If someone does it accidentally, warn them. If they do it again, they will be warned a second time. Third time is ban. A ban is really just me blocking your username so that you cannot roleplay or comment on any of my books anymore.

3. Banning Admins: Hehe...this is a touchy subject. If you want to report an admin (anyone can do this), then they will be fired. But I must have three votes or one good reason for this. One Good Reason Example: Admin is being insensitive and saying things that are completely offensive to others.

4. To report a person, go into the concern chain and report them. Use the concern chain to your benefit! You may also pm me if there is no concern chain for the week.

Anything else I can give guidelines for my shiny admins?

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