My OC's

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Hi everyone! I just wanted to make my OC's so that everyone could see them. I think it'd be unfair to make you guys make a form and not me, so I'll be filling out the same form that you do for each OC! There's only a few of them on here right now, but I will add the rest later on.

MORE TO BE ADDED (Haven't finished this page yet – Dogs that I need to put up: Gemma, Chase, Sage...).


Name | Echo
Gender | Female
Age | Adult
Rank | Medic Dog

Personality | Echo is a very friendly dog, but her mood can easily change, especially if one of her patients is uncooperative or refuses to heal properly. She can get sarcastic with those she doesn't particularly like, or in situations that demand sarcasm. Though she has a few bad qualities, she is always willing to protect her pack and herself at all costs.

Backstory | Echo grew up with her parents and brother, but the Big Growl that shook the ground separated her from them. On a long journey, she found the Wild Pack, where she stayed for a while. But when Moon, the first leader of the Moon Pack who was originally part of the Wild Pack decided to break away from the Wild Pack and make her own pack, Echo followed in hopes she'd be their medic dog.

Breed | Australian Shepherd
Lone or Pack Dog | Pack Dog - Moon Pack

Starting Strength | 5/20
Maximum Strength | 12/20


Name | Scarlett
Gender | Female
Age | Teen
Rank | Pupil

Personality | Scarlett subtly attracts attention to herself with the power of her beautiful appearance and drama as well. Though she can be the utter drama queen, she's a hopeless romantic who wants nothing more than to have someone who loves her for her and not her appearance. But in a pack like the one she lives in now, a perfect appearance is all that matters.

Backstory | Scarlett grew up in a renowned family. Though she was thought to be the runt of the litter, she grew up to be a fine she-dog with a talent for hunting. Her parents, though they criticized her for being small when she was young, now applaud their pup for growing up to be who she is today.

Breed | Icelandic Sheepdog
Lone or Pack Dog | Pack Dog - Lacuna Pack

Starting Strength | 8/20
Maximum Strength | 15/20

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