2.06 | A Strange Start to a Strange Day

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A Strange Start to a Strange Day

dare: [dair]; verb; to challenge or provoke (a person) into a demonstration of courage; defy.

"I guess the only smart thing to do would be to try." Ethan shrugged as he and Caleb walked down the hallway. "I mean, you have to get back out there eventually."

Caleb nodded.

"Yeah, I guess so. But it still sucks that it won't be Sash, you know?"

Ethan nodded and continued to walk. The two best friends had taken to walking around the entire school during homeroom instead of sitting in the same room as the cheerleaders for half an hour; they had no interest in them and were far more content to walk around and be gawked at by the students they passed.

"Parks & Benches." Ethan read the poster hanging in the hallway out loud as hey passed by. "Can't they think of better names for school musicals nowadays?"

Caleb shrugged.

"Eh, it's just the drama department. They kind of suck." He thought for a moment. "Anything that isn't the athletic department kind of sucks in general."

Ethan nodded his agreement.

"But hey, you could always try out for the musical." Caleb grinned. "It would be totally rad, dude!"

"You're very funny." Ethan rolled his eyes as they continued walking. "I don't think that would be the thing to do wonders for my social life."

The two walked for a brief moment in silence before Caleb spoke again.

"Well, actually...it might be a good idea."

Ethan looked at his friend as if he had grown a second head.

"Might be a good idea? Caleb, I'm not into that."

"Bull." Caleb shook his head, "You've had a great singing voice since we were kids and would run around singing Disney soundtracks at the top of our lungs all around the neighborhood."

"Ah yes, I remember that. You know, the thing we promised we would never discuss after elementary school?"

Caleb rolled his eyes.

"C'mon Meek. It would look great to colleges. They love to see well-rounded kids, and being in theater and in the basketball program would look good to them. They'll think you can do it all."

Ethan looked at his best friend straight in the face.

"You're not pulling my leg on this one?"

Caleb shook his head.

"Senior year should be about trying new things, right? So why not try something you're already good at?"

Ethan couldn't honestly think of a good response to that.


"The audition for the musical is today." Nova moved uncomfortably in her seat as Ms. Mackelroye began Psychology first period, "I can't believe I'm actually trying out."

"You'll be amazing." Felix promised, and Nova immediately felt guilty for subjecting him to her nervous babbling the entire morning.. "I've been listening to you practice for at least a week, and you sound incredible."

Nova couldn't help but blush at her cousin's words as she saw Jessica Anastos nod from beside her.

"You'll be great. I mean, I've never heard you sing, but I could totally see you up on a stage, acting and stuff."

"Thanks guys." Nova replied, smiling slightly. She wasn't used to receiving compliments from people in general, and especially not from the likes of Jessica Anastos.

"Hey, I was actually thinking of auditioning for that." Ethan Meek looked up from his phone and joined in the conversation, "It sounds chill."

Nova looked at Ethan curiously as Jessica practically threw up on Felix, and Nova's cousin raised his eyebrows questioningly.

"You what?" Jessica asked, looking at the basketball star as if he were out of his mind. "You don't sing."

"How do you know that?" Ethan snapped harshly, "I could sing if I wanted to. Caleb was talking to me about it in homeroom. Said it would look good to colleges, and I need all the help I can get in that department. We can't all be Felix Brannon." He rolled his eyes. "But good luck, Nova. I'm sure you'll be boss."

"Thanks Ethan." Nova grinned, not sure of why his compliment in particular was the one that made her heart race.

Felix and Jessica began to speak as Nova gave a small glance at Ethan, who seemed to take it as an invitation to continue their conversation.

"So do you try out for plays often? I've never done it before and wasn't sure how it would turn out, or how it would run."

"Yeah, back home I used to love being in the school musicals. They're so much fun, you definitely won't regret trying out." Nova nodded enthusiastically.

"Well, then I guess I'll see you at tryouts."

"Auditions." Nova corrected the jock, laughing. "I guess you will."

She could hardly pay attention for the rest of Psychology, but in her heart of hearts she didn't think that Ethan Meek would actually show up to audition for the school musical.

That's why seeing his face right when she walked into the auditorium that afternoon was such a shock.  

I'm so sorry about missing Friday's update! I was super busy with packing for vacation and totally forgot to write it. But now it's back!

I'm hoping that it's starting to show some differences from High School Musical.


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