2.20 | A Not-So-Subtle, Subtle Question

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A Not-So-Subtle, Subtle Question

attend: [uh-tend]; verb; to be present at.

    "Jessica Anastos is throwing her New Year's Eve party again this year!"

    Ethan continued to scroll through his phone, ignoring Scarlet's excitement.

    "She throws it every year, babe. This isn't news."

    "I wasn't sure if I'd be invited this year."

    Ethan looked up from his phone, his attention finally caught.


    Scarlet rolled her eyes, but Ethan was worried. Jessica Anastos was the best friend of Ethan's best friend's girlfriend, and if Scarlet had done something to upset the queen bee of Capital High, it was sure to become an issue for Ethan.

    "It wasn't a big deal. I simply called her out for dating that little scum Felix Brannon."

    Ethan's eyes widened.

    "She's not dating Felix Brannon, babe. He's one of the biggest losers at school."

    "Yes, I know that now. That's what Jessica yelled at me when I accused her of it." Scarlet shrugged. "That happened a few weeks ago, so I wasn't sure about the invite list to the New Year's Eve party this year."

    Ethan shook his head.

    "Can you please try and not cause issues with the people we're supposed to be friends with?"

    "Don't start with me." Scarlet retorted, "I am not in the mood to be lectured."

    "Fair enough." Ethan agreed, "Just don't come running to me when your mouth makes you not get invited to things."

    They were silent for a moment.

    "You have the whole invite list on your phone?" Ethan asked finally.

    "Yes." Scarlet replied.

    Ethan took a deep breath before asking the question he knew he would instantly regret--but he was terrible with the whole self-control thing.

    Most boys were.

    "Who's on it?"

    "Excuse me?"

    "It was an innocent question, Scarlet."

    "You just want to know if your precious new best friend Nova is on it." Scarlet replied angrily, looking down at her phone and scrolling furiously. She slowed for a moment and looked at the screen before sighing loudly.

    "She's on it."

    Ethan shrugged.

    "That's nice. Now for why I actually asked, is Felix Brannon?"

    Scarlet scrolled a bit more.


    "So don't accuse Jessica of any other ridiculous things, please. I value having friends."

    Scarlet sighed.

    "I can't promise anything. I tend to fan the flames when I see the chance."

    Ethan laughed.

    "Fan someone else's flame next time."

    He turned back to his phone, his heartbeat a bit quicker at the news that Nova would be in attendance.

    Naturally that had been the real reason he asked the question.


    "Is it like a big deal?"

    Nova could hear Sasha's cackling laugh in the background as Jessica hushed her.

    "Pretty much." Jessica laughed into the phone as Nova put her lasagna in the oven. "I host it every year and anyone who's anyone shows up. You, of course, were one of the first ones on the list!"

    "I'm flattered." Nova grinned. It was different, having friends who weren't all drama geeks. "Who else is coming?"

    ""All major sports teams were invited, plus the preppy kids who don't play sports because it might damage their perfect faces." Jessica laughed, "And a few random people in between. Most of those are guilt invites, though."

    "Guilt invites?"

    "Invites for people who either Sasha or I owe a favor to. Getting into my New Year's Eve party pretty much pays back any favor anyone could ever need."

    Nova couldn't keep from smiling. She had made the (non-guilt) invite list to a party that was evidently one of the most A-list parties at her high school.

    "I'll be there for sure." She said, setting the oven timer. "Thanks for the invite!"

    "Of course." Jessica replied, "And if you want to bring anyone, it's probably fine, just run it past me first. We'll see you at school tomorrow."

    "See ya." Nova hung up the phone, the smile still on her face. She immediately opened a new message to send to Ethan.

    You going to Jessica Anastos' NYE party? I want to make sure I know someone there!

    She sent it before regretting the exclamation point. As Nova stared at her phone screen, the three dots popped up to indicate Ethan was typing, and she exited out of the message quickly.


    She opened the message right away.

    I'll be there! I'll make sure to say hi.

    He had used an exclamation point as well, so maybe her's wasn't so weird.

    Plus he was going to be at the party.

    Nova was going to make this night count.

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