Ch. 15: Response

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That night I was feeling a little bit better (still awful, but I had the motivation to be social again, surprisingly).

I ignored all texts and messages, except for Will's. He only messaged me once, which I was thankful for. I didn't have the energy to scroll through paragraph after paragraph.


Will: Hey. Hazel said she's worried about you. I know I'm probably not the first person you'd go to, but just checking in to say I'm here if you need me. Things can get dark, I know, but you've got this. I believe in you!!

Nico: Thank you, that's sweet. I'm okay.

Will: Hey, glad you could respond. You sure you're okay? It's okay not to be.

Nico: No, it's not okay not to be.

Will: Why not?

Nico: I've spent too long being not okay. My family deserves better.

Will: Better than what?

Nico: Someone constantly on the verge of a mental breakdown.

Will: I don't know. It's only human.

Nico: Well, then being human sucks.

Will: It's not all that bad. There's ice cream, kittens and beach days!

Nico: The last beach day I had shook my entire world.

Will: But I met you.

Nico: Guess so.
Nico: Hey, are you...
Nico: Busy tomorrow?

Will: No. Just school, why?

Nico: Do you want to hang out?

Will: I'd love to!! When and where?

Nico: After school, your house?

Will: Can't do my house, I'm sorry :( But definitely after school!

Nico: It's okay, we can do my house.

Will: Okay, talk to you then!!

Nico: Bye

I sat my phone down on my bed, screen first. I felt a blush, but I didn't dare smile. This could end so bad (horribly, actually). But... like I said before. I can't escape fate. I'll just make sure to be nothing more than friends with Will, if that. 

I mostly just want some company that won't judge me. He seems too naive to.

I sigh again, laying back in my bed.

Maybe tomorrow will be better, I think, but immediately scowl, knowing otherwise. But at least it'll be... easier (hopefully).

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