Alternative Epilogue

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This is for everyone who couldn't handle the sadness.
(Also JoymomentsSISTER says for best results: play Kygo's Permanent on repeat while reading)

The bell over the door rang out a welcome as Edison stepped into Al's diner. He smiled, the sight before him one of his favorites.

Wanda looked up from behind the register and smiled sleepily, but didn't show any intention of moving. She knew he didn't require any assistance. Tonight, the lone patron at the counter was an older man drowning his feelings in a pool of syrup and pancakes.

The air smelled like something sweet and fried. Edison started for the back booth, his shoes squeaking on the sticky, tile floor. He paused when a low, purring engine could be heard outside. He looked out the window and saw a moped pulling into the parking lot. It stopped just outside the diner.

He smiled as a girl climbed off and shook out her mane of curly blonde hair.

His smile grew as he watched her skip the few steps to the front door and throw it open, the bell ringing violently at her force. She stopped when she saw him, her own smile spreading quickly across her face.

She was in a large, red sweatshirt Edison recognized. It had gone missing from his closet around the same time she had left.

Her eyes sparkled, and he could almost feel the energy and excitement radiating off her. She went up on her toes before she began to skip towards him. He took a few quick steps towards her and she met him halfway.

They collided, his arms around her waist, hers around his neck. He breathed her in and it felt like he could truly breath for the first time in two months.

He was the first one to pull back. He wanted to see her face, take in all the details he had missed. She looked right back, mirroring his own intent look with a hint of mockery.

"It's my new nose, isn't?" Kit said. "The plastic surgeon said no one would notice." She pulled further away, like she was seriously concerned. "I knew I shouldn't have started that bar fight. But you should have heard what that old woman was saying."

Edison could tell she was about to start one of her outlandish stories and he cut her off with a kiss.

She didn't put up a fight, the bar and old woman forgotten the moment their lips met. He could feel her smile as she wrapped her arms around his neck tighter. After a long, breathless moment, she pulled back.

"But seriously, this old woman -"

He chuckled and kissed her once more before he began to lead her towards their back booth, an arm still securely wrapped around her as she continued to prattle on about the bar fight. She only stopped to call out a greeting to Wanda.

He slid into the booth first, pulling her after him, but she pulled free. She walked to the swinging kitchen doors and popped her head in.

"Hey Roger!" she shouted. "How's Diana?"

The gruff looking cook appeared in the order window, a bright smile on his face.

"She could be better. She's still married to me."

His rough laugh filled the diner, mixing with Kit's bright one.

"Lucky you!" she said.

"You back in town for the game?" Roger asked.

Kit looked back at Edison and grinned.

"I wouldn't miss it for all of the ice cream in the world."

Roger looked at Edison and winked. "I guess that means we're both lucky guys." He looked back at Kit. "You kids want the latest and greatest?"

"Why do you think I came all the way back to Lighthouse Point?"

Roger chuckled and headed back to the grill. "I'll bring it out once it's ready."

Kit blew him a kiss before she danced back to the corner booth. She slid in and Edison reached for her hand, tying his fingers with hers.

"So, you came back for some game?" he asked playfully.

She shrugged casually. "Yeah. It's nothing really, except the biggest football game of the season, between the biggest rival high schools, and my boyfriend is the starting running back."

He smiled smugly. "Sounds pretty impressive."

"It would be, I guess, if I was interested in that kind of thing."

She smiled teasingly.

"But you aren't?"

"It's guys running around in tights, trying to catch a ball. It sounds more like a circus act." She cupped her hand around her mouth and whispered loudly, "I'm really just here for the waffles."

"Now that, I believe," he said.

He reached out and pinched her sides. She jumped and swatted his hand away as she laughed.

"And this boyfriend of yours has nothing to do with your return?"

She moved closer and wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing his cheek.

"Absolutely nothing." She laughed loudly as he tried to push her away, but she held on tightly. "Okay, fine. Maybe a little," she corrected herself.

He stopped pushing her away, but refused to put his arms around her. She began to cover his cheek with kisses, but he stared straight ahead, acting uninterested.

"Okay, maybe he is part of the reason I came back," she said between kisses.

He tried to lean away from her and she tightened her hold on him.

"Fine. He's the only reason I came back, and he is super hot, and amazing, and the best football player in the whole universe, including Mars. And I really really like him and his dance moves and -"

He turned and kissed her, cutting off her list of compliments.

She laughed, but he didn't let her slip away, cupping her face in his hands and drawing her closer. After a moment, something banged onto the table and they jumped apart, startled to find Roger had delivered root beer floats. He gave a sly grin before heading back to the kitchen, chuckling.

Kit laughed and slid Edison his cup before she took a sip. When she lowered the cup, she had a foam mustache. He grinned.

"You got something right -" He leaned in and kissed the foam away.

"Edison!" she laughed, pulling away. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, but froze when she caught him looking at her.

"What?" She continued to wipe her face, as if worried she had something more on it.

"I missed you," he said simply.

A sly grin spread across her face.

"What? The whole population of Lighthouse Point couldn't take my place?"

He smiled, happy to endure her teasing. "I don't think the entire population of the world could take your place."

Her smiled turned loving. "Well, when you say things like that Mr. Reigns, you make it nearly impossible to replace you," she said, wrapping her arms around his neck. "But I did try."

His smile didn't change. "What? The guys in Seattle weren't your type?"

She scrunched her nose up and shook her head.

"They either wear beanies or man buns and they are far too serious about their coffee and skinny jeans."

"And that isn't your type?"

She shook her head. "Nah. I like life-guards, who happen to be really good at football and dancing and making s'more and look adorable in argyle."

He nodded pensively. "I think I might know just the guy."

He wrapped his arm around her waist and began to lean in.

"Really?" she said.

She moved closer, erasing the small distance between their lips. For a few minutes, nothing else existed, except Edison and Kit and their warm breath mixing until he forgot where he ended and she started.

But they both jumped again, when Roger clanked two plates down on their table.

"Order up!" he boomed loudly, giving Edison a devilish smile.

Kit gave Roger a knowing look, but he showed no remorse.

"From the King himself," he said. "I present Fool's Gold."

They both turned their full attention to the two steaming plates Roger had presented. On each plate was a sandwich made of two thick pieces of bread, with peanut butter, jelly and a pile of bacon smashed in between. Roger had included a large pile of fries as well.

"Amazing, as usual," Edison said. Roger took a small bow at the compliment. "Roger, you never told me, did Diana like the gondola ride?"

A small hint of guilt slipped onto Roger's face. "She did."

"And what did you think about the resort's restaurant?" Edison continued to question.

"She thought it was very nice," Roger said. Something in his tone made it clear he understood what Edison was hinting at. "I'll leave you two alone to eat." He winked at Kit before returning to the kitchen.

"I see Roger is still giving you a hard time," she said, once the cook had disappeared.

Edison shrugged and pulled the two plates closer.

"He's just putting on a show because you're back. But he is friendly whenever I come in. Especially, since I got him and Diana a day pass to the resort and gave them a free dinner."

They both returned their focus to the food. The jelly, mixed with the bacon grease created a sweet, greasy smell.

"He's never steered us wrong before," Kit said. She grabbed half of the sandwich and took a bite.

Edison didn't wait for her response before taking a bite of his own sandwich. Without much surprise, they found Roger's concoction to be delicious. The ingredients created a strangely addictive flavor, and the sandwiches quickly disappeared. Kit handed over most of her second half as Edison finished his off, and he happily ate it.

They both sat back in order to give their stomachs room to digest and began to pick at their fries.

"Are you excited for tomorrow night?" she asked.

A quick answer rose to his lips, the one he had been giving to everyone who had asked that same question, but he paused. Kit was different and she deserved a better answer.

"I am," he said, but it didn't come through in his voice. "But I'm nervous."

"Understandably," she said, slipping her hand into his. "Tomorrow's game is huge. Did your coach tell you anymore about the scouts that will be there?"

He nodded and squeezed her hand. "Most of them are from the community colleges around the state. But, he said a few of them have direct connections with division one colleges, which means playing for them could get me a spot at a division one college after a year or so."

"That's amazing!" she said, her voice quiet with excitement.

He smiled for a moment, before growing serious again.

"It is," he said hesitantly, "and he said there might be a few scouts from the bigger schools. He's been reaching out to some, but he isn't sure if they will be there."

"Edison, that's fantastic! It's all really happening. You did it."

"It is great. But terrifying." He looked at Kit and could tell she understood exactly what he meant. "I didn't ever think I would be here again. I never thought I would get a second chance. And now that I have one, I can't help thinking of how I could lose it all again."

She smiled sympathetically.

"I have no idea how that feels," she said sarcastically.

He slowly smiled and his eyes darted down to where a tattoo sat over her heart. "How is the old ticker doing?" he asked.

A hint of worry slipped into his voice, but she squeezed his hand. It helped keep him focused on her and not the future.

"Still ticking," she smiled. "You are going to be fantastic tomorrow! You are going to kick the other team's booty, and have the scouts begging for you to play for their school." She moved closer and wrapped her arms around him. "And I will be on the sidelines cheering."

"You? On the sidelines? That's not something I can imagine."

She grinned playfully. "Sometimes I make exceptions. But only for people I really, really, really like."

"I didn't know that's how you felt about me." He began to lean in.

Her smile turned devilish. "I was talking about Drew," she said, her lips a breath away from his.

"Obviously," he grinned as he kissed her. 


Joyful jelly donuts!

There you have it! You can wipe away your tears of happiness! Everything is good! Kit and Edison are happy, together and the world has been set right!

Hard question, which epilogue did you like more?

Hahah I figured. My sister JoymomentsSISTER specifically wrote this epilogue for me.

I'll explain. Yes, we created Kit together and I literally walked through the break down of every chapter with her, but it was actually her craft and writing that brought this book to life.

Since that was how it was, I knew I wasn't going to be able to handle Kit dying, even though I knew it had to happen. So because of this fact she wrote me this epilogue, to cheer me up. She was so evil she almost wasn't going to let me share it with you, because to her the previous epilogue it the true epilogue to this book.

But I told her to have mercy and so I got to post it for you!

So tell me what you think?

Give me the craziest description of how cute them are!

I know this book is done but you know I would never leave you hanging! I just posted a completely new book, A Gypsy's Tale! It's about a gypsy girl and her world getting turned upside down after she saves a sailor and her uncle dies! I'm going to be honest with you it's one of my favorite stories so far, so I hope you read and enjoy!

Vote, comment, follow or eat waffles, cheer and play football! Haha yeah I don't know!

Remember the fun doesn't even stop here! 😉

A Secret Service [COMPLETED]
Kickbutt girl. Action. Mystery. Hot guy. Love.
A Second Chance [COMPLETED]
Playboy singer. Small time singer. Contract. Love.
Co-writers. Humor. Love.
Celebrity Cruise [COMPLETED]
One week. Cruise worker. Famous singer. Love. 
Every Second [COMPLETED]
Pop singer. Drummer. One album. Love. 
Beyond The Barrier [COMPLETED]
BA girl. Action. Zombies. Love.

One final thing!

If you go back to read the book over and find the clues of Kit dying then please, PLEASE DO NOT COMMENT RR OR #RR.

Thanks for keeping the surprise intact!

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