Chapter 12 - "Abort, abort!"

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Kit's Porsche was not made for the bumpy road she drove down. She tried her best to dodge the potholes and rocks but the whole car bounced as she left the paved highway, following the directions Jaxon had given her. Tall trees lined the dirt road she was on. There was a break in the trees ahead and when she reached it, she found a dirt parking lot. She pulled in among the rows of cars and got out.

She heard voices coming from the far end of the parking lot. She followed them until she discovered a group of more then forty people. Most people were dressed in some sort of military wear, but the amount varied greatly. Jaxon and the group of guys around him were dressed similarly to how Kit was dressed, looking like they had raided the local army store. 

The cheer team had decided on their own version of military dress: green booty shorts and tank tops. Some of them had bandannas fashionably tied around their heads and some even had black stripes painted across their cheeks. Kit wondered if they understood anything outside of football.

She was circling the group, headed in Jaxon's direction, when Edison stepped in her path. He looked vastly different then he had a few hours before. Gone was the green and pink argyle, replaced with camo shorts and a black t-shirt.

"Long time no see," he said. He gave her an impressed look. "I like your outfit."

"Thanks. I like yours too," she said. "Although I'm not sure if I like it better than what you were wearing..."

He clamped a hand over her mouth. "Not a word, Kittery," he hissed.

He scanned the crowd around them to see if anyone had been listening. She chuckled and pulled away. When he looked back at her, she pretended to zip her lips shut and tossed the key away.

"I'm guessing you've played Capture the Flag before," he pointed at her outfit. "That or you just know how to dress the part."

"I've played before," she shrugged.

"You should know the way we play is pretty intense," he said.

"Oh, really?" she asked. 

He nodded his head, missing the mocking tone in her voice.

"We play at night in the forest. Some people get really in to it, acting like it's a life or death situation," he explained. Kit nodded along and held back her smile. "Sometimes the girls get scared and freak out."

"And I'm sure you are always there to offer a comforting arm and protect them," she said. He gave her a cocky smile.

"And would you do the same for me?" she asked.

"I'm all yours tonight," he said.

She grinned and gave him a playful slap. "Thanks for the heads up, Reigns. I'll keep your valiant offer in mind while we play."

"Eddie, there you are!" Amanda called out. She skipped towards them, a gaggle of cheerleaders following her.

"Do you want some face paint?" Amanda asked. She held out a charcoal pencil.

Edison looked at the pencil and then to the black stripes across her cheeks.

"Why would I need that?" he asked.

"Camouflage," one of the other cheerleaders said, her tone implying Edison's question was a dumb one.

"That's to help keep sweat from reflecting the sun," he said.

He glanced up at the quickly darkening sky as if it get a second opinion. The girls laughed and Kit joined in, but she was laughing for a completely different reason.

"Come, Eddie! If you're gonna play you really need it," Kit said, mockingly. He threw her a flat look.

"Exactly," Amanda said.

She turned to see who she was agreeing with and a deep scowl settled on her face.

"Hey, Mandy! Great to see you!" Kit said cheerfully.

Amanda's eyes only narrowed more. Kit gave her a peppy nod, threw Edison a cheeky grin and left the group. She was heading in Jaxon's direction when he called out to her. 

"Kit, where have you been?" he asked. His gaze shifted to her outfit and he pursed his lips. "Where is your jacket?"

"It's too hot to wear a jacket," she said. She made eye contact with Neil and waved.

"How are you suppose to blend into your surroundings when your arms are showing?" he asked seriously. 

She shrugged. "I'll stick close to Amanda and hide behind her white leg," she offered. 

He gave a reluctant smile before turning serious again. "Are you serious about playing?"

She rested her hands on his shoulders. "Jax, this is me you're talking about," she said. "I won't stop until we've destroyed the other team."

He didn't seem appeased.

"Hey, Kit," Neil said, oblivious he was interrupting anything. He had olive green and black paint streaked across his face.

"Hey, Neil," she smiled. "You got any more of that face paint?"

He gave her a surprised look. "Do you want some?" he asked.

She nodded and accepted the containers of paint from him.

"Smart thinking," Jaxon said. "We can cover your arms as well."

"That's what I was thinking," she said.

She swiped a glob of black paint and dragged it down her arm. She added some green and kept adding until her arms were covered.

"I can do your face," Jaxon offered. 

She stood still as he painted diagonal streaks down her face.

"It feels just like old times," she said. 

He smiled, an excited gleam in his eyes. "Just like old times. Are you ready for this?"

She scoffed. "I was born ready."

"That's the Kit Kat I know."

Kit was just finishing painting Jaxon's face when Drew hopped up on the back of a truck and shouted for everyone's attention. Jaxon pulled away.

"I gotta be up there," he said.

He left for the front of the crowd and his spot was instantly taken by Edison. Kit looked over at him and his eyes shot up in surprise. 

"You got a little something on your face," he said.

"Really? Where?" she asked. 

He smiled. "Just right there."

He motioned to her whole face and she laughed.

"Alright, listen up everyone," Drew called out. People kept talking until Jaxon blew an ear splitting whistle and silence fell.

"Alright, I assume you all know how to play Capture the Flag." A few people laughed. "The boundary line between the two team's sides is marked with glow-in-the-dark chalk so you will see it," Drew explained. "The flags for either team are attached to glow sticks. Remember: if you are tagged on the other teams side you go to jail. You can only be released if someone from your team reaches the jail without getting tagged. The first team to get the other teams flag wins." 

He paused and looked around the group to make sure everyone understood. "Jaxon and I are team captains. Listen up while we choose teams. Jaxon," Jaxon hopped up on the truck. "You can choose first."

An excited energy passed through the crowd as Jaxon looked out at them.

"Kit," he called out.

He gave her a knowing nod and she returned it. Drew made his pick but Kit was distracted by the shock radiating off of Edison. She turned and found him studying her.

"What does he know that I don't?" he asked.

She grinned and batted her eyes. "Lots of things," she said.

"Edison," Drew called out. They both turned back towards the truck. Jaxon made his next pick.

"I guess we aren't on the same team," Edison said.

"Guess not. Now who is gonna save me when I get scared of the dark?" she mocked.

Edison ignored her comment and watched as the team captains finished picking their teams.

"Alright, my team, over here," Jaxon called out. He jumped down from the truck and walked towards the opposite end of the parking lot.

"Remember, if you need me, just holler," Edison said, but Kit was already jogging towards Jaxon.

Jaxon stopped at the edge of the trees. "Alright, huddle up," he shouted.

He searched the crowd following him and stopped when he found Kit. She smiled and made her way to his side.

"We're splitting up into pairs," he instructed the group around him. It was mostly guys from the football and swim team. The cheerleaders were taking their time joining the group. "Stay close to each other but not too close. If one of you gets caught, the other can free them."

Heads nodded in understanding. "Neil, Tyler: guard the flag," Jaxon said. "Weston, Sam, Donny: I want you along the boundary. The rest of you split up into pairs. Half of you take the north side, the other half, the south. Kit Kat: you're with me."

"Roger that, Ajax," Kit said.

"What should we do?" Amanda asked, pushing through the group.

Jaxon looked at her like he had completely forgotten she was even playing. "Try to get the flag," he said flatly. "And don't get caught, 'cause none of us will break you out." 

Amanda gave a hurt gasp but Jaxon ignored it as he turned to Kit. "We'll go North. I got here early and was scoping out some possible paths," he said.

"Okay," Kit said with a serious nod. "I saw some of the area while driving in that will provide good cover."

"Great. I'm gonna check in with Neil and Tyler."

Kit looked up at the sky. It had reached an inky blue, the tall trees only black silhouettes against it. Another ten minutes and they would barely be able to see anything. She sensed someone approach and looked down. She could just make out the scowl on Amanda's face, her crossed arms and defiant stance stating clearly how she felt about Kit.

"Did you know that Eddie and I were together for more than a year?" she asked. "Whats a little break when you are in love?"

Kit looked around, wondering if there was someone else Amanda was talking to.

Amanda took a step closer. "I was by his side through everything. We have so much history. Do you think he'll easily forget that?"

Kit frowned now, genuinely confused by the onrush of information.

Amanda leaned closer. "Remember that when you start to think anything might happen between you and Eddie."

When Kit continued to remain silent Amanda kept talking. "I'm glad we're taking a little break. I was his support through so much, and we both mean so much to each other, but we just needed a little breather."

Kit nodded a few times. "You probably don't know this about me but I'm a very thorough person," she said. "When I check things off, I usually double check them. Did you know pushing someone in a pool is on my bucket list?" She kept her voice light as if they were discussing their weekend plans. "I mean, we don't have a pool, but there is a beach. And you're here."

Amanda's gulp was audible as she took a few steps back. "You wouldn't dare."

"Try me," Kit grinned. Amanda glared at her before stomping off as Jaxon approached.

"Let's move. The game should be starting soon," he said, any thoughts of Amanda already gone from his mind. He started to move and Kit followed.

"Jaxon," one of the girls attached themselves to him as they passed. "It's getting so dark. Can I come with you?" she whined.

Kit could tell the girl hoped her sweet and needy voice would capture Jaxon's attention, but he was too focused to notice. He roughly shrugged out of her grasp and stepped away.

"Use a flashlight, then," he said. He nodded at Kit and kept moving. He led her through the parking lot and into the trees.

"The ground is pretty flat so we don't have to worry about tripping," he said as they walked further into the trees.

On Kit's drive in, the forest had seemed thick and wild, but once she was in it, she found there was space between the trees and not many bushes or low plants that could get in the way of their progress.

Five minutes later, a loud whistle rang throughout the trees, signaling the start of the game and Jaxon picked up the pace. He led them in a certain direction and Kit kept up with him as they jogged through the trees. They caught snippets of voices when they passed close to other people and every few minutes a squeal from one of the girls. Jaxon slowed when bright, colorful X's started to peak through the trees, telling them they were close to the boundary line. He stopped twenty yard from one of the trees with glow-in-the-dark chalk on it, crouching behind a large trunk.

"Alright," he whispered, as Kit joined him near the ground. "There is a high rise of rocks about a hundred yards east of us. The base is large and offers countless crevices for hiding the flag. We'll start there."

"I'll go right," she said. Now that night had fallen, the rim of her military hat was without use. She pulled it off and put it on backwards.

"And I'll go left," he said. "The jail is located near the parking lot, about forty feet back in the trees." 

She nodded. "Signal if you get caught," she said.

"Same to you." He held out his hand and she gripped it.

"Happy hunting," he said. There was excitement in his voice. She smiled, her own adrenaline kicking in. They let go and headed in opposite directions.

His footsteps faded quickly and she was left in silence as she slowly crept her way towards the boundary line. An excited energy rushed through every inch of her body, making her feel alive. She sank into a crouch behind a tree a few yards from the boundary line and waited. A minute later she heard a group of voices making their way towards her.

"This is so stupid," a girl complained.

"I don't understand why the boys even like playing. It's so gross out here," another one said. The volume of their voices made it clear they didn't care who heard them.

"I know, but if we don't play then they won't let us go to the bonfire after."

"Eww, I just walked into a branch," one of them screamed.

"Let's get out of here."

"Did you guys see what Kit was wearing?" Mirthful laughs rang out.

"She looked like a guy. I bet she's only acting like she wants to play so she'll get the boys' attention."

Kit barely heard their words as she focused on the line. Her eyes had adjusted to the dark and darted around, watching for any one who would pose a real threat.

"At least for once she won't be around Eddie," one of the girls said.

"Let's go find Eddie!"

"He's guarding the jail." Their voices changed directions as they began to head in the opposite direction.

Kit waited until their voices had faded away, then made her move. Her steps were swift and quiet as she raced forward. She kept an eye out as she crossed into enemy territory.

She barely met another soul as she moved deeper into the other side. Her ears were on high alert, ready to hide at the slightest sound of movement. She kept a mental compass in her head as she searched for the rise of rocks Jaxon had mentioned.

She knew she must be getting close when she had to quickly duck behind a tree as two guys came by. She held her breath when they paused and looked around. They waited silently for a moment before continuing their sweep of the area. 

She stepped out from behind the tree, mindful of her steps when shouts rang out. The loud noise was shocking in the silence and Kit whipped her head around, trying to place the direction of the voices. Then she caught the words being shouted.

"Abort! Abort!" Jaxon yelled. She didn't think as she turned and sprinted back towards the boundary line.

"I got another one!" someone yelled right behind her.

She picked up the pace, pushing her legs to move faster. Halfway to the line she caught sight of Jaxon. He was running parallel to her, a few people chasing after him. 

Kit could hear the people behind her closing in and she knew she couldn't outrun them. All the guys had longer legs then her and they would soon catch her. Up ahead, she spotted a wall of trees close together and she began to curve her path towards that. The small change in direction gave her chasers an advantage and she could hear their labored breathing and almost feel it on her neck. 

Low bushes blocked the ground between two trees and Kit hoped her pursuers would blindly follow her as she raced for that section. She jumped over the bushes at the last second, stumbling a moment as she landed before she was running again. She didn't look back when she heard a curse as a body tripped over the bushes.

She met up with Jaxon twenty feet from the line and he grabbed her hand, giving her the extra speed she needed to reach the safety of their side. They ran a few more feet before they were able to slow their bodies enough to stop. 

A sharp pain shot up Kit's leg to her chest and she clutched it as she bent over, trying to give her lungs the air they so desperately were seeking.

"Kit Kat," Jaxon said, frowning. "Are you alright?"

She looked up and gave him the best smile she could muster as she worked on taking deep breaths. "I..haven'," she said. Her voice came out breathy and it sounded like a laugh. "I'm so out of shape."

"Are you okay?" Jaxon's concern was still there.

She waved it away and tried to stand up. The pain was still in her chest but it began to lessen as she stood and began to slowly walk around. She couldn't remember the last time she had run full out for so long. The movement seemed to help the pain and she kept moving.

"What happened?" she asked.

"I found the flag," he said, a sly grin slipping on to his face.

"What? Do you have it?!" she asked, all pain forgotten.

"No," he grumbled. "I was so close, but Drew has five people guarding it and probably more now that they know that we know where it is."

"Where is it?"

"It's hidden among the rise of rocks I told you about."

"How do we get it?"

He gave her mischievous look. "Do you remember the Capture the Flag game we played in Florida?"


Kit felt steady on her feet once again as she crouched by the boundary line with Jaxon, Neil and a group of guys. Jaxon was going over last minute details for the plan in a hushed voice, but she kept her focus on the line. Drew was prepared for them. There was a guard of three guys walking up and down the line.

"Alright, the first team get into position," Jaxon's said. "On my mark." Two of the guys on their team crept closer.

Jaxon signaled and they shot off, crossing the line and immediately catching the attention of the guard. 

Jaxon gave them a minute to get as far into the enemy territory as they could before he sent the next two. He nodded at Kit as they bolted across the line and another round of shouts came from the other side. She used the distraction to creep over to the other side unnoticed.

Her movement jumped between short sprints and hiding as she dodged around the players on the other side. There was more of an uproar as Jaxon sent the next pair over the line and she kept moving. Drew had also reinforced the guards around the rocks and he had moved Edison off of jail duty. 

Just as Kit predicted, the group of girls had followed him. It had also grown in size as more girls seemed to have given up on the game. Sweat from running had wiped away most of Kit's face paint and she had used her tank top to wipe away the rest. She still had a few stray streaks but her face was clean for the most part.

She waited for a break in the circling guard, then sauntered up to join the group of girls around Edison. She blended in and remained in the back, watching as the girls tried to engage him in conversation. But he ignored them, his attention on the trees. She waited until the girls got distracted discussing some concert and snuck around the group to his side.

"You look bored, soldier." She said it quietly, in order to avoid attracting anyone's attention but his. 

He turned and grinned at the sight of her. "What happened to your face paint and your gung-ho attitude?" he mocked. 

She shrugged. "Jaxon gets into this kind of stuff," she said, implying she didn't. "I see your entourage isn't really the capture the flag type of crowd either."

Edison didn't get a chance to respond as Jaxon burst through a grouping of trees, out breath. He and Edison both froze for a moment before he took off. Edison pushed through the group of girls, chasing him down. He was joined by another one of his team mates that came bursting through the trees. 

A moment later, Neil appeared racing in a different direction, two people on his tail. Kit didn't hesitate as she ran for the rocks. The girls provided some cover but even once she left them, her small frame went unnoticed as Jaxon and Neil caused an uproar. She reached the base of rocks and began to climb. 

The rocks didn't reach that high but the base was wide and she had a lot of ground to cover. The air was filled with shouts as Jaxon and Neil managed to dodge capture for a few more minutes. Kit searched frantically, her eyes seeking out any bright light that stood out against the night.

The night suddenly calmed when Jaxon and Neil were captured and Kit knew her time was limited. Mostly, she wouldn't have the distraction of Jaxon and Neil, but there was also the chance that Edison would return to the group of girls and realize she was missing. She had made it half way around the rocks when she heard the alert.

"Did anyone get Kit?" Edison shouted. She kept moving in the moment of silence that followed and then the shouts started again.

"Where was she?"

"Get to the flag!"

"I think I see her up on the rocks!"

Kit didn't look back or think but kept moving. She could hear quick footsteps climbing behind her and she moved faster, her eyes darting around until they landed on the hint of something bright.

She scrambled for it and fell, dragging her knee and hands down the rough surface of a rock. She ignored the sharp pain in both hands and knee and quickly recovered the ground she had lost.

"I almost got her!" someone yelled right behind her.

Kit's adrenaline spiked and she used it to close the last couple of feet between her and the flag. Her hand grasped at the glow stick and she yanked it out.

"I got it!" she shouted, giving it one wave before a hand wrapped around her ankle.


Hello, my dashing danish!

That's it! We are all meeting up so we can play an epic game of Capture the Flag! I should warn you I have zero talent for sports and will probably be captured first, but still I believe I can be an assent to the team!

Who's team captains?

I swear I will not bribe you with ice cream to pick me first. *subtly slides ice cream carton towards you*

For real though, the only sport I can be called decent at is running, but that's only because I don't have to be concentrating on catching, kicking, bouncing, hitting or carrying anything. But you know I still got game. (What does having game even mean? Do you own the game of football? If I owned a baseball, would that mean I had game??)

Any who! Let's meet up and do this! It will be awesome and a complete disaster, should be good! (Shoo-be-doo!)

Kapayapaan, Pag-ibig, Sorbetes!

And yes, that is adorable!

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