Chapter 21 - "My place?"

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The swim to the shore was not far and Kit, Edison, and the few others who decided to join them, made it there before Drew brought the first group in the dinghy. Once they had claimed their spot on the beach, they settled quickly.

It was still early in the afternoon and hot. The girls arranged their towels and laid out like hot-dogs on a grill. A group started a game of frizzbee football right along the water to allow them to tackle each other into the ocean. Another group started a game of volleyball.

From the way the girls called Edison over, it seemed he usually joined the tanning crowd, which, came as no surprise to Kit. But he only gave them a quick wave before he followed Kit to join the volleyball game.

Volleyball brought out Edison's competitive side and Kit rose to the challenge. He was more athletic than she was, but what she lacked in skills, she made up for in enthusiasm. They were on opposing teams and their intense playing pulled both teams into a competitive game. Kit's team only admitted defeat when it turned too dark to continue.

A fire pit had been setup and the two teams joined the crowd roasting hot dogs over the flames. Amanda led the dinner conversation down memory lane, excluding Kit, but she didn't mind. She was too busy trying to sabotage Edison cooking his hot dog.

The sky grew darker and the conversation turned lazy as everyone finished eating and settled back into their seats.

Edison pulled Kit to him, wrapping his arm around her. He smelled like salt water and smoke. He smelled like summer. After an afternoon in the sun, she was feeling lazy, and she rested her head against his shoulder.

As if an alarm had gone off, alerting Amanda of their closeness, a moment after Kit's head rested against Edison, Amanda was talking loudly and suggesting a game.

"Let's play a game! Why not get to know the new girl?" she said.

"That's not a game," Neil argued.

"Who cares?" she shot back. She turned and focused on Kit. "Come on. She shows up out of nowhere, nobody knows a thing about her, and she's suddenly always around. I think we deserve some answers."

No one countered Amanda as all their attention turned to Kit. Kit was sure everyone else was as curious for answers as Amanda. Even Edison seemed to be holding his breath, eager to see what she would say.

She smiled and shrugged. "Sure. What do you want to know?"

"Where are you from?" Amanda spat out.

Kit looked around the group to find all eyes on her. She dropped her gaze to her lap, pretending to think about her answer. She cleared her throat and added a hint of hesitancy to her voice before she spoke.

"New York," she said.

"Why did you come to Lighthouse Point?" Amanda followed up quickly.

Kit paused, and could feel the interest of the crowd rise, as if they had collectively leaned forward to hear more clearly.

"I was in a relationship that ended abruptly," she said. She was proud of the waver in her voice. "I worked part-time with this company. They were thinking about setting up a branch in this area. They needed people to check it out. I needed a change, so I came here."

As Kit pretended to stumble over her words, she could feel Edison tensing up. She wondered if he had figured out she was pulling her back story from one of the first conversations they had shared. The one where he had told her about all the rumors surrounding her.

"And your parents just let you come here alone?" Amanda asked. Her face was a mix of awe and disbelief. Like she was receiving news that was too good to be true.

Kit took a deep breath, preparing for the finale of her story.

"My parents actually dropped me off here," she said.

Edison gave her a playful squeeze as he buried his face in her shoulder. She could feel him gently shake with laughter, and she knew he understood.

She bit back a smile, fighting to end her story on a somber note.

"They had a few business meetings they had to attend in South Carolina, but they'll be back. They'll be back," she repeated, adding a hint of doubt to her voice.

Edison let out a choked laugh and tried to cover it up with a cough. Kit grinned and waved away imaginary smoke, "Smoke is the worst," she said, returning to her normal voice. "You alright, Edison?"

"Fine. Just need water," he choked out over his laughter.

He stood quickly and walked to the coolers. She smirked as she watched him go, then turned back to the group.

"Any more questions?" she asked. Everyone looked at her dumbly. She had hinted that all the rumors about her were true and they could only gape at her. "Alright. How about Never Have I Ever?" she suggested.

Neil managed to speak first and seconded the idea. Edison rejoined the circle and concurred, rustling everyone into agreement.

He took a spot next to Kit and waited for everyone to be distracted, before he leaned over to whisper in her ear.

"I'm sorry you had to talk about Albert," he said, his words barely louder than a breath. "I know it's hard for you."

She gave him a mischievous smile, her eyes sparkling. He chuckled and shook his head, turning serious when Amanda called for quiet so the game could begin.

Amanda graciously went first, aiming her Never at Kit.

"Never have I ever kissed a stranger," she said. Edison playfully bumped Kit's arm as he lifted his drink to his lips, and she did the same. "Eddie," Amanda said, scandalized.

He shrugged. "Don't say it if you can't handle the answer."

As the game continued, it became apparent that Kit had experienced more outlandish things than everyone else. She found it entertaining when someone would throw out a crazy idea and everyone's eyes would go wide when she drank. When it was Edison's turn, he gave her a mischievous look before raising his cup.

"Never have I ever watched the sun rise over the ocean," he said. He fixed her with a smug look as she took a sip.

"You've seriously never watched the sun rise over the ocean?" Amanda called out. Edison gave an annoyed sigh before he turned to look at her. "It's beautiful," she added.

"I've seen it rise on the lake, but that's different," he said. "I'm talking about it breaking over the horizon."

"It's amazing," Amanda said. "The coast isn't that far from here. Just a few hours. We should go some time."

Kit crossed her arms and sat back, highly entertained by the dumbfound look on Edison's face. She could see he was scrambling for a noncommittal answer, but Neil saved him.

"Amanda, go watch the sunset or don't," Neil said. "We don't care. Let's keep playing. Never have I ever cheered for a football game."

All the cheerleaders let out annoyed squeals and drank.

It was another chaotic process packing up and getting back on the boat to return to Drew's house. A chill had set in with the night, and the rushing air made the ride back cold. Kit was grateful when Edison offered her his red lifeguard jacket. The sleeves hung past her hands, and she buried her face in the collar, breathing in the warmth and his scent.

People were slow disembarking the boat once they were back at Drew's dock. It was only eight-thirty and some of the group suggested keeping the party going around Drew's fire pit. Kit hopped onto the side of the boat and cut the line, jumping from the boat to the dock. Edison landed a moment after her and slung his arm around her shoulders, as she led the way back to the car.

"What's the plan Stan?" he asked. His tone was eager, and she could tell he was ready to follow any idea she had.

"My place?" she suggested. His eyes went up in surprise. "Or we could do something else," she added.

"No, no, no," he blurted out quickly. "Your place sounds great."

She laughed as he continued to gape. She playfully pushed free of his arm and ran to the car.

Edison was energetic on the car ride home. He seemed to have a funny story about every person in the crowd, and he shared them. He was animated as he built up the situation, then finished with the punchline.

But the mood shifted when they pulled into Kit's driveway. He turned off the car and looked over at her.

"Thanks for dropping me off," she said cheerfully. "I'll see you later."

She quickly hopped out of the truck and headed for her house. She smiled when she heard him slam open his door.

"Hey!" he called after her. "What do you mean?"

She turned around, but kept walking backwards towards the house.

"I'm tired, so I'm going to go to bed."

"Kit," he called. She could tell he was frustrated, but not as frustrated as he use to get. She knew a part of him wasn't surprised.

"Night Edison," she said.

"What if we watch a movie?"

She laughed and shook her head.

"What about my goodnight kiss?" he called back. She grinned, but he spoke before she could. "Yeah, yeah. I know," he grumbled. "I should ask Amanda."

She laughed and opened her door.

"You are learning," she said. "Night."

"Whatever," he said, but his tone didn't hold too much annoyance.

Kit couldn't remember the last time she had gone to sleep at nine-thirty, but the sun and the volleyball game had worn her out, and she was asleep almost as soon as her head hit the pillow.

When her alarm went off, shrill and loud, at three-thirty in the morning, she was jolted from a deep sleep. She remained motionless in the dark for a moment, sleep's warm tendrils trying to pull her back under. But she fought it.

She threw back the blankets and hopped up, gently slapping her face to rid it of sleep. She pulled Edison's jacket over her pjs, and slipped on a pair of tennis shoes. She felt a bit like a zombie as she slipped out into the night, and got into her car.

When she reached her destination, she pulled along the side of the road and shut the car off. Gravel crunched under foot as she lightly crossed the driveway. The sole front porch light cast her shadow behind her as she crept closer to the house. The large two-story home before her was now familiar, and she didn't have to count windows to know which one she was aiming for. She scooped up a few pebbles.

One, tap.

Two, tap.

Three, tap.

All three pebbles hit their mark. Stepping back, she waited for movement behind the window. When a shadow appeared, she smiled and waved him down. She could see him shake his head as he disappeared. She went back to her car and sat on the trunk, waiting.

A minute later, Edison crept out his front door, silently shutting it behind him. He yawned as he slowly walked towards her. His hair was disheveled, and he was in sweatpants and a tank top.

"This better be good St James," he said. His voice was gravelly with sleep.

"How about seeing the sun rise over the ocean?" she said.

His eyes opened wide with surprise. She gave him a steady look to reassure him she was serious.

"I work at ten," he said.

"I'll get you back by nine."

He opened his mouth to make another argument, but shut it.

"If you don't want to come, I can always ask Amanda," she said with a laughing smile. "She LOVES watching the sun rise over the ocean."

He chuckled, and rubbed his eyes. He looked at the Porsche, then back at her.

"No Moped?"

She smiled and hopped down. "I thought about it, but a two-hour drive seemed a bit improbable. Although, you do look adorable in a helmet."

He glared at her as he moved towards the passenger side.

They didn't say much on the drive. The roads were peacefully empty, and the low hum of the car lulled them into a comfortable silence. The sky began to lighten from its inky black, and by the time they reached the coast, it was the palest of blues.

Kit kicked off her sneakers and left them in the car, dancing across the asphalt parking lot to the cool sand. Edison quickly followed and took her hand. Their feet sank and rose over the dips in the sand until they reached the edge of the wet sand. Edison sat and pulled Kit down against his chest, wrapping his arms around her. She yawned as she rested her head back against him and wrapped her arms through his.

She took in a deep, blissful breath, as hints of sunlight began to peek over the horizon. The beach was empty, and the air was completely still. The water quietly rushed up the sand and retreated. Edison rested his chin on top of her head, and tightened his hold on her.

It was like a fire show as the warm morning light pushed the last bits of night from the sky, and brushed the tips of the waves in gold. Kit smiled as a feeling of deep peace washed over her like the waves. The peace that came with feeling infinitely insignificant and infinitely important.

They didn't say a word until the sun had completely risen from the horizon, and even then, it was a quiet whisper.

"I get it," Edison said, his hushed words matching the sweeping water. "The infinite feeling," he added.

Kit smiled as she looked up at him. She could see it in his eyes. The wonder. He met her gaze and something on his face shifted. His eyes skipped down to her lips for a brief second, then back up to her eyes, questioning. Asking. She held his gaze.

She wasn't sure why she did it. Maybe it was because they felt like the only people alive. Maybe it was because something inside of her swelled, knowing he understood how she felt. But she didn't look away as his head dipped to meet hers.

His lips lightly brushed against hers, warm and salty, the kiss only lasting for a moment. He pulled back and looked at her, before they both turned back to the rising sun.

They didn't stir until the sun had waved farewell to the horizon and declared the day begun. The air started to warm and they became aware of time again. They untangled their limbs from each other and stood. Edison offered her his hand and she took it. Heading back to the car, she checked the time and smiled.

"I think we'll be back in time for breakfast at Al's," she said. "Roger should still be working."

"Do we have time to get peanut butter cups?" he asked.

She smiled. "There is always time for peanut butter cups." 


Hello my fabulous flan!
(Really good Mexican dessert)

So I go to ask what are your thoughts on Kit and Edison's relationship?

Probably one of the most up and down relationships I have created!

Also their couple name is Edit in case you were curious!

Alrighty mates! TheLionsRage asked me this: What's the most annoying typing mistake you've ever made?

My answer is....there's too many to even pinpoint just one. For a writer I suck at spelling. Amusing, I know. But I'm constantly flipping your and you're. I hate the words lose, loss and loose! I say always instead of also. I write ruminate instead of remnant. I hate choice, chose and choose. But let's face it the ones I truly hate with a passion because I've had multiple people explain it to me and I still get it wrong is Effect and Affect! Gosh they are the worst!

There you have it, my woes of being a writer with a word problem.

Have you ever wondered what a cloud taste like??

Nope? Just me? Okayyy....*hides away in corner*

مثلجات حب سلام

(Arabic and I think I got it wrong)

Would you look at that!

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