Chapter 30 - "Don't punch me."

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"Cannonball!" Tommy and Drew cried out in unison.

They jumped off the dock and hit the water at the same time, multiplying the size of their splash. Squeals rang out as water soaked the dock, and the girls sunbathing.

"Drew! Tommy!" Amanda shouted angrily.

She roughly picked up her towel and moved up the dock. The rest of the girls followed her lead. All of the guys followed Drew and Tommy into the water, trying to make their splash reach further than the rest.

"This is pathetic," Jaxon said.

He stood further up the dock with Kit and Edison, watching the guys jump with a disapproving look. He waited until everyone was in the water before he sauntered towards the water. He paused a few steps from the edge and turned back to his audience. He made a few sweeping bows, as if he were competing, and the girls cheered.

He turned back to the water and took the last few steps quickly before he jumped. Water splashed everywhere, even reaching as far as some of the girls. But they didn't seem to mind as they whooped and cheered for Jaxon.

Kit was preparing to follow his act when Edison wrapped his arms around her and started carrying her towards the water. She shouted in surprise, and barely had enough time to shut her mouth before they hit the water.

"Edison Reigns!" she yelled when they broke the surface.

She swam for the dock and pulled herself out. He followed her and rested his arms on the dock's edge.

"Did I ruin your hair?" he teased.

She glared at him and shook her head. He swiped at her legs, trying to pull her back in, but she stepped back.

"Edison, stop it. You're ruining my jump" she hissed.

He laughed. She bit back a smile and stood straight. She raised her arms and nodded to an imaginary crowd. She took two quick steps and front flipped into the water.

"Poor form!" Jaxon yelled when she popped up.

He was already back up on the dock. He bowed, then flipped in the air and hit the water in a dive, looking as graceful as an Olympic diver. The girl's cheered and shouted, "a perfect 10", when he resurfaced. Kit rolled her eyes.

"I'll show you how its really done," Drew boasted. He scrambled out of the water and whistled for the girl's attention. "Ladies!" he said.

He bowed and back-flipped into the water. When he came up, everyone looked at the girl's to see what score he got. They cheered but gave him eights and nines. Jaxon hooted victoriously.

The rest of the guys quickly climbed up on the dock, each taking a sweeping bow and reveling in the cheers from the girls before they jumped. Everyone did, except Edison. He seemed uninterested in the whole competition as he swam lazy circles around Kit.

"When are we going to see the amazing Edison Reigns do a flip?" Kit asked, slowly turning in the opposite direction.

He scoffed. "This is child's play."

She chuckled. "And far too easy for someone of your high caliber of jumping?" she guessed.

"Precisely," he said.

She watched as Jaxon attempted a double flip, but didn't quiet complete both flips before he hit the water. His landing sounded painful, but he still came up looking bored and superior. She turned to Edison.

"Do you think you could do better?" A scoff was the only answer he gave.

"Prove it," she said. He started to make his argument, but she swam away. "This dock might be too childish for you, but what about the cliff?" she called back. "Last one there is the rotten egg."

She began to race for the dock but he quickly passed her and pulled himself out. He stood and smirked.

"I guess that makes you the rotten egg," he said.

She didn't say anything as she pulled herself out of the water. She casually walked past him and up the dock.

"I said last one to the cliff," she said over her shoulder.

"We're going to the cliff?" one of the guys asked. The word cliff was quickly passed around.

"Race you," Tommy called out.

Suddenly, there was a mad dash up the dock, past Kit, with Jaxon in the lead. She watched all the guys race past the girls, Edison lost somewhere in the mob. She chuckled and followed behind at a leisurely pace.

She didn't offer any answers as she passed the confused bunch of girls, and continued up the path. She hopped the railing and started through the trees to find Edison jogging back to her. She grinned.

"You'll definitely be a rotten egg now," she said.

He shrugged carelessly. "I don't mind. I'll be in good company." Her smile widened. "Want a ride?" he offered.

She nodded as he bent low enough for her to climb onto his back.

They heard shouts from the guys before the cliff came into view. By the time they reached the base of the cliff, Jaxon was already at the top. Calling for everyone's attention, he began to make a speech about honor and glory. Kit rolled her eyes as she jumped down from Edison's back and began to climb.

"I bet we can make it to the top before Jaxon is done," she said. "There is still hope. We don't have to be the rotten eggs."

Edison laughed as he followed her up. But they didn't reach the top before Jaxon jumped. The rest of the guys cut his speech short and forced him off. He performed a perfect double flip into a sleek dive. The rest of the guys followed, but without his grace.

When Kit and Edison reached the top, Jaxon was already climbing back up for another jump.

"Together?" Edison asked, reaching out his hand.

She pushed his hand aside. "No. I walked all the way here to see the amazing Edison Reigns jump."

"I carried you," he reminded her.

She waved off the small detail. "I came here for a show and a show is what I demand." She stepped towards the edge of the cliff.

"Alright, alright. You don't have to be so desperate. All you had to do was ask," he said with a cheeky grin.

She reached back to give him a playful shove, but he caught her hands. He pulled her close and wrapped her in a hug.

"Seriously Kit, calm down," he said as she fought against his hold. "I mean, I know you like me, but this is getting out of control. People will talk."

He laughed as he kept her pinned to his side.

"The cliff is for jumping and jumping only," Jaxon boomed in a loud voice. He pulled Kit free from Edison's grasp. "No flirting allowed." He gave Edison a stern look as he led her to the edge.

"Aww Jaxon, always on time to ruin the fun," Kit joked.

"I wouldn't have anything to ruin if you kept the fun to a responsible level," he said. She chuckled and pulled free of his hold on her. "Go." He nodded to the cliff. "Jump."

"But I didn't get to make my speech," she said with a devilish grin.

"Only those who are worthy get to make speeches."

"Says who?"

"Says the person strong enough to throw you off the cliff," he said. He took a few steps towards her.

"Alright, I'm going," she said.

She stepped up until her toes were lined up along the edge. The water was a sapphire blue under the afternoon sun and sparkled as it rose and fell.

Kit's stomach dropped to her toes as she looked down and she smiled at the adrenaline racing through her veins. She didn't give herself a second more to think before she jumped. For a long moment, she felt completely weightless and the whole world seemed to freeze before she hit the water.

She came up smiling and looked up, lifting a hand to cover her eye's from the sun's glare. A line was forming at the top while Edison prepared to jump. When he stepped up to the ledge, loud, girly cheers filled the air. Kit looked around and saw Drew's boat coming towards the cliffs, a group of girls gathered at the front.

"Go Eddie!" Amanda cheered.

He gave a sweeping bow and the girl's cheers grew louder. He went still for a moment and the girls seemed to hold their breaths in anticipation. He glanced quickly at Kit before he took a strong step forward and leaped into the air.

Kit had become use to the high proficiency Edison exhibited in almost all activities. She had been expecting a spectacular jump, but she still found herself holding her breath in awe as he jumped forward then flipped backwards. The contradicting movements created a fantastical effect as he soared through the air. He completed a second back-flip before he landed in the water.

The girls cheered wildly and grew even louder when he reappeared. He pumped his fist in the air victoriously to acknowledge their support, before he swam towards Kit. Her gut instinct was to act unimpressed, it was what Edison would be expecting, but she surprised them both when she clapped and cheered loudly.

He gave her shocked smile. "Did I just catch Kit St James cheering in public?"

She shrugged. "I blame the Fourth of July. I'm caught up in the celebratory mood." He swam closer and reached for her. "But don't get use to it," she warned. "Its really only a one day thing."

"I guess I better enjoy it while it lasts," he said. He took her hand. "Now, does this celebratory mood extend to more than just my cliff jump?"

"It depends," she said.

He took her other hand and began to swim backwards, pulling her along. "On?"

"On whether you do something that is cheer worthy."

"How about...?"

He dropped her hands and did a flip underwater. He came up with an expectant look. She laughed at the silliness but applauded.

"What about this?"

He spun in the water. She responded by splashing him in the face.

"Hey!" He spat water out as he reached for her. She swam away laughing. "What happened to the celebratory mood?" he said. He quickly caught her around the waist and stopped her from swimming away.

"That twirl was not worth celebrating," she said.

"I did not twirl."

"You did. You twirled like a pretty princess ballerina."

"I do not twirl," he said flatly.

She pulled free, raised her arms over her head and began to hum a classical ballet song as she twirled. He reached out to stop her but she splashed water to keep him away.

"I heard the New York ballet was holding auditions," she laughed. "You would be the brightest bulb on the stage."

He fought through the splashes and grabbed her. She laughed even harder when his fingers brushed along her waist.

"Take it back," he said.

"It was a compliment," she said.

"Hey! Eddie, stop beating up my cousin and come give me some real competition," Jaxon yelled.

Kit and Edison stopped fighting and turned to find Jaxon standing victoriously on an inflatable raft. It was attached to the back of Drew's boat and as they watched, several guys tried to climb up and knock Jaxon down. But he stayed strong, pushing them all off before they could fully climb on.

"I'm the king of the raft," Jaxon yelled.

"Wanna give it a go?" Edison asked.

Kit looked at Jaxon for a moment then shrugged.

"Let's give him this one. I've already taken enough from him." She spoke with the certainty that if they played, they would win.

"Fine by me." Edison reached out for her. "He is on the swim team so he doesn't see many wins."


The air smelled of BBQ and smoked billowed out of the grill when they returned to Drew's house and a huge crowd had gathered in the backyard. A long buffet table had been set up and bowls of salads and fruit had been set out.

Drew's group claimed the dock as their spot. The girls gathered on the lounge chairs, while Drew's mother called the boys to help set up picnic tables. Jaxon grabbed Kit's arm as they climbed off the boat. "I have to grab something from my car, come with me," he said.

"Go by yourself," she said.

She pulled free and began to look for her shorts and t-shirt to put over her bathing suit.

"No, I need help," he said. He tried to block her movement.

She pushed him out of the way and reached for her clothes.

"Stop being dramatic," she said. "Just because you won the raft fight, doesn't mean you are actual royalty."

"First off," he said, raising his finger. "I am King so lets get that right. Second off, just come with me."

"No," she said, pulling on her shorts.

"But you need a shirt," he argued.

She rolled her eyes. "I have a shirt," she said.

She reached for her shirt but he grabbed it first and threw it in the water.

"Jaxon!" she shouted in surprise.

"Now, you need a shirt. Come on," he said.

He fished her shirt out of the water, wrung it out and started for his car.

"Jaxon," she grumbled.

"I have an extra shirt in my car you can use," he called back to her.

She pursed her lips in annoyance and followed after him.

"You are so annoying sometimes," she told him.

"It's just payback for how annoying you are all the time," he said, leading the way up along the line cars parked on the road.

She caught up to him when they reached his car.

"I can't believe you," she said. She tried to open his car door but it was locked. "Can you unlock?"

"So, you and Edison," he said.

She fidgeted with the door handle and looked at him. "Were you going to complete that thought?"

"What are you doing with Edison?"

"We've already been over this," she said. "I'll be fine."

"I'm not talking about you?"

She frowned. "You're talking about Edison?"

"Whats going to happen to him when this is over Kit-Kat?"

His voice was suddenly serious and he frowned pensively, but she shook her head and laughed.

"Jaxon, ease up. This is Edison Reigns you are talking about. Are you seriously worried about him getting a broken heart?" She smiled darkly. "That's my area of expertise, remember?"

"He likes you."

She gave him a flat look. "We both know how it is. He's just interested because I'm new."

He took a step forward and shook his head. "I don't think its just that. This is different. I know Eddie."

"If you know Eddie then you know his track record with girls. Give it a week and he'll be on to someone new. Now, keys."

She snatched them out of his hand and unlocked the car. She rummaged through the backseat until she found a t-shirts and pulled it on.

When they made it back to the dock, everyone had already gotten food. As Kit looked for an open spot to sit, Edison called to her. He was seated among the girls, but he stood and grabbed his plate.

"The best spot is this way," he said. He led her towards the end of the dock.

They sat along the edge, their toes skimming the water. The air was filled with voices, from the group on the dock, from the crowd and from the neighboring houses. It seemed everyone had come out to celebrate.

After dinner, the group gathered on lounge chairs around a small coffee table to play games while waiting for the fireworks. The group divided into teams, and Edison and Kit ended up on separate teams, but it became apparent early on that neither would be an asset to their team. They barely paid attention to the instructions, and when their turns came, they spent half the time trying to understand what they were suppose to be doing and the other half, laughing at each other.

Halfway through, everyone gave up trying to get their attention and skipped them whenever their turns arrived. They didn't notice and they didn't care. They only broke out of their little bubble when everyone stood and gathered at the end of the dock for the firework show.

Drew hopped on his boat and turned on the radio. Edison found a spot along the edge of the dock and pulled Kit close, wrapping an arm around her waist. Her shoulders danced as she bounced on her toes, anticipating the whistling sound that would announce the first firework. The song on the radio ended and blaring trumpets announced the beginning of the next song, just as a small light shot into the air before exploding into a thousand sparkles in the night sky.

Firework after firework shot into the sky, bursting into reds, blues, whites and golds. Kit stopped moving. She was mesmerized as she watched the sparks dance and disappear. So much of the time she felt like a firework, bursting with energy, just waiting to let sparks fly.

The number of fireworks began to increase as the intensity of the song grew. It sent adrenaline rushing through her veins and she smiled as the firework boom's resounded through the night and into her bones.

She chanced a quick glance at Edison, curious if the light show had the same effect on him, but he wasn't watching the fireworks. He was watching her. The intensity in his eyes caught her off guard and kept her from looking away.

The corner of his lips turned up in a slow smile as he looked at her. After a second, he reached up, one of his hands cupping her face as he inched closer.

"Don't punch me," he said, just loud enough to be heard over the fireworks.

He paused for the briefest of moments then kissed her.

His lips softly brushed against hers, sending her already excited nerves into overdrive. The fireworks sent boom after boom into the sky, but it faded into the background as her own beating heart filled her ears. He brought his other hand up to cup her face and pull her closer. His lips grew needier, like he was drowning and she was his lifeline.

Kit didn't think as she wrapped her arms around his waist. As their lips moved in sync, his warm breath mixed with hers and sparks shot through every nerve in her body.

She was a firework, and Edison had set her off.


Heyo honey doughnut! 🍩

That's it! I can't take it!! Too much cuteness I think I'm going to die!!
No! Don't try to save me, it's okay I'm happy to die over something so wonderful!

Goodbye cute world! *falls to the floor*

Okay! Rank it! This kiss or Darter's first kiss?

(Before you decide know that my sister wrote this one, so I think we both know which one you should choose. 😉)

So it's been a funky week so I have nothing interesting or odd to share with you except: flowers hold wishes, leaves eventually leave you, if you stare at Grant Gustin for too long you're likely to faint and marshmallows were never meant for the hard life. I told you I had nothing to share.

One completely useless talent you have?

(I can tie a cherry stem into a knot with my tongue. Yup, I'm going national next year, this time I hope to get to the gold. 😉)

Also do you want two updates next week?

Ειρηνη, Αγαπη, παγωτό (Greek)

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