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Edison trudged across the parking lot. Every muscle in his body ached from that afternoon's football practice, and he felt ready to fall asleep right there on the asphalt, but he couldn't go home. Not yet.

He paused when he reached the glass door to Al's, the sight of the diner, the booths and neon signs glowing in the night, gave him energy to pull the door open and step inside.

Bluesy music played from the jukebox, matching the chilly fall weather that had settled over Lighthouse Point. It was the only type of music that was ever playing at Al's these days, as if the eighties pop songs only belonged to summer.

The greasy sweet air smelled like a good memory, adding to the small amount of energy that was keeping him upright. He managed a smile for Wanda on his way to the corner booth. He could hear clanging from Roger in the kitchen, and knew he would be working on his next grand masterpiece, but he didn't call out. He liked claiming his first few minutes in the diner for himself.

He winced as he sat in the back booth and sank into the seat, resting his head against the back. Sitting didn't provide much relief for his pained muscles, but he didn't really mind. The pain was hard-won and tangible proof that he was working toward his goal.

He closed his eyes because it was always the easiest way to remember her: bright smile, mischievous eyes, bell-like laugh.

With his eyes closed, he could imagine she was just across the table from him, bouncing with energy even when seated. If she was still alive, she would've called to Roger the first moment they stepped into the diner and asked about Diana.

She would have searched the menu even though her order would not be found there, but in Roger's great imagination. She would have wanted to know all about practice, about the touchdowns he had made, and the scouts coming to the Homecoming Game. She would have listened with her excited intensity, ready to marvel at anything he told her.

She would probably have made some joke about cheering for Drew, all the while flashing him the smile that told him she was his.

After that, there were so many possibilities of what could have happened, his imagination started to breakdown. Would she and her parents have stayed in Lighthouse Point? If she was still in Lighthouse Point, would she still be with him?

Even as his brain conjured up the last question, he knew it was a stupid one. There wasn't any doubt that she would be across the booth from him, prattling on about some outlandish story, filling the space with her bright personality.

Like a long established ritual, his hand went to his pocket and pulled out a few pieces of well-worn paper. A small smile spread across his face as he unfolded the letter. He had long ago memorized the words on the pages, but he still opened it. The handwriting was as distinct and bright as the person who had written it, and it made her voice easier to hear in his head.

He smiled at the intro and began to read.

My dearest fellow,

I always said, that if ever I met a chap who looks as spectacular in argyle as I do, and has a true appreciation of the finer things in life, like waffles and adventures, that I should never let him out of my life. And I believe I have found that person in you.

He could hear her voice as clearly as if she was sitting across from him. She would use the silly posh accent she always put on, that always held a hint of humor.

In the short time I have had the good fortune of knowing you, I have found you to be charming, funny, sincere, extremely hot, and overall, a jolly good person to be around. You have far exceeded my expectations and I must say, that is a first.

From the moment you climbed on the back of my moped, I knew great things lay before us, Edison Reigns. I know I won't ever be able to find the proper words to fully express how thankful I am for our adventures, and how dear I hold our time together. But I am attempting to say thank you with this letter. A letter that contains all the lessons I have acquired in my short life. So buckle up and hold on tight, because I'm about to lay down some knowledge.

Life lesson 2:

Life Lesson 2? The first time Edison had read the letter, he been confused by the lack of Life Lesson 1. Then he had turned distraught, thinking he had lost a page. He had torn through his room looking for it until his mom had found him in a frenzy.

He had barely been able to put words together to explain his state, but she had understood. Without saying anything, she had wrapped him in a hug. Once he was calm, she helped him find Life Lesson 1.

Life lesson 2: If someone throws rocks at your window in the middle of the night and asks you out for waffles, always accept. You never know what adventure will follow.

She had thrown rocks at his window and the greatest adventure of his life had happened. And he had almost missed out. When he had first spotted her that first night, he was confused. He had almost shut his window and gone back to bed, but then she had mentioned the moped, and it was crazy enough to make him intrigued.

Life lesson 3: When it comes to parties, always arrive late and leave early. They are better that way. Bonus points: sneak into a party you weren't invited to, preferably by climbing a fence.

He smiled at the memory of her frozen, halfway over Amanda's fence, the calmest look on her face. It was like they had simply run into each other at the drinks table. He had thought he was smart, offering to get her in. He had thought she would be impressed, and the rest of the night she would be glued to his side.

He had thought she would be like all the other girls, happy to have his attention. Instead, she had playfully slapped him, the first of many slaps, and kicked his ass at pool. That was the only game he didn't regret losing.

Life lesson 4: Always scream at the top of your lungs when driving through a tunnel.

Edison recalled the heart-dropping shock he had felt when she had hung out the window to scream at the top of her lungs. When they had left Amanda's party, he had thought his heroics and the romantic overlook would make her putty in his hands. But, as he had quickly learned, she never followed anyone's plans. She had screamed like something wild and left him speechless.

Life lesson 5: Dress properly for golf. Neon and argyle are best.

This had almost been the end. The argyle had almost scared him off. He had thought playing golf was just an excuse to get him to her house. When she had greeted him in her blindingly bright outfit, he had begun to suspect he was wrong.

She had shown him what he had to wear and he had almost called it quits. She had left the room and he had taken one long look at the bright green and pink outfit and made his decision to leave.

But Something told him that if he left now, he would lose Kit's attention. And even though he didn't know why, he knew that was something he didn't want to lose. He wasn't completely convinced she wasn't a little insane, but that was what made her thrilling. He had stomped back to the closet and pulled the sweater vest off the hanger.

Life lesson 6: Stand at the edge of the ocean – it helps put life into perspective.

Kit had surprised him when she had shown up at his house after the State Fair's final concert. Especially after he had spent the whole night before flirting with Amanda. She had ignored his self-pity and dragged him out of the house. She had managed to make him smile, and she had shared her favorite memories.

He had watched her as she talked. A calm, concentrated look had come over her as she spoke to the water, and he could tell she wasn't with him anymore. She was in her memory, on the edge of the ocean, taking in the great expanse. Something in her voice was haunting, and it had hit him like a blow to the gut.

After he had learned the truth about her diagnosis, he had questioned so much of what she had told him, but especially this memory. He had asked her about it during a quiet moment in the hospital, and she had told him the truth. It had been the morning she had decided to stop seeking treatment.

On the edge of the water, she had decided to stop trying to save her life and decided to live it instead.

Life lesson 7: Take food shopping way too seriously, and life not so much.

The kitchen door banged open and Edison looked up. Roger gave him a toothy grin as he walked over to the table.

"How's it going, kid?" Roger asked.

When they had first met, Roger's gruff voice had taken Edison aback, and he had been intimidated by him. But now he found the gruffness friendly.

"I can barely move," Edison joked.

Roger chuckled. "Coach kicking your butt?" Edison nodded, and winced. Roger smiled. "Good. You ready to win Homecoming tomorrow night?"

Edison grinned. "We're ready. Lakeview High doesn't stand a chance."

Roger returned the smile. "I'm proud of you, kid. The whole town is."

Edison gave a modest nod.

"And I know she would be too."

His eyes dropped to the empty spot across the table, then back to Roger. They hadn't said much about losing Kit. But they didn't need to. Here, in the diner, she was the most alive.

Roger's smile turned grim as he set down a plate with a huge pile of waffles.

"In honor of tomorrow's game, I made you 'The Kit'."

"Do these have -?"

"Peanut butter cups?" Roger finished for him. "Can you have waffles any other way?"

Edison chuckled and shook his head.

"These are on the house, kid. Make us all proud tomorrow."

Roger gave Edison a friendly pat on the shoulder and returned to the kitchen.

Life lesson 8: When life hands you a second chance, always accept. I can just see you now, taking on the football field like it's your kingdom to rule.

Edison began to dig into the pile of waffles. They were still warm and the peanut butter cups were soft and gooey. His thoughts went to the next night, and the Homecoming game. He felt like he had been working the last four months for this one night.

His team had played Lakeview High at the end of last season without him and lost. But now he was back and he wanted the win so badly. He wanted it for the team, for himself and for Kit.

Coming back to football had been, in some ways, harder than he thought, and in other ways, easier. Getting back on the field and running drills had been second-nature. When the coach called a play, he didn't have to think before his body reacted. The plays were memorized deep in his muscles. But physically, it had been a struggle.

But that hadn't stopped him. Every time he thought about quitting, he remembered the look on Kit's face when he had told her he was going to play again. She had been so proud of him. That look kept him going.

It got him out of bed in the early morning for a run, and made him the first one on the field for practice. It drove him to work harder than everyone on the team, and spend every waking moment practicing. She had been proud of him, and he wanted to make sure he deserved it.

Kit was the one who deserved a second chance. She was the one who would have chased down even the smallest hope. It was something he thought about a lot. He was the one who had been given a second chance, so he had to try his hardest, for both of them.

Life lesson 9: When it comes to the future, don't fear anything. Because you are braver and smarter and stronger than you think. Wherever you go, whatever you do, as long as you give your whole heart, I know you will succeed.

I was lucky enough that you gave me a piece of your heart, and it was enough. Enough to know that you are funny, and good, and persistent, and kind. It was enough to change my life.

Edison slowly folded the letter and carefully put it back in his pocket. Those last words were hard to believe. He hadn't changed anything. She had changed everything.

He slowly stood and carried his empty plate to the counter. Wanda waved and wished him good luck. The kitchen banged open as Roger walked out.

"Give them hell tomorrow," he called out.

Edison saluted.

A memory flashed as he reached for the door. He held his breath, and for a moment, she was there again, wearing a mischievous smile, the one that had started so many of their adventures.

The memory was like a jolt of electricity, waking him up and making him feel more alive. A small smile played at the corner of his mouth, and he felt an inexplicable happiness.

He turned back. "Hey, Roger, play her out."

A grin spread across Roger's face as he moved to the jukebox and selected a song. A heavy beat began to play and the diner was transformed, the song infusing energy into the air. Edison nodded to Roger, and turned back to the door.

Kit was still right there with him, swaying to the music. He paused for a moment longer, holding onto the feeling of her.

The memory faded as he stepped outside, but his smile didn't.He slowly walked back to his truck, finishing the end of her letter in his head.

Edison, before you I had done so much, but my life didn't feel full. I feared all that I would miss when my heart finally failed me, but all that changed. Three weeks with you and suddenly my life was fuller than I could have ever dreamed.

You gave me adventures and laughter and dancing. Parties and boat rides and late nights at Al's. Car rides and concerts and kisses. These might seem like simple things, but to me, they are everything. You managed to give me the fullest life in just three weeks, and for that, I can never thank you enough.

What I can say is: I hope you chase down a spectacular life. A life filled with laughter and joy and your mom's garlic bread. A life filled with waffles and late night swimming and long car rides. I hope you find something that makes you happy and do it for the rest of your life.

I hope you go on adventures and fall in love. I hope you never settle and always takes chances. I hope you get it all, because you deserve all the happiness in the world, plus a steaming pile of waffles.

With my whole broken heart,

Your Kittery Maine

P.S. Life lesson number 1: No matter where life takes you, no matter what you do or who you become, you must always, and I mean ALWAYS, put peanut butter cups in your waffles.

It will guarantee you a happy life, and will keep me with you always.

Breathe, there is a happy epilogue coming


*hands you tissues, ice cream and a teddy bear*

I'll give you a minute.

Look, I know how you feel. I know it might not seem like I do and that I'm reveling in your despair but I'm not. 😕

The thing is my sister JoymomentsSISTER wrote this. So I do get it. Even though I knew what was coming, had walked through the whole progression with her, I was still balling like an idiot when I read this. 😭🙈

I'm sorry this had to happen. I am. We talked it over hundreds of times, asking ourselves if Kit had to die. Every time the answer was the same. 😔 She had to. If she didn't then she wouldn't be the same Kit we know and love. ❤️

Be mad at me, I know that you need to yell or throw tomatoes at someone so throw them at me. I won't hate you or blame you. I know we're the worst for doing this to you. I blame my sister because it was her beautiful writing that brought such a wonderful character to life.

Still...I'm sorry for whatever it's worth.

Now I have to ask a favor of you. Yeah, I know you shouldn't even listen to this but I need you to. If you go back to read the book over and find the clues of her dying then please, PLEASE DO NOT COMMENT RR OR #RR.

Am I mean for asking this because it will mean others are just as devastated as you are now? Yes. But I'm still asking it of you. DO NOT GIVE THE SURPRISE AWAY!

I wish there was someway I could make you smile right now but I'm guessing that's not going to happen. Still I love you lots and lots and pots fulls of rainbows! ❤️🌈

Any thoughts you want to leave behind?


Anergy words or threats?

I'll read them all and still love you. 😘

Vote, comment and follow because despite what I've put you through you know I'm still good for a fun story!

Remember I have other books at that won't make you cry. Promise. (Kinda)

A Secret Service [COMPLETED]
Kickbutt girl. Action. Mystery. Hot guy. Love.
A Second Chance [COMPLETED]
Playboy singer. Small time singer. Contract. Love.
Co-writers. Humor. Love.
Celebrity Cruise [COMPLETED]
One week. Cruise worker. Famous singer. Love.
Every Second [COMPLETED]
Pop singer. Drummer. One album. Love.
Beyond The Barrier [COMPLETED]
BA girl. Action. Zombies. Love.

As always let's end on a good note, a cute dog!

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