Chapter fifty

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A break up? No, I didn't hear right.

"A break up?!" I kinda exclaimed. What he said took me aback.

"Yeah, 'cause I'm just tired of your lies recently." Benjamin said with all honesty.

"No Benjamin, this one is too far o." Chuka chimed in. "I mean, you can get angry with her but break up? That's extremely childish and not it at all." He further told him, emphasising every word.

"I totally agree with Chuka. You can't just break up with Ruby for just this little thing she has done." Amaka added.

Aw! I was glad my friends were speaking up for me. Thank God I had such friends to help me out.

Benjamin heaved a sigh. "Okay, I've heard you guys." He then looked at me but wasn't smiling neither was he frowning, he just had a straight face on. I also retaliated the look before turning away to leave for my seat. I was very mad at Benjamin for even suggesting a break up. How dare he!

Sitting down, I unlocked my phone and immediately deleted John's contact from my phone. Even though I was highly disappointed at Benjamin yet also mad at him, I didn't want John's contact to ever be a cause of our quarrel again.

After I'd done that, I saw Amaka walking to my seat. "Hey, Ruby." She said as soon as she got to my desk. "How are you?"

"I'm fine." I gave her an unfriendly answer. I wasn't even looking her way when I answered her.

She sat down beside me. "Why are you now vexing for me? I'll beat you o." She joked but yawns, it was freaking dry.

I remained indifferent about her joke. "See this girl o..." She shook my shoulders a bit. "And you're still frowning face for me. I'll just stand up and be going."


"Iffa slap you ehn." Amaka chuckled a little. "So what sup?"

"What?" I sent her a scowl.

"Ah, ah! Did I vex you? Better stop all these facial expressions you're giving me." She paused for a while before continuing to speak. "On a serious note, how did you get the dude's contact on your phone?"

"I swear down, I really do not know. I was also shocked yesterday when he called and I saw that his contact had already been saved on my phone. It was really devastating, trust me." I genuinely told her.

"But how? Or wait, are you sure this ain't their doing?"

"Who's doing?" I quizzed.

"Faith and her cousin, of course. 'Cause why was it when his contact had been saved on your phone that was when he decided to call you? Think about it."

"True. But how did it happen and when?" I tried to think of a possible answer for my question but to no avail. "And he was even telling me that he didn't know how his contact got to my phone and how mine got to his phone. This is just so mysterious."

"Hmm." Amaka placed her hand on her chin in a thinking position. What was she thinking about now? "No, it can't be. Could it be?" She soliloquized.

"What's that?" I inquired.

"Wait o, could all these be a plan just for Benjamin and you to break up? 'Cause if you look at it from my perspective, he called you yesterday right? So Faith now went to tell him a lie that you collected his contact just so that you would look cheap and desperate, I don't know if you're getting me. I feel John's coming here is a means for you and Benjamin to break up. This is all just a plan." She concluded.

Wow, even though all what Amaka had just said was not completely the truth, I know in my heart that there was a sliver of truth in what she said, if not a complete truth. And common, Amaka was one very smart and intelligent person I know. How did she get to analyse all of that in just a moment?

"But...I'm not doubting you o..." I started to say.

"No, you really don't have to believe me. I mean, it's just my perspective."

"I know, and I'm considering it to be a possible reason for me getting his contact. But I wanna ask, how did she get access to my phone 'cause she possibly couldn't have known the password to my phone?"

"Hmm, that's very right. How did she get access?"

"Settle down class!" English teacher walked in, quieting us.

"Later na." She said before going back to her sit.

Classes were short. It was break time now and students had already gone outside to play or get snacks.

I was sitted alone in my seat before I heard murmurings behind me. I wonder who those could be? I turned back and saw Benjamin, Chuka and Amaka. They were pushing Benjamin to come talk to me? Haha, it was so cute. I turned front immediately as they didn't see me, pretending not to know they were behind me. Trust me, I was blushing when I faced front. I liked that boy– Benji, too much joor!

Seconds later, I heard a male clear his throat behind me. I turned a deaf ear. From the corner of my eye, I could see he was scratching his head out of, perhaps, nervousness. I then smiled to myself.

"Er...Ruby, can I sit with you?" He finally spoke.

I didn't answer.

He started to say again. "I get that you're mad at me and it's totally fine, trust me. I'd just come back when you're calm." He concluded.

I used the corner of my eye to see if he was walking away but no, he wasn't. He was still standing there, digging his hands into his trouser pockets.

" later it is." He started moving backwards slowly. He sure didn't want to leave.

"And where are you going?" I finally turned to look at him with a smile graced on my face. Duh! Did you think I was gonna let him walk off like that? No way!

He smiled broadly. Aw! My Benjamin. "Thank goodness." He sighed. "I thought you were gonna let me walk away like that. I was actually scared." He confessed.

"Come here joor!" I giggled out of excitement.

He majestically walked to my seat and sad beside me. "I'm really sorry, Ruby. I know I acted up. I did and said all that 'cause of anger. Hope you ain't still mad at me." He apologized.

"If I still am, will I allow you sit with me? Would I even have called you back? And I think you need to learn how to control your anger or you'd just make a grave decision in life that you'd regret."

"Yes ma." He smiled.

"Like for instance, if not for Chuka and Amaka that came to my rescue earlier today, you would have broken up with me and you'd regret it, trust me." I sincerely told him.

"I've heard you madam. You too, stop lying to me." He laughed afterwards.

I pinched him on the lap. "Ow!" He winced. "Good for you?" I placed my tongue out.

He smiled, after which, he placed his hand around my shoulders and began to stare at me. Did I say stare? Gaze I meant. He was gazing at the love of his life. Yeah, that was me...!

" are you doing?" He said with a very calm yet sexy voice.

I smiled sheepishly. "I'm fine. And yeah, I really wanna explain how his contact got to my phone. I seriously didn't –" I began talking but he cut me off.

"There's no need to explain yourself. I know my girlfriend ain't cheap." Aw! "I mean, I can't date a girl that's cheap." Cocky much? I rolled my eyes at his statement.

"But I can date a guy that's petty." He burst out laughing when he heard that.

"Mumu girl. Your status yesterday actually made me smile even despite the fact I was really mad at you, it still made me smile nonetheless."


"But how did she get access to your phone?"

"That's what I'm yet to figure out. I really do not know." I told him sincerely.

"Hmm. This is serious."

"Really serious."

We stayed silent for a while before Amaka and Chuka burst in. "Okay, that's enough touching Benji." Amaka said the instance she got to us.

We all laughed. "Bitch!" I mouthed.

"Let's go for break na." I suggested.

As Benjamin and I stood up to leave with Amaka and Chuka, Joy walked up to us. "Ehen Ruby, hey guys." She greet the rest. "Ruby, let's go for break. You know you promised we'd go together today." Shii, I totally forgot. But be that as it may, even as she has reminded me now, I still couldn't go with her.

"Erm...Joy, that'd be tomorrow please." I said apologetically.

"But you promised today." She protested.

"I know. By the way, I didn't promise. You just brought up the suggestion that we go together for break today so that we'd get along well, and I basically could not decline your sweet proposal. But I'm sorry to say, we can't do that today. So tomorrow, I promise." There was a glimpse of disdain in her face before in a flash, she masked it up with a smile.

"Okay then. Take care." That said, she briskly walked of our midst.

"Pfft! That girl gives me a headache." I confessed aloud.

"I already told you to come clean with her, but you refused. So you now have to suffer it alone." Amaka shrugged saying that.

I pouted my lips at her. "You're not even helping matters at all."

"I already gave you a good advise."

"Can you ladies just keep mute and let's go for break? I'm starving!" Chuka groaned.

"Tell 'em o." Benjamin had the gut to also utter a word. "Ladies and talk ehn."

"What about guys? Guys and...guys and what sef?" I turned to Amaka to help me out but it looked like she was also at a loss for a word. "Waheva. Let's just go."

After we had gotten our snacks, we went back to the class to devour them.

Closing time came. Immediately the time clocked for closing, Faith rushed to meet Benjamin. What did she want from my guy now?

As she hurried to Benjamin, John moved to me. What were these two really up? "Hey babe." John said as he got to me.

Huh? Did I hear him right? No, I didn't. I think I needed a cotton bud to clean the dirts that was blocking my ears from hearing well. "Sorry?" I scoffed. "What did you just call me?"

He gave out his charming smile that didn't move me this time. Instead, it irritated me. "My bad. I didn't know you would find the nickname annoying."

"Of course I would. Besides, that's not an appropriate nickname to give a girl that has a boyfriend." I think I needed to get that into his medulla oblongata; that I have a boyfriend.

"My bad once again."

"Hmm." I faked a smile. I stole a glance at what was happening between Benjamin and the slut– Faith. She was just all over him and the attitude he was putting up, a smart and reasonable person would know that he didn't even have her time. But she being dumb and desperate couldn't see it. Ah! What a life!

There was a heavy silence that took place between us before Joy came to the rescue. The dude was so awkward. "What sup peeps?" She greeted excitedly.

"Good." I replied.

"Ruby, you know I'm not happy with you o." What is now my business if you ain't happy with me? Maybe I should even yield to Amaka's advice and just tell her straight.

"Okay. By the way John, I've deleted your contact from my phone."

"Why?" Joy slapped me with the question. "I mean, why would you delete his contact from your phone? Do you know how hard it was for me to steal your phone and insert his phone number into it?"

"What!" I exclaimed.

"Oops!" She covered her mouth with her hands. I guess she spilled that out unconsciously.

All heads snapped at her. So she was the one?

* * * *

Wow, wow, wow! So it's Joy that's behind all these mystery. Couldn't have thought less though. 😁

Well, this chapter ain't over. Get ready for the part two next chapter. Drama, drama, drama!!!

Omg! It's a new year! I'm so happy to see this year. Thank you lord Jesus. Thank you guys for your supports thus far. Happy new year guys!

This year is gonna be better!

I'm so happy! I can't even contain it. 💃💃💃

IG @joseph_adedayo_


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