Chapter fifty-two

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PS: Please read the author's note below. Enjoy! 👌  

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It was so funny how waec was coming to an abrupt end. Today was my last paper and I was super excited about it. It had not been easy for me during the past two weeks of reading, sleeping late at night and waking up very early just to study again. I would say, the past fortnight had been hell for me.

I woke up at my convenient time 'cause today was my last paper, and asides from it being my last, it was a very easy or should I say, unimportant subject for me – animal husbandry. The name itself sounded hilarious.

I went to the toilet to brush my teeth, after which, I strolled down to have breakfast. "Today is your last paper right?" Mum asked immediately I got to the dinning table.

"Yes o." I said happily.

"Aw!" Rachel cooed. 

"Finally, my daughter is going to be graduating from secondary school." Mum stood up and started dancing, which made my siblings and I burst out laughing. Mum could be quite hilarious at times. "The devil is a liar." She said again, smiling at us this time around.

I smiled to myself 'cause I knew full well what she was talking about.

"Ah, ah! Mummy, what about me? I'm also done with secondary school." Rachel whined.

"Ehn...I know. You don't worry, I will dance way better than this when you gain admission into the university." Before we knew it, she was dancing again. Mummy! "Chineke, I thank you o." She sang as she made her way to the kitchen but I stopped her with my question.

"Mummy, what about my phone? You know today is my last paper." I gave her a puppy like eye. They seized my phone immediately waec started.

She smiled at me. "Okay, before you come back home, I would have given your phone to Rachel."

"Thanks mum." Excitement was what ran through my body right now. I missed my phone a lot, and it was because of Benjamin. I missed him a lot. I haven't seen or heard from him for the past two weeks.

After I was done eating, I took my plate to the kitchen and washed it instantly – it was a routine in the house, before going up to my room to prepare for school. My paper was meant to start by 12:00pm.

Done dressing up, I took my animal husbandry text book out and began to scan through it. I did that just to wile away time. I didn't care much if I pass the subject or not. Come to think of it, why did I even register for the subject? I guess I wasn't thinking then. Oh, I could remember now. It was because I had to choose between data processing or animal husbandry, so I chose animal husbandry.

Immediately the time clocked 11:30am, I left the house. I arrived at the school 11:47am. Yeah, the school wasn't far from my house. I still had a few minutes before exam commences.

"Good morning Victory." I greeted my closest friend in the school immediately I got to the exam hall.

"Hey Ruby." She replied as soon as she raised her head from the book she was reading. Not many students were sitting for the paper, which was the last subject on the exam timetable, so I could count the amount of students present in the class. "How are you doing?" She smiled warmly at me.

"I'm fine." I took my sit behind her. We were seated one each on a chair, and Victory happened to be sitting in front of me.

Victory was the head girl of the school. She was very intelligent according to what I've seen and how the students called her for answers everytime. She was also a very humble and cheerful person to be with. However, she was very stingy with answers. She didn't like telling anyone answers even though she very well knew the answer. Her phrase would be 'even me, I don't know it,' yet her answer sheet would be filled up. Annoying right? But in spite that little fault, I still liked her amongst all. Most of the students in the school were just proud goats. They didn't want to mingle with the external students. Like I cared anyways.

"Are you really reading this subject." I rather stated than asked.

She turned back to look at me. "Of course." She answered in a duh tone. "All books are meant for reading, aren't they? If we don't read 'em, who will?" She shrugged and at the same time, narrowed her eyes.

I scoffed. "Puh-lease, lecture me." I rolled my eyes.

"Okay." She sat properly, facing me squarely. Was she really going to lecture me? Shit! "Babe, no one is an island of knowledge, hence, no knowledge is a waste. Whether animal husbandry is important or not, you still have to read and know a little about it because you don't know where you might find yourself in the nearest future. You prolly might be called up impromptu one day to just discuss a topic on animal husbandry but because you have little or no knowledge about it, you go out there and fall your hand. Me as a person, I hate being ignorant. I must know something about everything," hmm...word. "even though it's just a little. Not to be seen as God or to claim omniknowest in quote, you can't bring up a topic now and I wouldn't know anything about it. I definitely would know; be it fashion, music, football, even politics, I'm all..."

"It's enough, thank you." I cut her off. "I've heard you. No wonder you're the head girl." I shook my head at her too much talking.

"Yeah, yeah." She giggled. "Silly girl." She faced front and continued studying.

Six minutes past twelve, the invigilator strolled in with a small sack that contained the exam papers. "Your bags outside." The woman ordered with her Yoruba accent.

We obediently did as we were told.

Seconds later, she distributed the question and answer sheets to us and told us not to touch it. "Now that I have distributed the question and answer sheets, I don't want to hear a sound. Also, let your faces marry your papers. You may begin."

I glanced through the instruction on the first page before turning to the other page where the questions began. The number one question slapped me in the face, so I decided to flip through the other pages to see how the questions were. To be honest, they looked tough. "How will someone marry this thing when it is ugly?" I thought angrily.

Two hours had passed and we were still on the hot seat. Even our head girl was tied down to her seat. Ha ha ha funny! It was a two hours paper, I wonder why she had not asked us to submit yet.

"You have five more minutes." She hollered when the time clocked 2:00pm. "I came later than twelve that's why I'm just giving you guys the grace of five minutes to recheck your works." Aunty, come and carry your paper and be going jare.

I sneaked a peek around to see how everyone was doing and guess what, they looked so engrossed and serious writing their exams, while me I was just here hitting the desk with my pen. I had no idea of what to write. Although, I had done some but what mark would that give me if not a pass(P). I was just taking solace to the fact that it wasn't a compulsory subject for me, so I cared less.

"Submit!' I was the first to stand up.

"How was your exam?" I asked Victory immediately we got outside.

"Hmm...wasn't that bad. It was just there, yours?"

"Ah! It was fucking hard! Can't lie to you." I told her sincerely.

She coughed out a laughter. "Hope you sha did something."

"Of course. But those questions looked so strange to me." I confessed.

"Why wouldn't it? When you didn't read at all."

"And how did you know I didn't read at all? Are you in my house?"

"Sorry o."

"Victory! Victory!" A friend of Victory's ran up to us. Immediately she got to us, she literally jumped on Victory and hugged her. "I'm gonna miss you." She said.

"Lol. Miss me? We are still going to see on graduation day." Victory said to her.

"I'm not gonna come."


"I'm travelling."

"Aw!" Victory cooed. "Travelling where, if I may ask?"

"To Dubai."

They kept on gisting while I just stood there like a statue, listening their conversation.

"Anyways, Victor is looking for you." The girl told Victory, making Victory blush at the statement.

Victor was the head boy of the school. According to what I've heard, he was Victory's boyfriend. He was also quite handsome and smart.

"Okay, let's go then. Bye Ruby." She waved at me and they both left.

"Bye." I said in a low tone.

The students in this school weren't just my type. Thank goodness today was my last day here. Now I could breath. Goodbye school, goodbye fellas!


"Ah! I'm finally done with exams!" I literally fell flat on my bed, looking at the ceiling. "Secondary school is finally over!" I screamed excitedly. You know that feeling you get after exams, that was how I was feeling. I felt relieved. I felt like I had been held captive for a long time and now I was finally free from it. I felt like I was experiencing liberty. To write waec is not easy; the reading, less sleep...ah! Wasn't easy.

"Calm down for Jesus." Rachel walked in. "There's still university waiting for you, and it's even worse." She sat on her bed.

" least, that one is next year. For now, I'm done reading. Man cannot come and die."

"Hahaha, you think in this life we are, we would stop reading? No way. We read till we die."

"But then it would be limited."

"Hmm." She started smiling at me weirdly.

"What?" I quizzed.

"For your mind, you're done with secondary school."

"Yeah. That's the life bitch!"

She threw a pillow at me as I called her that. "Mind your language." She then stood up and made her way to the exit.

"Weird girl." I murmured but she heard it.

"Yeah, I love being weird." She winked at me before finally leaving the room.

I shook my head at her.

Not quite long had she gone outside before I heard a phone started ringing beside my bed. I checked the phone and it was mine. Woah! So my phone is still alive? I checked the caller ID and it was my baby boo – Benjamin. I quickly picked up. How have missed him!

Hey dear!

I said the instant I picked the call.

My baby, how are you doing?

I'm fine, you?

Not fine. You didn't even bother calling or chatting with me since the exam started. I called you so many times but your phone was always switched off.

I'm so sorry. My parents seized my phone when the exam started, that's why. They just gave me today.

Oh, okay. Anyways, I've missed you.

Aw! I've missed you too. How was your exam by the way?

Was good. I'm done sef, yours?

Mine was good too. I just finished today.

You did animal husbandry?

Yeah, any problem?

At all. So...should I come over?

Why don't I come over?

No, I don't want to stress you. Besides, I'm guessing you just returned from school.

Yeah, but I wanna leave my house.

Okay, here's the thing. I'll come over and we will go out together, cool?

Sounds great!

I squealed.

Be expecting me in the next...uhm...let's say ten minutes.


They will tell you kk.

I burst out laughing at his statement.

Don't cry, abeg.

I said.

Ehen, I should not cry right? I'm coming for you.

Bye bye jare. Buy something for me when coming o.

I cut the call on him when he wanted to say something. In a flash, I undressed and rushed to the bathroom to have a quick shower. As soon as I was done with that, I put on something casual and wore a light, very mild make-up. Bottom line was that I was looking simple but nice.

The time was 3:15pm. It had already passed ten minutes but I didn't bother. I knew he was definitely going to come.

Before I knew it, a message popped on my screen. It was Benjamin telling me to come outside. I rushed outside. Immediately I got outside, I ran to hug him. We remained in that hugging position for approximately three minutes, if I wasn't mistaking. We cared less about our surrounding. "I've missed you a lot." I said to him, releasing myself a bit.

He smiled broadly. That cute smile. I even missed it the most, and his handsome face. "I know you have, and I have too." We released each other fully.

I checked him out. He was looking fresh. "The exam didn't affect you, this one you're glowing?"

He laughed a bit. "I've finished since na. And I took proper care of myself 'cause of you."

"Lucky you. See how I'm looking, pale."

He checked me out. "True, you do look stressed out a little but it's sexy."

"Ah, Benji! You haven't changed." I nudged him a little.

"Why would I change? I mean, it's just like three weeks now since we didn't see each other, so why would I change?"

"Waheva. So where are we going?" I asked.

"Uhm..." He scratched his head. "I really do not know." He said in a somewhat embarrassed tone. "Where do you wanna go?"

I hated this question. I was always blank of where to go. Just take me anywhere cool, I'd like it. "Er...America? No, Paris." I jokingly told him.

"Okay, let's go." He held my hand and we began to walk. He was walking silently and seriously.

I burst out laughing after a few minutes. "Seriously Benjamin, seriously?"

"What? You wanna go to America. Don't worry, I would take you there now."

"Fowl. Leave me jare." I released my hand from his and starting laughing again.

"Why are you laughing? Shebi na you wan go America abi na Paris? We would go there together." He chuckled a bit.

My laughter died down. "Okay seriously, where are we going?"

He sighed before answering. "Let's just go out on a stroll, then maybe we would branch somewhere to relax. All right by you?"

"Do I have a choice?" I shrugged.

"Why are you like this sef? Just say yes or no, you'll be forming English there. And it's not like as if you know the English well o."

"'re the one that know it pass now." I pouted my lips at him.

"Let's go jare." He wrapped his arm around my neck and drew me closer to him. We started strolling to places I haver never been to before. We gisted also.

Presently, we were in an estate. The estate was very beautiful. Big and beautiful houses were what my eyes beheld. It must be stinkingly rich people that lived here. But before we could enter into the estate, the securities searched us thoroughly. Even after the thorough searching, they still didn't want to let us in but Benjamin whined them a bit, that was how we escaped them. The security I must say, is very tight.  

"Wow! This place is beautiful. It almost feels like we're in America."

He smirked. "Yeah." He said with his hand intertwined with mine.

"Did you bring your phone?"


"I wanna take pictures."


He took me some doper shot. We snapped selfies together, and I snapped him an individual picture too.

"I like the pictures. You'd send them to me from PDF to WhatsApp, all right? I don't want the picture quality to be bad."

"No problem."

"How did you get to know such a beautiful place?"

"Hmm. Long story short, my ex stays here." Now I see the reason for his monosyllabic replies.

"Are you conscious of her not seeing you with me?"

"Hahahaha! Never. I can show you to the world if you permit me." He smiled boyishly at me. Fuck! So cute!

"So why the change of mood?" I wrapped my arms around his waist, and he retaliated by wrapping his around my shoulders.

"It just feels so surreal to be here again." He looked into space. "I remember those days when Chuka would follow me to this place, those fun days." He laughed to himself and I felt his stomach vibrate. Instantly, I felt goosebumps. His body was so comfortable.

"Speaking of which, how's Chuka?"

"He's fine o. He even said I should greet you."

"Aw! I haven't even called Amaka to know how she's faring."

"Don't worry, we would soon have a time out together." Benjamin assured me.

"Okay. So, you and Chuka have been friends since when?"

"Child hood."


"He is my family friend and best friend. In fact, he's like a brother to me." We had already found a place to relax. It was under a tree. We sitting down on the clean green grass, and my head was resting on his shoulder.

"Aw! That's lovely."

"Yeah." He giggled.

"By the way, where's your ex's house?" I inquired.

He turned to look at his right. "You see that house over there that's painted blue with some tiles on the wall," he pointed straight ahead. "that's her house."

"Wow! It's huge and beautiful o."

"I know, right?" He let out a smug smirk. "Her parents are very rich."

"What's her name?"


"Is she the only child?"

"Nope. There are two of them. Two girls to be precise. The other one is older than her. That one's name is Tracy." Benjamin told me.

"Let me guess, Tracy is will I put it self? Like she's more spoilt. Not like they are spoilt o. Hope you're getting me sha." I would say I was kinda rambling.

He chuckled. "I totally get you. And you're right, she's more of the bad child."

"Thought as much. So gist me about you guys relationship." I was inquisitive to know about their relationship together.

"To be honest, it was nothing like our relationship. Reason because, then I was kinda a play boy. I hurt the girl a lot." He told me all about their relationship and how they broke up. It was like I was there when he was telling me all about it. My imagination went far.

"You really did hurt the babe, Benji." I told him truthfully.

"I know jare. Although, I've apologized."

"Much better."

"You know what, let's talk about ourselves, our future." He looked at me when he said the last word.

"Hmm, what about myself? Ehen, that reminds me, when's your jamb exam?"

"Next week Friday."

"Wow, exciting. My sister's own is on Wednesday. I wish you guys best of luck."


After his calm response, we stayed silent for some minutes, enjoying the cool breeze and the view of the estate. It was a lovely sight to behold.

"Ruby, if I propose to you now, will you accept?" He asked out of the blues.

I chuckled and looked at him surprisedly. "Accept? Can't tell now." I looked away after my reply. Not like I was shy with him or embarrassed of my reply, I just decided look away for no particular reason.

"Do you love me?" He asked again, more seriously this time around.

I looked at him again, and this time around, his eyes was fixed on mine. "Yes Benji, I really do." My eyes then travelled to his wet lips as he licked them. All I wanted right now was to devour his kissable pink lips.

"You could kiss it if you want to." His voice came out low and a bit hoarse, which made it sound so sexy.

I chuckled and looked away sheepishly.

He held me chin and faced me to him. "I'm serious, Ruby James." My heart started beating at the sound of my name. He was looking at me so lovingly. From his eyes, one could tell that he was deeply in love with me. "Kiss me."

And that said, I pulled myself closer to him. In a twinkling of an eye, our lips slowly but softy interlocked. It was a slow but passionate kissing. All I could think of right now was Benjamin and nothing else. It felt like I was in heaven. The kiss was a symbol of our love. I love Benjamin a whole lot. He meant a lot to me. 

* * * *

I'm so sorry for the late update. Well, you must have noticed that this chapter was very long. Reason because, it is the last chapter. Though, it hasn't ended yet. There's still an epilogue where we would know if she passed her final exam or not. So please don't end the book here. Endeavor to read the epilogue. Trust me, you wouldn't regret it.
Phew! I've come a long way. Can't believe this book would still come to an end. 😭😭

Thank you guys so much for ya supports thus far. If you love this book, check out my other workGamed!

Kindly follow on IG @joseph_adedayo_

God bless. 😘

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