Chapter forty-five

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Thanks a lot guys for your supports, votes and everything, thanks a lot. And for those adding my books to their reading list(s) 😘 I love y'all.

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I was looking into space with my eyes slightly squinted. "I miss those days." I paused for a while, remembering my secondary school life. It was drama filled.

Amaka and I were discussing my secondary school life 'cause we were bored due to the absence of no teacher in the class. I told her a lot about it. I also talked my ex best friend, Blessing, with her.

"I totally can relate." She gave me a heart warming smile.

I snapped my head at her like I just remembered something. Actually, a question just popped up in my head. "So why did you decide to attend tutorial classes?"

She sighed before answering. "Well, I finished from Krisbethel college but unfortunately for me, I failed the final exams, which is waec. Not like I failed though, but when one fails maths, is it not likely that he failed the exam?"


"So I possibly could not go back to the school 'cause that'd be extremely embarrassing on my part. But I thank God anyways." She concluded.

"No wonder you're this smart and intelligent." I stated the obvious.

"Yeah, experience made me so. I cannot fail again o." We both giggled at her supposed joke.

"I know, right!" That said, the mathematics teacher strolled into the class.

After the maths class was over, our chemistry teacher unexpectedly walked into the class and announced that we were having chemistry practical classes. So we'd to go to the school building and have the practicals with them.

As soon as he made his announcement, we all stood up from our seats and started moving to the school.

"Hope there are fine boys in their school o." Amaka said.

I nudged her a little on the shoulder. "Seriously Amaka, seriously?" I shook my head at her. She was so unbelievable.

"Yes na."

"Hey babe." Benjamin said as he placed his hand around my shoulders. Hmm, he smelled so nice. What perfume was he using?

"What perfume are you using?"

"Is that how you greet your boyfriend?" He looked down at me.

I folded my arms around my tits. "Is that necessary?"

"See this girl o." He released me. "Okay, I also would not be greeting you." He looked away and also folded his arms around his chest, which made his biceps broaden. He was putting on a purple Lakers armless top, so that was why I could see his biceps vividly.

"Ehn...don't greet me, I also wouldn't." That said, Chuka bounced into our midst.

"Ruby, how far?" He greeted.

"Ah! Better person, I'm fine." I peeked at Benjamin as I said that but he wasn't looking my way. He was frowning his face and looking straight. I smiled to myself knowing full well that he was jealous already, and probably hurt. "Benji my baby!" I went to him and wrapped my hands around his waist.

He didn't seem moved by my gesture 'cause he kept putting on a frown on his face. I looked up at him. "Smile for me joor!"

He paid no attention to my request. "Oya, sorry." Still, he didn't smile or hold me back. "I'll kiss you o." And that made him smile toothily. "So now you can show off your dirty teeth abi?"

"Don't mind him." Amaka chimed in. "Guys are just so...perversive?"

"Like you." Chuka said.

I smiled and shook my head at my friends. Some times, I was just so grateful I had such wonderful friends. They were the best thing that happened to me in this lesson, especially Benjamin. Although, I didn't start on a good slate with neither of them but look at us now. We were so close. It was just so funny how life worked anyways.

Chuka and Amaka were now ahead of us. Benjamin placed one hand around my shoulders as I also placed one hand around his waist. Scream couple goals somebody!

"What about the kiss?" Benjamin asked in a low, deep, velvety, sexy tone. His words sent goosebumps to my body system.

"You too like kiss! No wonder your lips is pink." I giggled at my own words.

"That's why God created the lips, for kissing."

I slapped his forearm a little. "Abeg, let's walk faster." We laughed and walked a bit faster to meet Chuka and Amaka's pace.

When we got to the hall for the practicals, it was filled up already. We were late. However, there was still a few empty chairs at the back of the hall.

We seemed conspicuous 'cause as soon as we walked in, eyes dropped on us. I was quite shy at first but I later braced myself up because I wasn't the only one walking in. Benjamin, Chuka and Amaka were with me so what was the need to be shy.

We locomoted to the back to have our seats. Whilst we did that, some folks were still starring at us, which I found quite annoying and insulting on my part. Didn't they know when to stop looking at someone?

"Have your seats students!" The chemistry teacher walked in. "Is everyone in already?" Some students looked around probably to see if anyone was missing. Scoffed, what did I care?

Hours later, the practical class was over and we the tutorial students were asked to dismiss the class, so we obediently adhered and left for our classes. Also, they had rang the bell for break, hence, making some students linger around the premises, whilst some went straight into the class and I was part of the few that went into the class. Might I add, I was the only one amongst my friends that entered the class. Benjamin and the rest were outside probably to buy something or just playing like they always did.

Break time was over in a flash. Such a short break. After break time was over, classes commenced. Trust me when I say the few hours we spent in class was hell. It was very stuffy and boring. You don't even want me telling you about it.

As soon as the bell went off for closing, everyone screamed "thank God!" Not everyone per se, but almost everyone did.

"See you guys tomorrow." Amaka waved us 'bye.'

Benjamin, Chuka and I continued walking together and gisting. We talked about a lot of things; both the relevance and the irrelevances.

Minutes later, Chuka and Benjamin wanted to path ways with me but Benjamin seemed not wanting to leave me yet. He kept on intertwining his fingers with mine and following me even despite the fact Chuka kept calling him to come along.

"Guy, let's go na." Chuka sounded frustrated already.

"I'm coming." Benjamin replied not taking his eyes off me.

I blushed at the way Benjamin was gazing at me, so loving! "Won't you go already? Look," I gestured with my hands. "Chuka's already fed up and..." I lowered my voice. "You don't want him crying, do you?" I concluded.

Benjamin burst out laughing. "You're funny, I swear." He turned to look at Chuka before sighing and facing me again. "But I don't want to leave you just yet." He whined.

I smiled. "But we can't stay like this forever."

"I know." He sighed. "I just wish we could." His gaze was fixed on me. You wish!

We exchanged gaze for like, approximately thirty seconds before I took my eyes away. I was shy. I know the ladies in the house can relate. By the way, why was he acting all romantic?

He kept on gazing at me with his fingers still interlocked with mine.

"Benji!" Chuka bawled in annoyance, therefore, interrupting our moments – my moment!

Benjamin jolted a bit before comporting himself. "Bye. See you later." He winked at me before jogging off to meet up with Chuka.

I watched him as he jogged off to Chuka with a blissful smile graced on my face. Immediately he got to Chuka, Chuka playfully tapped him on his head. I giggled at that. After which, Benjamin turned to look at me, pouting his lips and scratching his head. I burst out laughing. Could he be any less adorable?!


Home sweet home!

I rushed up to my room 'cause no one was home. Immediately I got in, I tossed my bag on my bed and laid flat on it– my bed, with my face looking at the ceiling. Suddenly, I started to reminisce on what happened earlier between Benjamin and I. It was such a moment to hold on to tight. Instantly, something popped up in my head to chat him up. I got up into a proper sitting position, brought my phone out and turned on my data connection. As usual, load of messages rushed in. As I scrolled pass some messages, something struck me. In fact, I had to rub my eyes to see if I was seeing clearly and yes, I was. It was a message from Joy. Wow! I swiftly clicked on it to see what she had got to say. Another shock of my life, it was a message of apology. Wow, so she could swallow her pride? Never thought so.

I later contemplated whether to reply her or not. But I possibly couldn't leave the message hanging so I replied her.

Me: Hey. Thanks for apologizing, and you're forgiven.

I sent the message, although she wasn't online.

The next day as I was walking to lesson, surprisedly, Faith and Joy were in front of me. They looked so engrossed in their conversation that they were unconscious of their surrounding.

Initially, I was moving on a normal pace but the instance I sighted them, I slowed my pace. I didn't want them to see me, especially Joy. The thought of talking to her again made me nervous. I am one that whenever I was friends with someone and by mistake we fought, I was done with that person. But if by chance we reconciled, our friendship wouldn't be as strong as it was before. There would be a lot of awkward moment between us, and honestly, I despised it.

My plan for them not to see me was ruined. Joy turned back and saw me.

"Oh hey, Ruby." She greeted as she stopped walking. Faith followed suit.

I feigned a smile. "Hello." I said, whereas in my mind I was like 'why did she have to see me now?'

"Walk fast na." She said, whilst Faith was just looking at me with disdain.

I tried to fasten my pace. Luckily for them, I got up to them sooner than I expected. Immediately I reached them, Joy pulled me in for a warm embrace. "I missed you." Someone please pinch me!

* * * *

Don't bite me yet. I know it was a late update and I'm really sorry about that. School had me jare. Well, I'm back now! 😁😁

*sighs* how I have missed wattpad! 😭😭

So how was the chapter? Hope you liked it.

Later fellas! 😘

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