Chapter forty-one

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Thanks a lot guys for your patience with me in this journey. It actually means a lot to me.
6k reads no be beans.

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Her words sent some unknown feelings to my body. It felts as though the flow of my blood seized. I was beyond flabbergasted. Was this her plan all along? To snatch my boyfriend away from me or just to have her way today with him?

I sent her a disdain look, before I abruptly stood up and stormed out of their midst. They called my name countlessly but I turned deaf ears. I was furious. I kept on walking angrily without a glance at them. Right now, you could just imagine me as an angry Kithara in Avatar. I was that mad. You probably might be thinking that right now I was acting irrational, but what could I do? I was only human.

I kept on walking to nowhere in particular. All I knew was that I needed to leave their midst. I stood to a halt as an arm grabbed mine. I presumed it was Benjamin so I didn't turn to look, I just stood still.

"Where are you going?" I guessed right. It was him. His voice was so sweet that my anger subsided just a little. Note, just a little.

I didn't bother turning to look at him. "Why do you care?" I asked dryly, rolling my eyes at the same time. But who was I kidding? Not like he could see that my eyes was being rolled.

"I care 'cause you're my girlfriend." Aw! "Besides, you don't know anywhere here, and you could just get lost in the process." He sounded so concerned.

I released my hand from his grip and faced him. "Oh. So now you care? Why don't you just go back there and continue having fun.  Don't worry, I'd be fine alone."

He furrowed his brows at me. "Wait, why are you even angry with me? I didn't do anything wrong." He was frowning seriously at me.

"Very nice. Weren't you about to kiss her, if not that I stood up."

"Kiss? Her?" He chuckled a little. "Did you actually think I was gonna do that? What do you even think of me, Ruby? That I do things with ladies anyhow, even when I have a babe?" There was a tinge of hurt but a whole lot of disappointment in his voice.

"If that's not who you really are, then why did you allow her to dance on your lap and touch your body sexually?"

"Cause–" He trailed off. He closed his eyes a bit and opened them again. "Cause it was just a game." His voice came out low.

"Oh, so this kissing isn't a game?" I pouted my lips.

"Kissing is a different thing entirely. I might allow girls to touch me wherever, asides from my dick though." He chuckled a little. "But I can't kiss them when they are not my girlfriend."

"Wow. But you can let them romance you anyhow. Very nice, Benjamin! But can I ask, since we were playing "a game" and she dared you to kiss her, what would you have done then?" I was nervous yet curiously waiting for his response. I hope his answer wouldn't be what I was thinking.

"I...I honestly would have..." He smiled for reason(s) known to him. He then looked at me with a spark in his eyes, then his eyes went to my lips. "I would have kissed you instead." His voice came out velvety– so sexy! I didn't expect that answer from him though. If at all, I expected worse.

I was at a lost for words. That statement alone sent goosebumps to my body. Was he actually being sincere right now? "But...that's not part of the rules." I managed to say.

"Is kissing another girl when your girlfriend is right there part of the rules?" He fired back.

I just smiled. All the anger that was ignited in me, were extinguished by just one person. Just one statement. By just this handsome dude– Benjamin.

"So what do you say we go back and have fun?" He smiled at me.

"Sure." I returned the smile. "But only if we don't play that useless game again."

"Scared?" He smirked smugly at me.


"Fine fine." He raised his hands in surrender. "We wouldn't. So can we go now?"

I rolled my eyes, before smiling sheepishly. "Yes."

We went back to them. When we got to them, they were gisting and laughing heartily. cute! They were so compatible, trust me. At first I thought they wouldn't notice our presence, but they cleared my doubt.

"Hey Ruby!" Amaka started to say. "Why did you storm out like that?"

"Wasn't it obvious?" I shot at her.

"Lol. She was jealous and at the same time, angry." Chuka added jokingly.

I sent him a glare. "I wasn't jealous. I was just irritated. I was choking, so I needed space." I said truthfully.

"Because you thought I wanted to steal your guy from you?" Amaka scoffed and then laughed. "I'm not that cheap and desperate. It was just a game. I mean, we play such games in London and it's actually very fun."

"Thank God you said London, because we are in Nigeria right now and not London." I retorted.

"Can we please not talk about this now?" Benjamin chimed in. "Let's just forget that ever happened and have fun. What do you say we go horse riding or kite flying?" He suggested.

"Horse riding would be better." Chuka said immediately.

"Horse riding it is then!" Benjamin said gleefully.

"But...!" I wanted to protest but it seemed they didn't want to pay any attention, they just started running off.

"C'mon! Let's go!" Amaka dragged me along.

"I hate this!" I muttered.


"Thanks a lot for today. You literally made my day." I said to Benjamin as we were both outside my house. It was already 7:06pm.

Amaka and Chuka had gone their separate ways, but Benjamin decided to clinge to me just so that I get home safely. That was so sweet of him, however, I cared about how he was going to go home all by himself, in the dark.

He smiled. "I'm glad I made your day. I have to be on my way now." He pulled me in for a warm embrace.

"Bye." I said after we released ourselves from each other. "Call me when you get home."

"No problem." He chuckled before turning to leave.

I kept looking at him as he walked away. He had such a nice charisma.

I widened my eyes as I realised that I got home after seven, whereas, our curfew was seven at the dot. I just hope my dad wasn't around.

I went in and closed the gate. I made my way quietly to the house. As I walked that way, I was cooking up a lie to tell them– if at all they were around– but unfortunately, nothing cool was coming in. Jeez! Finally, I arrived at the door. Inhaled and exhaled, that was what followed before opening the door. The first person I saw was mum, who was coming out of the kitchen. The house was quite silent.

"Good evening ma." I greeted.

"Where are you coming from?" She folded her arms around her tits and frowned at me.

"Uhm...lesson. I told you."

"Lesson, by this time?! It's not possible. Maybe I would go to that your lesson on Monday and talk to them. Why would they let students come back by this time? What if something had happen?" She started rumbled.

"Mum, it's not their fault. We've closed since but I went to visit a friend 'cause today's her birthday." Oh my! I just lied massively.

"Which friend is that one?" She questioned suspiciously.

"My best friend in lesson. Her name's Amaka." I said firmly so that she could buy the lie.

" careful. Don't just be going out anyhow." She seemed to have bought the lie. Thank goodness.

"Okay ma. What about daddy? Is he around?"

"No. What happen?" Thank God.

"Nothing. I just wanted to greet him."


Mum then turned to leave. "Ruby!" Richard rushed down the stairs excitedly. "How was your outing?" Then that happened, which made mum stop to look at me confusedly.

"Oh, le...lesson was fine. Why don't we go upstairs to gist about it?" I laughed nervously.

"Lesson?! I thought you went to the Bea–" He trailed off when he saw that I was widening my eyes at him and also mouthing a 'shut up.' "The" He managed to say.

"Oh..." I chuckled nervously yet again. "Yeah. Amaka sends her regards. Up I go." I practically ran upstairs.

I stormed into my room. Rachel was on her bed with her earpiece listening to music. When she noticed I was in already, she removed the earpiece from her ears and asked. "So how was it?" She was grinning at me.

"I'm never going to tell Richard anything again." I said instead, angrily though.

"Why? What happened?" She impatiently questioned.

"Can you imagine after I'd lie to mum why I came back late, he just rushed down the stairs and made matters quite complicated."

"What did he do or say?" 

"He wanted to let the cat out of the box." She pouted her lips at me, indicating that I was beating about the bush. "Okay, he almost let mum knew that I went to the Beach."

"But I didn't." Richard walked into the room. "Note, I almost did but I didn't."

"Shut up joor!" Rachel quieted him. "What if you had? What would have happened then?" She glared at him.

"Oya, sorry. I didn't know mum was there." He didn't sound apologetic a bit.

"Next time just shut up, that's if I would ever even tell you stuffs again." I said.

"I'm sorry na..." He sounded apologetic now. He even looked like he was about to cry.

I looked at him, then rolled my eyes. "Okay ahn!" I pitied him. I just didn't like the fact that we always made him feel left out, that was why I told him stuffs. Because if not...

"So what did you bring for us?" Richard plopped on my bed.

I sat down on Rachel's own. "I brought ice cream like you guys requested and also, mince pie." I opened my bag and started to bring out the goodies. "As in, today was fun o."

"Don't worry, that gist is for later." Rachel tapped my lap.

"Ahn ahn na! Why can't you gist both of us?" Richard whined, as he devoured the mince pie in his hand.

"Duh! That's girls talk." Rachel did those girly stuffs at him. I chuckled at both of them. How I loved these two dick-heads. Mostly this goober, Rachel.

"Mtcheew! Waheva. I'm off to my room." He stood up to leave but I stopped him.

"Don't let mum see them." I told him.

"Even if she does, I would tell her you brought it for me from the birthday you went to."

"Don't let her see it sha." I repeated.

Minutes later, my phone started to ring. I looked at the dialer and a smile graced my face. It was Benjamin. He had reached home.

"Hello." I said immediately I picked the call. I was smiling in lost.

"I'm fine and you?" I replied to his greeting.

"Where are you now?" I asked just to know. Besides, that place where he was calling from was a bit noisy.


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