Chapter nineteen

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I tried to analyze what just happened, why Chuka behaved the way he did, If he had been offended before he came to call Benjamin, but it was obvious I was still confused and shocked.

I waited patiently for Benji to return, but he never did. It was when the teacher came in to teach us the practicals, that was when he entered inside the class.

In less than two hours, we were done. We moved back to our classes and unknowingly, I was silent throughout the rest of the day. I wouldn't say I was angry with Benji for not returning to me or shocked at Chuka's behavior. It was mixed feelings I had.

Finally, it was closing time and we were all exiting to our various homes. I noticed someone walk running to me and out of curiosity, I turned to behold Chuka walking to me.

"Do you think you can scare me?!" I blurt out before he got to me.

"Haha, no."

My hands in akimbo. "Then why were you jogging to me silently?" I raised my eyebrows.

He furrowed his eyebrows. "Jogging? Silently? Girl, you're over thinking things." He coughed a laugh.

"Oh really?" I pouted my lips and blinked my eyes.


We stayed silent for a while before I decided to break it with what was eating me up.

"Ehen, why did you behave like that today?"

"How?" He asked, confusedly.

I rolled my eyes at him. "Do you seriously wanna pretend like you don't get what I'm talking about?" I asked, irritatedly.

"I swear down, I don't!" He shrugged and nodded his head.

He really doesn't?

"Well, let me not keep us waiting. Today, when I and Benji were..." I started off before being cut short by him.

"Oh, that!" He sneered. "Uhm...well...someone got me pissed."

I could sense that he lied. "Chuka, would you please stop lying to me. It won't help settle anything!" I sounded angry.

"I'm damn serious!" He sounded angry too.

"You're so ridiculous." I shook my head and turned to leave.

"Wait," He held my arm firmly. "I felt...jealous." He sighed. "But not jealous because you were with him, but because he was with you." He tried to convince me to believe he actually wasn't jealous because I was with Benjamin.


I had always known something was up but never knew it would be out of jealousy.

"Jealous? Jealous that what? That Benji was with me? Why?" I was a little bit confused.

"Because he is my friend! And if he had a thing for you, he should have told me first!" The outburst in him made me mute.

"I guess you're satisfied now!" He said and left my midst, angrily.

If I told you I understood what just happened, then I would be a big fat liar. First, it was what happened earlier in the class and now this? I swear, all I could say to Chuka at the moment was that, he was grossly insensitive.

I got home feeling exhausted. I laid on my bed before thoughts bugged into my mind. I thought of all the events that took place today, quite dramatic if you would ask me. In spite of all the drama, one thing was locked in my heart and probably wouldn't escape that easily, was the fact that a whole Benji walked up to me and decided to talk to me. As if that wasn't enough, he was smiling with me throughout.

"Ruby!" I jolted up from the sound of Rachel's voice. She disrupted me from my train of thought. "When did you get back?" She asked in surprise.

"Is that why you wanted to give me a heart attack?" I touched my chest dramatically. "Well, I got back not quite long."

"How come I didn't know?"

I gave her a squint before answering. "And that's my fault?" I rolled my eyes after my reply.

"Well, let's skip that. Guess what!" She sounded excited and was hopping like a six years old child who just got chocolate.

"Apparently, I'm not good at guessing. So spill it bitch!" I sounded twice as excited as she was. I knew what she had for me was going to be a good news, if not good, then satisfying.

She paused at my electrified mood. "What's doing this one?"

"Talk joor!" I said, impatiently.

"Okay. Desmond asked me out today!" She said, almost shouting.

I gasped. "You don't say!" I was one dramatic being.

"I am damn serious here."

Desmond was a guy Rachel crushed on ever since he moved to our vicinity. He was handsome, can't dispute that. He was tall. I guess that was why she liked him even more, because tall and slim guys were her thing. Although, he wasn't so slim. He was dark in complexion with a not so pink lips. His eyebrows were worth dying for. They were carved beautifully and very dark. That was one thing I liked most from him. Lest I forget, he smiled a lot.

"Wow, I'm happy for you. But how did it happen? Cause I know for a fact, you guys never spoke before except you did it behind my back and never informed me."

"Calm down. Just seat down first and I would tell you all that happened. In fact, from the Genesis, if you don't me."

"Oh hell no! I fucking don't mind." Okay, what was wrong with me? I guess I was just too happy to speak normal.

We sat down on my bed, facing each other. "Well, it was-" And she told me how he approached her. From her interesting story, I could tell he liked her even before he approached her, so they are even. Mind you, I've never spoken to Desmond before. I guess from now on, we could start talking.

Rachel phone rang and she excused herself to pick her lover boy's call. I wished I could also experience what she was experiencing.

Out of no one to talk to, I decided to chat on my phone. I didn't go to Facebook yet, I went to WhatsApp and unexpectedly, I had messages that seemed unreadable. My messages were piled up. I contemplated on which to click on. I was confused. Finally, I clicked on Kelechi's thread.

[Kelechi 15:45] Hey Ruby. We've missed you.

I checked the time on my phone and it was five in the evening.

[Me 17:08] I've missed you guys too. A whole lot.

He read it as soon as the message was sent. Guess he knew I was typing. He was typing now.

[Kelechi 17:09] It's been long though. You don't even wanna come visit, at least to say hi.

As I read his message, I was smiling stupidly. His message made me remember my days at Benson college, when I repeated, Blessing and I not talking and some other irrelevances. I stayed glued to his thread, still smiling. I was lost in thought that I had forgotten I was chatting with him, not until he sent a message.

[Kelechi 17:12] Hey. Are you there?

[Me 17:12] Yes I am. I went to attend to something.

A smile formed on my lips, knowing that I lied.

We chatted for like an hour before I decided to move to Facebook to know what's up.

I had so many notifications, quite a number of messages and a few Friend requests. Eagerly, I clicked on my messages. I was so anxious to see the messages I would get because of how the day went. Immediately I saw a message from Benji, I clicked on it not minding any other messages I had.

Benjamin: Sorry I never returned to you. As soon as I went to answer Mr bosun, disturbances came from different angles so I could not return. Hope you ain't angry.

I was stunned by his message. I didn't even know how react to it. I was shocked and at the time overwhelmed with Joy. I felt like screaming at the top of my voice. At the moment, I felt like I was floating in love.

But come to think of it, it was an ordinary message, not like he even told me in person. Even though he did tell me in person, it was to apologize for not returning to me and not asking me out or at least, a peck in the cheek. So why was I so happy. Anyways, it was worth it.

Me: It's no problem, I ain't angry. But can I ask one question?

Benjamin: And what's that?

Me: Why did Chuka behave the way he did today?

The way Chuka behaved was still bothering me and I really wanted to know what was behind his sudden out outrage.

Benjamin: I really don't know. I myself was shocked.

Me: And you didn't ask, despite he is your friend.

Benjamin: I did, but you know Chuka as a person, with his peevishness, he couldn't possibly tell me. Instead, he shunned me.

Is Chuka really like this? Now, I know the kind of person he really is.

I sighed not knowing that I didn't know what to reply him. Well, yes you do! My subconscious mind voiced out.

Me: Let's push this aside, so what did you want to talk to me about earlier today?

He didn't reply as quick as I expected. Perhaps, he was busy with other messages or doing something. Let me just keep my fingers crossed that he wasn't going to snub my message. And he didn't. Thank goodness.

Benjamin: I'll let you know tomorrow, not here. 😏😉

And with that said, he went offline. I had no slightest idea what he wanted to tell me, but my heart was pounding.

What could that be?!

* * * * *

Thanks for the supports I've been getting. I really appreciate.

But can you do me just one favor, apart from voting for my story, please sms VOTE Cee-C to 32052. It cost just 30 naira. Thanks. 😘

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