Chapter thirteen

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Benji's POV

It was break hour and everyone had gone out to get things for themselves, including me. Faith and I were in the food vendor when Chuka came to meet us, disrupting us from our cordial conversation.

"Guy, I want to talk to my babe." Chuka came off as rude, which made me confused as to why he sounded that way. But being my best friend, I shunned it.

"Okay. What are you buying?"

"Nothing. Just please excuse us."

I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at Faith perplexedly. She returned a confused look. No sooner had I left their midst than Chuka said something which made me halt.

"Don't you think you should apologize to Ruby." Chuka said.

I twirled around to face him. "And why should I?" I asked, angrily.

"I just felt it's appropriate to do so." He shrugged.

"But I did nothing wrong to her. So I see no reason why I should apologize to her."

"But you are a guy. Ladies would always be ladies. They would never make a first move to talk to a guy." With that statement, Faith glared at him.

"I know. But come to think of it, we had never spoken before. You were the one always talking to her and placing me at the center of the conversation. Besides, I never told you to invite her to my birthday party—"

"Benjamin, stop acting like a child. You know you want her to be at your party, but you're only hiding it." He cut me off. "So, better go and talk to her. You know I know you too well."

"Waheva." I shrugged and went in to talk to Ruby.

Immediately I stepped my feet into the class, my heart skipped. I was nervous and unsettled. I didn't know why I felt that way. I didn't for one like the way I felt.

I thought of running out of the class or going in and not utter a word to her, but that would be immature of me.

I searched for where she was seated and my eyes met her. She was with her phone, probably chatting or I don't know what she was doing with her phone. And I cared less.

Every step I took, drawing closer to her, made me feel weak and nervous. Why am I feeling this way? She's a human like me. I tried to calm myself and remain steady, instead, it became worse, to the point I started sweating.

On getting close to her, I swear I could hear my heart beat and I knew for sure that my Adam apple had moved. Calm down, you're almost there.... And you're here!

"Hey." I spat out, touching her desk to avoid my shaky legs from crumbling.

She raised her head to look at me and it was obvious she was shocked to the brim to see me in front of her, not just that, but also talking to her. Asides from the surprised look that was obviously written in her face, all I saw was a very beautiful girl starring back at me. I never knew till today that Ruby was such a beauty, perhaps, I had never taken my time to look at her.

I smiled warmly after I made the statement.

Ruby's POV

I least expected it. It was a shocker to me, seeing Benjamin right in front of me. Immediately, I felt goose bumps when he smiled at me. He was so beautiful staring at me, with his brown eyes and his pink lips which I must say, was kissable.
He was perfect to me - if I do say so myself.

"" Words deprived me from speaking. To say I was dumbfounded would be an understatement of the highest level. I was dumbstruck, speechless, I mean, just mention them.

"You...what..." I was speechless. Help me out, Benji! He smirked, victoriously. And all he could do, was to smirk? Oh..Benji!

"What are you doing here?" Words found a way to escape out of my mouth.

"Hmm..a little offer to join you sit down won't harm." He smiled broadly, displaying his perfectly white complete teeth. Oh Benji. Only if you knew.

"And why is that necessary?" I deadpanned.

"I believe in courtesy." Oh so now, you're claiming politeness. "Or, you could at least greet me rather than throwing questions at me." He added.

I was silent at his statement. I guess he was right.

"Still no offer? Well, it's cool. Let me just say what I..."

"You can sit." I cut him off, gesturing for him to sit.

"Oh..thank you." He smiled while taking a seat, beside me. We were so close that our arms were slightly touching each other. He smelled of Cologne and powder. I wished we could stay like this forever or even closer than we were.

We stayed silent for a while before he decided to spill out words.

"Nice pouch you've gat there." He said, pointing at my phone and looking at it too.

"Oh..thanks." A small smile formed on my lips. I bowed my head down to look at my phone and I for one knew he was sneaking glances at me. I was shy. In fact, I was more than shy. I couldn't look at him in the face.

"So, uhm, you sent me a friend request on Facebook right?" Benji said, breaking the awkward silence.

I looked at him suspiciously. "Did I?" I played charade. Really, did I just ask that?

"Yeah." He looked, unsure. "Is your name not Ruby James, if I'm not mistaken?" He said, stating the obvious.

"Sure, it is. But did I really send you a friend request?" My eyebrows were in fraction. Oh my God! Ruby James, are you really doing this? "Cause, I can't remember sending you one." Bravo girl! You would make a good actress. I smiled to myself.

"Well, maybe it's not you. Perhaps, it's another Ruby James." He stated, obliviously.

I had the apt to slap him really hard on the face, but I couldn't, cause I knew for a fact that if I had done it, I wouldn't be alive to see the next day.

"Didn't he check my profile pic or he was only playing charade too just like I was?" I thought.

I pretended to be in deep thought. "Oh, wait! Are you Benjamin Ari..abi, Are.." I acted like I didn't know his surname. Funny me.

"Arugbo." He helped me complete my statement. Wow, I never knew he had the accent to pronounce his surname quite well. "Yes, that's me."

"Oh, so you're even the one." I was garnering up confidence now.

"Yes, I am the one." He sounded hurt. Probably because of the way I disregarded him.

"Okay. I didn't know it was you. I thought it was another Benjamin because he told me to add him up. He was asking me out actually. Pfft!" I lied. Okay, why was I telling him all of these, was it just to make him jealous?

"Oh, okay." He sounded hurt for the second time and it made me feel overwhelmed.

"So, you can block me if you wish, I'm cool with it." God knows I didn't want that to happen. Hope he wasn't going to adhere to my advice.

He laughed heartily, which made me look at him, confusedly.

"Do you really want me to block you?" He said, in between his laughter.

"That's if you wish." I shrugged.

"Well, I don't wish." Thank goodness gracious. We stayed silent, looking at the white board in front of us. I was back to my uncomfortable self again. I started hitting the table with the tip of my finger and biting my lips at the same time.

I couldn't count how many times I had sneaked glances at Benjamin. I just couldn't get enough of him. I wanted to look at him without minding any thing around me, but I guess that was one impossible thing. So this is how it feels like being with Benjamin. Finally, I'm with my crush. I feel so elated!

"Ruby?" He interrupted me from my train of thought. The way he said my name, sent shivers down my spine. "I'" He stuttered.

"Huh?" My brows were in fraction. "For what?" I looked into his eyes.

He turned away, sheepishly. "I really don't know." He chuckled, still not looking at me. Awwn.. Cute!

I let out a short laughter. "Really? You do not know why you're sorry? That's..weird?"

He looked at me and smiled. "Would you come to my party?" Boy, this guy was damn handsome. He was like a 'prince charming'.

And that question caught me off guard.

* * * * *

Probably, none of you saw this coming.

Well guys, here you have it. A chapter for you all to enjoy and I so hope you all enjoyed it.

I can't leave without thanking you guys. You folks are just the best any writer could ask for.
Thanks for the comments, votes and support. However, there is room for more. So don't relent.

Lot of love from the author to the fellow readers.😂😁😘😏👍

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