Chapter thirty-nine

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I jolted up from bed due to an alarm that slapped my brain. It was an action that happened sometimes with me, not like I was facing any sort of problems in my life. It just happened to me sometimes, and strangely, I classified it as good luck. Curious why? Well, if I was keen on doing something overnight, it helped to wake me up. Or sometimes if I forgot to set my alarm, it woke me up. Why the descriptions anyway?

I looked at the time on my phone and it read 6:37am. Today was Friday. How I loved Fridays.

I stretched and yawned excitedly before unlocking my phone. As soon as I unlocked it, there was a message that popped on my screen. I clicked on it and I was delighted, ecstatic, delirious with Joy to see a message from Benjamin. He had sent me birthday wishes. Yeah, today was my birthday! But wait, how did he know today was my birthday? Because I didn't tell him. In fact, no one knew asides from Amaka. Or could she have told him?

I kept on searching my brain for answers on how Benjamin knew. It was then realisation hit me. Facebook had! I smiled to myself. Seeing Benjamin's message this morning, had just woken up every cell in my body. My Joy knew no bound.

I got up from my bed and made my way into the bathroom. As I was done dressing up, Rachel woke up from her sleep.

"Good morning." I greeted. Funny enough, I'd never done that before but I did today. Wow. I sure was very happy today.

"Hmm. This your dressing make sense." She checked me out.

I grinned from ear to ear. "Thanks." I was putting on a denim jean jacket, with a black sleeveless flare dress which was a bit above my kneels, coupled with a denim jean boot. To complement my look, I tied an Ankara orange star material on my head, making it have a big donut at the front close to my forehand, with a slightly heavy make-up on.

"Where are you going?"

I looked at her like she had just ask a very dumb question. "To lesson of course." I stated matter-of-fact.

"Hmm, that you're now dressed this way."

"Duh! Today's my birthday." I narrowed my eyes at her.

"And so? Na wa o! Girl, you can show off."

"How do you mean? See, don't come and ruin my day o. You can't even wish me a happy birthday, you're just there ruining someone's mood." I took my very big round gold earrings from my jewelry box and then wore them on. "Besides, ain't you going to lesson today?"

"I am. Anyways, happy birthday sis." She said rather awkwardly.

"Aw! Thanks dear. Keep my gift o." I took my perfume from my drawer and wore a little. Now I was absolutely done with dressing up. "Off I go." I placed my bag behind my bag and bounced out.

I strolled to my parents room and knocked on the door. "Come in." I heard mum say.

"Good morning ma." I greeted as I marched in.

"How are you?" She smiled at me. She was putting on just bra with a trouser. She was obviously preparing for work. 🎶Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you...🎶 She started to sing with her whack voice.

I couldn't help but laugh at the way she was singing. "Thanks mum." She widely stretched out her hands for a hug, which I gleefully obliged to. "Thanks mum." I repeated happily.

"Mummy what about dad?" I asked as I left her hands.

"He has taken Richard to school, and also has gone to work."

"Okay. Please transport fare and lunch money."

"Okay." She gave me more than the usual. Possibly because it was my birthday that was why. I thanked her before scurrying away.

I swung the gate open and I was shocked to the brim to come in contact with Benjamin. As soon as he saw, he let out a heartwarming smile.

I marred my eyebrows in confusion. "How d...why–" I trailed off with a light chuckle. Could this day get any better?

He majestically walked up to me with his hands in his pockets,  and with a smile that adorned his face. He looked very handsome. "Happy birthday Ruby James." He said calmly, with a very deep and sexy voice.

I didn't know what to say or do at the moment. Well, I guess my happiness had the better of me, 'cause I was practically on Benjamin's body right now. I hugged him so tight, afraid to let go. He was also hugging me back.

I later realised that the action we were presently in, was being done outside where every passer-by could clearly see. So I quickly released myself from the tight embrace. "So sorry about that." I sheepishly said.

He scoffed. "I'm your boyfriend. So you're free to do anything you want with my body. You own me now." He let out a smug smirk.

"Perv." I nudged him on the shoulder. "What are now trying to say?"

"Lol. You are the pervert here. I didn't mean it that way, if that's what you're thinking." 

"Whatever." I looked around the area if he came with anything or someone, but nothing. "Um, where's your car?"

He laughed a little. "Car? Do I look like I own one?"

"But...the last time you came, you brought a car along." I stated.

"And did I tell you that was my car?"

"Oh, I remember now. You said you stole it from your dad." I giggled after what I said.

He gave me a bored look. "I never said so."

"Waheva. So are we trekking?"

"Trek ke? Me I'm taking bike. If you want to trek, it's fine o." He started to walk leaving me behind.

"Okay." I shrugged. "You can flag a bike without me then, I'd just trek." I said nonchalantly.

That made him stand to a halt. He then spun around to face me, but I pretended not to notice. I was looking away, whistling at the same time.

"You're joking right?" He finally said.

"Huh?" I played charade. "Joking about what?" I looked at him innocently.

"That I flag a bike without you." He pouted his lips.

"Oh. I thought you said if I want to trek, it's fine with you." I grinned.

"I didn't say...ah!" He groaned in frustration. "You just want to frustrate me today right? Come here joor!" He walked up to me and dragged me along with him. His action made me burst out laughing. This guy was just one very cute specie.

We got to the bus-stop where we could board a bus, but Benjamin insisted we flagged a bike. He said he preferred that so he could get access to my waist. We argued over it though, but he eventually won. Guys would always have their ways.

We got to the lesson safely, and of course, Benjamin was the one who paid.

As we walked to the lesson premises, I decided to ask Benjamin. "How did you know my birthday is today?" I cocked an eyebrow as I asked.

"I'm not really happy with you. So you actually planned on not telling me." He said seriously. "Or you still don't trust me?" He furrowed his eyebrows at me. There was a tinge of disappointment in his eyes.

"I'm so sorry. I planned on informing you today." I said apologetically.

"Really Ruby? But I'm your boyfriend, or except you have another one behind my back." He joked.

"Benji!" I slapped his forearm.

"But seriously, I really I'm not happy with you."

"Sorry na." He paid no attention to me. He just kept a straight face on, walking like no one there with him. "Benjamin sorry na." Still no response. "You like to vex sef." I pushed him away a little.

I folded my arms around my chest and also walked in silence, with a straight face on. With the corner of my eyes, I saw him sneaking glances at me time to time.

"Oya sorry ah." Benjamin shook my shoulders, but I didn't pay any attention to it. I just kept on walking. "So you can be angry but you don't want me to be angry, right?" He tickled me.

"Stop ahn." I said firmly, suppressing my laughter.

"Sorry na. But seriously, how would you feel if I don't tell you my birthday date but I told someone else?" He intertwined his fingers with mine.

"Bad?" I was uncertain of the response to give.

"That's the way I feel too. What if Amaka hadn't told me?"

I knew it! Amaka can never keep her mouth shut. "You would have eventually seen it on Fb."

"So you prefer that right? That one is even worse." He rolled his eyes at nowhere in particular.

"I'm sorry." I said softly.

"It's no problem." He looked down at me and smiled.

We signed our names in the booklet and later strolled in together. Before we got into the class, Benjamin said. "Did I mention? You look amazing today."

I literally blushed. "Thanks." We walked into class.

"Oya! Bestest couple in town." Prevailer teased. "Give way, give way. Let them pass." We laughed at his action towards us.

"See as Ruby dress 'cause today is her birthday." Victor added. "Hope it's not only this dressing you brought along with you o. Hope there's goodies for us." I laughed at what he said.

"I brought me, myself and I."

"Mtchew. Is it you we want to eat?"

"I wonder o." Prevailer added.

"Better go back home and bring our cakes." Victor concluded.

"Ah! Today we would bath you ehn." Stephen, the mathematics guru, chimed in.

"Stephen, who put your mouth now?" Victor said.

Benjamin had already gone outside to get something, so he said to me. The time was still 7:37am, so classes hadn't started yet.

I laughed at their jovial behaviors. They were one heck of funny children.

"You guys should please stop abeg." I laughed hard. "And no one's bathing me o." I warned.

"Stay there." Stephen said.

I just shook my head and walked pass them. I made my way to my usual sitting position. Amaka hadn't come yet so I was left to sit alone for now.

Minutes passed and Amaka hadn't come yet. She was late today, why? I fiddled with my phone since there was nothing to do at the moment. I sighed as I thought of my ex school. I missed it so much. Not the classes per se, but the students, my friends to be precise. I wonder if I hadn't repeated, how my birthday would be celebrated over there. But I was glad that here, it was going just fine so there was no need to ponder on anything at all.

"Happy birthday!" Amaka jumped on me and hugged me tightly.

"Thanks dear." I smiled genuinely. "I thought you would ditch me today on my birthday o."

"What do you mean?" She confusedly looked at me.

"I thought you wouldn't come."

"Oh." She smiled broadly at me. "I can't miss your birthday for anything." She looked sincere and elated saying this to me.

"Aw! I'm highly honoured."

She then ran around the desk to take a sit beside me. "I brought you something." She said immediately she sat down.

I was beyond excited. I wanted to scream but I held it back. I didn't want to look bush or desperate for a gift in front of her. Not like I was any of that anyways.

She brought out the items from her bag and placed it on the desk. It was quite a number. It was a full pack of chocolate cookie biscuit, an expensive perfume – it looked expensive even though it wasn't, and a drink.

"I'm so sorry, I couldn't find a birthday wrapper anywhere. And I was running late 'cause I bought all these stuffs this morning, so I just had to bring them to you like that."

"Are you apologising? You don't have to. This is even enough. Thank you so much." I enclosed her in a warm embrace. "You guys are just wonderful." I was filled with so much happiness.

"Thanks dear. And by the way, you looked absolutely stunning. Who are you wearing?"

"Aw! Thanks dear." I chuckled afterwards, realising the question she asked after her compliment. "We are not in the red carpet o."

"Waheva. But seriously, who or what inspired this dressing?" She inquired further. "'Cause you look ravishing."

I laughed. "Thanks. Anyways, it just popped up in my head."

"Nice. You're one fashion freak."

Silence was the next thing that followed after her statement. We stayed silent for a while, before I decided to break it.

"Ehen, so you told Benjamin that today was my birthday right?" I cocked an eyebrow at her and pouted my lips.

She chuckled. "I had to. I couldn't keep it to myself any longer."

I narrowed my eyes at her. "Anyways, let me gist you about this morning." We positioned ourselves, ready to gist.

I told her everything that happened. From the message he sent to me, to how he was waiting for me outside my house, everything basically. As I told her about it all, she was just grinning from ear to ear.

"Aw! That's so romantic." She touched her chest dramatically and looked at the ceiling dreamingly. "Did I gist you?" She hit me a little in my forehand. We were in gisting mode.

"What is it?" I asked curiously.

"When I travelled to London during Christmas holiday, a guy asked me out and I instantly accepted. Not like I'm cheap or anything, but you should have seen him. So cute. In fact, cute is a lesser word to describe him." She said with so much enthusiasm.

"Wow. He must have been very cute then." I was kinda shot of words. "Is he more handsome than Benjamin?"

"Mtcheew. Is Benji even fine?"

"Huh?! Don't go there o." I argued.

"Lol. I was just kidding. But really, he is very cute, and yes, he is more handsome than Benjamin." She said seriously.

"Waheva. All I know is that Benji is perfect for me."

She laughed a little. "I know right. So...did he tell you about us going to the beach tomorrow?"

I marred my eyebrows in confusion. "Beach?"

"Oops!" She closed her mouth, hushing herself. "Oh dang it! So he hasn't told you yet? I'm totally a spoiler." She curved her mouth downwards in disappointment.

I giggled. "No you're not. But wait o!" Realisation hit me hard. Beach? "Beach?!" I voiced out my thought. "Why?" I was obviously over excited.

"He said it's one of his birthday gifts for you."

"One?!" I exclaimed. "Tell me I'm dreaming. Pinch me please." I fanned myself girlishly.

Amaka laughed. "You're not o."

"Wow. Wait, you said us? Who and who?" I looked at her quizzically.

"The four of us; you, me, Chuka and Benjamin." She stated.

"Aw! So you guys planned this all for me?"

"Actually, he was meant to tell you, but now I ruined it by telling you."

"It's no big of a deal." I shrugged it off. As soon as I said that, the physics teacher walked briskly into the class, making everyone rush to their seats. Benjamin and Chuka immediately strolled in.

"Good morning class." He greeted us.

"Good morning sir." We responded to the physics teacher's greeting.

He turned to face the board and began to write the topic on the board. As soon as he was done writing the topic, he turned back to face us. "We are going to continue with momentum." He said. "You know how we do it now, I ask anybody I like a question and if you don't get it, I beat you."

He kicked off with the class. "Now it's question time." He informed. "Who would I ask o?" He scanned the class with his eyes. He started walking around in search of who to call. He then walked passed me. Phew! Thank goodness. But he later paused, walked back and scrutinized me. Please don't call me o.

"Hmm. I like your dressing o."

I smiled a little. "Thank you sir."

"Wow, you look pretty." He kept complimenting me. "Since you're dressed in such nice way, you'd be the one to answer this question." Okay, this just got worse. So because of I'm dressed nicely? Why did I even dress at all? "Oya, stand up." He ordered, before walking to the front of the class.

I rolled my eyes at him while he was looking elsewhere. He then opened his text book and spat out the question. "You know if you fail it, I would beat you." He reminded me as he handed the marker to me to come solve the problem on the board. "I like this your shoe o. Where are you even going that you're dressed this way?"

"Today's her birthday." Someone said from the class.


I smiled sheepishly.

"Ah! Then you mustn't fail the question o." I was in front of the class now. "But before that, let's sing a birthday song for her."

They began to sing in unison. I grinned form ear to ear as they sang. I sneaked a glance at Benjamin, and he was smiling broadly at me. What a blessed day for me. Finally, they ended the song and I mouthed a 'thank you.'

"Since it's her big day, someone should volunteer to ask her any question. Any question at all, just ask." He suggested.

Na wa o! It took some minutes before someone decided to volunteer. And it was none other than Amaka.

"Go on." He gestured for her speak up.

"Okay Ruby." She started to say. You wouldn't believe my very close friend was forming accent for me. She had a British accent, yes, but she was forming it more right now. "So how old are you now?" She concluded.

"I'm seventeen." I feigned confidence.

"Okay. So since it's your sweet seventeenth birthday, ain't you gonna throw a bash or something?" She made sure to pronounce her words audibly and appropriately. She was actually very articulate in her speech.

"Well, thank God you said sweet seventeenth birthday and not sixteenth. So unfortunately, I'm not gonna be throwing any party. With the way Nigeria economy is right now, no money!" I giggled at my own words. A few student also chuckled.

"Okay, that's settled." She then looked at the physics teacher. "My job is done here."

"Is that all you want to ask?" He asked.

"Yup." She boldly answered before taking her seat.

"Okay, so answer my question for me o."

I faced the board and began to solve the problem. Done, I closed the marker so it wouldn't dry off and faced my attention to the class.

He scanned the solving on the board before confirming. "Correct!"

* * * *

Hello my people. How are you guys doing? I promised not to update late again and I'm trying to fulfill that. So you have an update, a long one for that matter. I hope y'all loved it and would support me by sharing this book. Thanks

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