Chapter thirty-one

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Dedicating this chapter to Townie_A
Thanks for your support from the scratch and also, for your kind words. God bless you!

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I woke up later that evening with a throbbing headache. It felt as though my head would explode due to how heavy the headache was. I sat up on my bed and scanned the room but no one was inside. It was only me.

I rubbed my eyes tiredly before getting up fully to walk to the bathroom. After I was done washing my face, I went to my bed, took my phone from my bag, turned on the data connection and then clicked on the Facebook app.

As it opened, load of messages started intruding making my phone hang a little. I couldn't wait to see who had sent messages to me. Scratch that! I couldn't wait to see what message Benjamin had sent me. I sure as hell knew that he would send a message or messages. If he cared about me, then he would definitely drop a message or two.

Immediately, I clicked on my messages and my heart skipped a bit as I saw a message from him. I was happy seeing it though. I couldn't possibly be mad, even though I was hurt. Despite he had hurt me, my feelings for him was still intact if not stronger.

I clicked on his thread eagerly. It wasn't a message he had sent, it was messages. Wow, interesting! And he was online. Dang it! I shouldn't have clicked on it in the first place, but I couldn't back down now.

I began to read the messages.

Benjamin: Hey Ruby. What's the matter? Did I offend you in any way? Please if I have, tell me.

You didn't offend me, you hurt me!

Benjamin: Were you being serious when you said we were over? Please we can't break up now. It's not even been days since we dated talk more of weeks. When you said we were over, I felt like dying in that spot. I felt my heart shattered into pieces. Why do you wanna break up with me? What did I do? Please tell me.

A tear dropped down from my eyes as I remembered when he said he would defriend me and that he could never leave his best friends for anybody. To be factual, it really hurt.

Benjamin: Ruby, please forgive me if I did anything wrong. I can't even think straight again. Please don't do this to me. 😞 When you come online, message me please. Bye.

Oh Benji!

I wiped the tears that was already streaming down my face. I couldn't help but cry when I was reading his messages. For Benjamin to have written such messages, I knew he cared a lot. A pang of happiness engulfed me but it couldn't drive away the hurt that I was feeling.

Minutes had passed and I hadn't responded to his messages, rather I was chatting with other people. He was still online so he must have seen that I'd read it, probably he'd given up on finding out why I broke up with him.

A message barged in and it was him– Benjamin. I swiftly clicked on it and read it.

Benjamin: Ruby please reply my messages. 😭

I rolled my eyes and ignored it.

Minutes later, my phone started ringing indicating that I had a call. I looked at the caller ID and it was Benjamin. What does he want now? I left it to ring till the call ended. He called again, but still did the same thing. I didn't want to talk to him. My chest was paining me, due to how hurt I was. Seconds passed, then he called again but this time, I hesitated before answering his call. He wouldn't give up, would he?

Benjamin: Hey Ruby. are you doing?

His voice came out low with a crack that was evident. It looked like he had been crying or screaming, which ever one. Also, he sounded nervous.

Me: Hello.

I said in a very low tone, that I could barely hear myself. Funny right?

Benjamin: are you doing?

His voice was so hoarse. I wonder why.

Me: Why are you calling? Do you have anything to say?

Anger laced in my voice.

He gulped before answering:
Benjamin: Ruby, don't do this to me na. What have I done? Please tell me.

I rolled my eyes and sighed exasperatedly. He really didn't know what he did? Maybe I should just let him know rather than hurting him with my silent treatment.

Me: Look Benjamin, I

Benjamin: Ruby please don't deprive me of knowing.

He cut me off calmly.

Benjamin: I really have to know. Your silence is killing me. I can't even think straight again. Right now, I'm in blazes and I need you to help me out of it. Please just tell me what I did. Okay look, if you tell me, I promise to never disturb you again. I swear.

I heard his voice crack a second time. It looked like he was going to burst out in tears any moment from now. I wanted to reply him with suiting words, but the last statement he made work the angry lion in me.

Me: Really? You would never disturb me?! I guess all this while you never wanted to be friends with me talk more of being in a relationship with me! Oh, you think I don't know. I heard all what you told Chuka and Faith, that you can never leave for someone like me and–

Benjamin: That wasn't what

Me: Shut up Benji! I'm not done talking.

All I felt right now was nothing but anger and hurt. My blood was boiling. I'd never been this much angry and at the same time, hurt. It was a strange feeling and bet you, it was awful.

Me: Just don't speak. Wondering how I got to find out, well, I followed you and eavesdropped on you guys conversation. Now I know I actually meant nothing to you. I was only a burden to you. You never wanna disturb me right? Well, you're free now. We. Are. Over! I'm done with you Benji, I'm done!

I wanted to hang up the call, but he said something immediately which made me came to a halt.

Benjamin: Wait!

There was a long pause before he continued to speak.

Benjamin: Ruby...I...I...please I can explain.

I cut the call instantly. I wasn't ready for anything he had to say and I would never be ready for it.

He called again, but I refused to pick up. Instead, I tossed my phone on the bed and began to sob profusely.

After some minutes of crying, I dried my face and went down stairs. It was already 7:31 in the evening. To be factual, I hadn't seen Richard since today. Rachel was also barely seen by me. I had been in my room crying all day. Don't raise insults at me, because you would do the same if you were in my shoes.

"Finally, she's outdoors." Richard said as I dawdled down stairs. He was in the dining room with Rachel. They were having dinner.

"Outdoors? Funny you." Rachel looked at me. "Ruby, what's the matter? You've been in the room since you got back."

I walked up to them and let out a dry smile.

"Nothing." I shrugged.

"You look pale." Richard spat at me.

"I know right." I chuckled dryly before strolling to the kitchen to grab dinner. It was indomie and boiled egg. One of my best food, but today, I wasn't sure I was gonna enjoy devouring it.

I sat down on the dinning chair and started eating, silently.

Richard cleared his plate and rushed to the kitchen to wash it, before scurrying to the living room to watch TV.

As soon as he was out of sight, "What's wrong?" Was asked by Rachel.

I looked at her and nodded my head, but the look on her face read 'don't even tell me nothing or lie to me.' That was look. So I had to tell her the truth.

"Okay." I hesitated before spilling it out. "Benjamin and I broke up."

She flinched backwards. "What! Are you being serious?! I mean, you guys just started dating on Saturday and today, break up? Okay, he's a Goober." She looked angry yet confused. It was bound to happen though. I knew she would be infuriated. I mean, we'd only spent a day in the relationship and this cooked up? I was surprised myself.

"It's not him Rachel. It's me that broke up with him."

"Really? Then, you are a Goober! How could you?"

"It's not what you think. Let me just explain how it happened." I dropped my fork on my plate of  Indomie, before telling her all that happened. "...and that's why I broke up with him." 

"But you should have at least listened to him." She said in a very calm tone.

"You don't understand Rachel. I'm hurt. This feeling is strange to me." I felt like breaking down in tears, but no, I wasn't going to cry again. I had cried enough for one day. I stifled the tears that threatened to pour out. Couldn't possibly cry now.

"I totally understand you Ruby. I also would have done the same thing." She paused for a while, "Well, I guess it's over now." She looked sad.

I nodded in approval. My eyes sight were already blurry due to the tears that welled up in my eyes. "It's over." I stated firmly, before continuing to eat.

*following day*

My face was pale when I woke up, that mum had to ask if I was okay.

I got to lesson quite late, making the class kinda filled up already. I walked to my normal spot where I do sit, without looking at anyone. My head was bowed. As I got there, my mouth dropped to the fall seeing who was seated on my chair. It was Benjamin!

He looked at me pleadingly, but I returned it with a glare.

"What do you want?! I thought you said if I told you why I broke up with you, you would not bother me anymore! So what now?" Anger laced in my tone.

"I know I said that, but I didn't say I was gonna leave you or did I?" He smiled at me. That smile! But sorry smile, today I wasn't gonna fall for you.

"You think you're smart? Benjamin, it's over and that means we can't be together anymore, not even as friends! So please leave." There was no glimpse of happiness on my face, all that was written was anger.

As I uttered those words, his smile disappeared and was replaced with sadness and hurt.

"Ruby, I'm–"

"Not a word from you!" I said venomously. "Just please go."

His eyes were getting red and blurry. He looked like he was about to cry. I looked away so I wouldn't feel bad and forgive him at the instant. I couldn't possibly forgive him and let his words slid away that easily. I was hurt, so hurt that I couldn't possibly think straight. Ah! I needed to get out of this prison. It hurt really bad.

As I was looking away, I felt his arm brush mine. His smell lingered in my nostrils for a while. He smelled so good. I looked at him walk out of the class without turning to look at me. Where was he going now? Why didn't he go and sit with Chuka and Faith?

I sighed before sitting down on my chair.

"Get seated class!" Our Physics teacher, Mr Agbons walked in.

* * * *

Thanks guys for your supports, despite my book isn't worth your reads, you're still reading it and supporting. I'm highly grateful.

Wanna know the author more, you could follow me on IG @josephadedayo38 or on Fb @Joseph Adedayo. Thanks once again.

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