Chapter thirty-six

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Saturdays were always very lively and fun in my house, at least most of the time, but today was one of those lethargic Saturdays. It was so due to the fact that I was the only one in the house. Mum, dad and Richard went for a wedding party. However, Rachel and I was asked to tag along with them but we humbly declined. I guess Rachel had a plan cooked up for the day 'cause immediately they left for the party, she rushed to the bathroom to have her bath and after which, called Desmond that she was ready. So Desmond came minutes after and they both left the house. Truthfully, I envied their relationship.

It was five minutes after twelve in the afternoon and guess what, I haven't had my bath yet– I felt lazy to.

Out of boredom, I decided to go have my bath and be full prepared for the day. I went up to my room, took my dirty clothes off and wrapped myself with a towel. As soon as I did that, I heard a knock at the door. I ran down to get the door with the hope that it was going to be Rachel. But come to think of it, Rachel wouldn't knock. So who could that be? Well...

I opened the door widely, with my towel still wrapped around my chest dropping to the upper part of my kneel.

My eyes practically widened as I beheld Benjamin in front of me, in my house! I couldn't move from the spot I was neither could I do or say anything. I was literally numb. He then waved at me with a heartwarming smile plastered on his handsome face.

"Morning." He said with his lovely accent. "Or better still, afternoon." He smiled broadly at me.

Realisation then hit me pretty hard that I was only with a towel on. So instead of replying to his greetings, I slammed the door at his face and roamed the dinning area confusedly. I didn't know what to do at the moment. Think Ruby, think!

With that thought in my head, I ran up to my room and put on a clean cloth. It was casual, so no need to describe what I wore. I haven't even had my bath yet. Dang it!

I took my perfume from where I do hide it and wore a little, just for the sake of smelling super nice. I rashly combed my rough hair before running down to get the door once again.

"Oh hey." I forcefully said immediately I opened the door.

He cocked his eyebrows quizzically with a slight smirk. "What was that for?" He said, chuckling.

"I er...never mind. Come in." I dragged him in and shut the door close.

I walked him to the living room and ushered him a sit. With all my questionable actions, he kept on looking at me perplexedly as he took his sit. Well, his looks were worth it. Couldn't blame him.

" what can I offer you, drink, food, water, snacks, bis–"

"Ruby!" He stopped me from gibbering. He then chuckled lightly "I'm fine Ruby. What's up with you?"

"What?" I furrowed my eyebrows, standing beside where he was sitting, awkwardly might I add?

"Why are you...should I say all over the place?"

"Uh...nothing. Just that–" I trailed off.

He narrowed his eyes at me. "Just that what?"

"Why are you here by the way?" I deviated.

He sighed. "I came to see you." He said simply yet seriously.

"See me? But you should have called. What if my parents were around?"

"Okay sorry about that." He sounded apologetic.

"Hmm. So why are you?" I inquired.

"To trash things out. You've been avoiding me throughout the week. Whenever I try to talk to you in lesson, you just cook up a story and then run away. I even chat you up but you don't reply. I called a couple of time but you don't pick up." He paused for a while. "Are you still angry with me?" He asked, his voice softened.

"No I'm not." I lied. Don't get me wrong, I'd forgiven him but I was still hurt, really bad.

"Then why the sudden behavior? Why are you avoiding me?" There was a tinge of hurt and sadness in his tone.

I sat down on the arm of the chair next to him. "Benjamin." I breath out his name. "It's just that...I wanted to be really sure you wouldn't hurt me again so I needed you to prove it to me."

"But you should have told me." Now it was disappointment I heard.

"That's because if I did, you sure as hell wouldn't prove anything to me."

"Hmm." He nodded his head in agreement. "You're right there, but still...maybe I wouldn't have been that worked up. You left me worried."

"Lol. I'm sorry about that." I placed my hand gently on his shoulder. "I'm sorry I did that to you." I smiled genuinely at him.

He looked at my hand on his shoulder before looking straight at my eyes. He then gave me a mischievous smirk and dragged me to his body. I was now sitting on his lap with a sided view. My back was neither resting on him nor my face. It was right arm that was resting on his chest,  while his hands were around my waist.

"Prove it." He said sexily to me after we were comfortable on the romantic position we were in.

I scoffed. "How?" I said sheepishly. Imagine, I couldn't look at his face again.

"Kiss me." He whispered into my ear, which left me in total shock. I kinda did expect it yet I didn't, if you get what I'm saying.

"Benjamin..." Okay why did I call his name now? "I..."

"Common, it's just the both of us here. Just do it and know one's gonna see us." He sounded so desperate. I looked at him and he was already licking his pink lips, ready for a kiss.

I looked away and smiled shyly.

"Or are you shy now with your boyfriend?" I didn't know if he smirked or smiled 'cause I wasn't looking at him.

I chuckled. "Maybe." I shrugged.

As soon as I spat that out, he burst out laughing. "You''re shy?" He said in between his laughter.

"Uh-huh." I nodded my head in agreement.

His laughter then subsided. "Okay, should I be the one to kiss you?" I snapped my head at him and I could see that he was ready for a kiss 'cause his lip was already wet. 

"Can't we just skip this part?" I was shy as fuck, and Benjamin didn't seem to care.

"Nope." He shone his complete white teeth at me.

"Okay. But you'd be the one dominating o."

"No problem."

Silence befell us and the next thing I knew, we were kissing hard. Benjamin was the one dominating. My hands were doing magic. One hand was raking his hair, whilst the other was enjoying the feel of his hard chest. I guess I was pleasuring him with my touch 'cause he was pressing my butt cheek so hard. To be honest, I'd never been this intense in a kiss and trust me, it was fun. Ladies, you need to try this. 

We kept on sliding tongues into each other's mouth until I noticed it was getting outta hand. Benjamin's shirt was already half way opened. His bare chest was now showing and a little bit of his packs.

"I think that's enough for today." I drew back a little from him and the expression on his face looked like he still wanted us to continue but sorry Benji, we couldn't.

He hands still firmly wrapped around my waist. "But we were having fun na, why did you cut it short?"

"Because...we were taking it too far for our own good."

"Hmm." He smirked. "But you were enjoying it sha."

I nudged him on his bare chest. "You're not serious."

"Didn't you?" He wiggled his eyebrows at me.

"Haha..." I hit him on his chest again. "Of course." I laughed sheepishly.

"You wanna go another round?"

"Benji!" I shrilled. "You're such a pervert." I hit him on the chest again.

"Well I can see you enjoy touching my chest." He took my hand from his chest and intertwined it with his, while his other hand was still around my waist.

We stayed in comfortable silence, staring at each other and exchanging smiles. "Er...I think I should get up from your laps now." I wanted to stand but he drew me back to his lap.

"No, don't go. I love that you're sitting on my laps, it makes us feel closer to each other." He smiled genuinely at me and I returned the gesture.

"So let's discuss how our fight started."

"Hmm. Okay." He shrugged.

"Did you actually mean what you said when you told them that you can never leave them for me?" Everything turned to serious mode.

He cleared his throat. "Well, I actually did mean it." I felt a bit hurt when I heard this but all was over now. I shouldn't use this against him. "And I totally regret saying it, honestly." He said sincerely.

"Hmm. Okay. But what explanation would you have given me if I had gave you an audience?" I pressed. I wanted to know why he would have chosen them over me.

"No explanation really. I would have just tried to make you understand why i would have chosen them over you. I mean, Chuka and I have been best buddies since kindergarten, and it would not be fair if I had chosen a girl I just met over him."

"But that girl happened to be your girlfriend." I countered.

"I know. But truthfully, when I asked you to be my girlfriend, I wasn't sure yet of the feelings I had for you. I just knew I really really liked you and so I felt I needed you to be my girlfriend." Wow. Was I really hearing all of these coming out of Benjamin's mouth? "But when I was gone, I realised that you were worth choosing over him. I realised that I needed you more in my life." He concluded.

"What about Faith, what is she to you?"

He sighed. Lest I forget, I was now resting my head on his laps, while he was stroking my hair gently. "Faith? Faith is just a very good friend of mine and mostly because she's my best friend's babe." That reminds me, I hadn't told anyone what I heard from Faith the other day but that talk would be for later.

"Speaking of Faith, do you think she genuinely likes Chuka?"

"Yes. Why do you ask?" There was a frown on his face as he looked at me.

"No, nothing. Just wanted to know. So...why did you decide to leave?"

"When?" He seemed confused.

"The lesson." I stated.

"Oh. Lol. That decision was out of emotional trauma. I was emotional depressed. Didn't know what else to do when you broke up with me, so the best thing to do was to leave."

"Leaving also your friends behind?"

He chuckled. "That's why there's a cell phone."

"But if you felt emotionally unstable, that meant your feelings for me were genuine."

"True. I realised that after you broke up with me. I was wounded."

"Aw! Sorry."

He chuckled. "At least we are back for good now."

"Waheva. So back to the topic..."

He pinched me on the nose. "Who are you saying 'waheva' to?"

"Ow! I'll beat you o."

"I'd love that." He smirked at me.

"Pervert. So you didn't plan on coming back right?" I started to ask questions again.

"Yeah. I actually thought all was over. I didn't even wanna call or chat you up. I just wanted to forget everything that happened and move on. But I kept thinking of you every passing minute. I couldn't get you off my mind and I despised myself for that."

"Then why did you come back?"

"Chuka forced me to." He answered simply.

"So if it weren't for Chuka you wouldn't have?" Slightly hurt.

He sighed. "I really do not know. Can't say."

"Hmm. Okay."

There was a brief silence before Benjamin decided to say something. "Hope you're not angry?" He caressed my cheek.

I looked up at him and smiled. "That's all past so I can't be mad at you anymore.

He smiled back at me. "Any more questions?"

"Hmm. You seem to be having fun answering my questions." I stated.

"I want you to trust me again. Just ask me anything and I'd reply honestly." He sounded so serious.

"Ehen that reminds me, who was that girl you posted on Fb?" I couldn't believe I almost forgot this.

"Huh?" He merged his eyebrows together. "Which girl was that?" He looked a little puzzled.

"That fine girl na, that one you posted saying she was the 'love of your life'."

"Oh." He burst out laughing.

"What?" I looked at him quizzically. I wondered why he was laughing.

He kept laughing, non stop. I got a little bit pissed. I stood up from his laps and folded my arms around my chest, angrily. That caught his attention because his laugh suppressed.

"Why did you get up from my laps?" He questioned.

"Ask my ass!" I pouted my lips.

"Haha. Oya sorry ah! Come here joor!" He dragged me to him again and we both laughed.

"So who is she to you?" I inquired.

"She's my ex girlfriend." He let out a smug smirk. "See her face." He laughed a little. "She's my elder sister who's in Dublin."

"Wow. She's so pretty oh. You guys are very fine in your family." I stated matter-of-fact.

"Yeah." He said with so much pride. "Let's me guess, you were jealous when you saw the post."

I chuckled. "Yeah." He laughed again.

"Well, she's my elder sister."

"Yeah, I know. You already said it the first time. What's she doing in Dublin?"

"She schools there. She's in college."

"Oh, okay. Are you also gonna study there for your university?" I prayed silently that he wouldn't. Yeah, I might come across as selfish but I didn't want to lose Benjamin again.

He laughed lightly. "No. But I'm going to Canada for my masters."

"Oh, okay." Much better! "But come to think of it, why was your caption 'love of my life'?" Curiosity had the better of me.

"I missed her a lot Ruby and also, she forced me to. We play a lot in our family." He smiled a little.

"But she came back to spend the Christmas holiday right?"


Having said that, silence filled the air.

I sighed before saying. "Faith has a crush on you." I blurted out. And the look on his face was priceless.

* * *

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