Chapter thirty-three

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Dedicating this chapter to a very lovely person. la_chizzy16
Thanks for the votes and comments. And guys, kindly check out my other book- The poor boy and I. You'd surely like it.


I quivered with indignation after Chuka blurted out those few words from his mouth. Emotions that I'd never felt before started barging in and out of my system until finally, sadness engulfed me. I felt heartbroken. I mean, why would Benjamin do this to me? Did I actually mean nothing to him?

I stopped Chuka from moving any further. "Wait Chuka!" He stopped but didn't face me. "Are...are you being serious?" My voice sounded faint. It failed me totally.

"You heard right." He spat and walked out of my midst instantly.

Unfortunately, I was in public eye 'cause if not, I would have let out a heavy rain from my eyes. I felt a squeeze in my chest. What was left for me now? My boyfriend, the only person that I was closest to in the lesson, even though he wasn't close to me like I was, but still...just left me for good. Scratch that! For bad. He left me for an unknown reason. Duh!

I wiped the little tears that dropped from my eyes and made my way to my desk.


Time seemed to be on no one's side today 'cause technically, it was speeding. It was break period already.

"Ruby, can I speak with you?" Amaka said with her British accent. She stood in front of my desk, whilst I was still on my chair wearing a gloomy face.

I nodded my head in approval. She then sat beside me and masked a very serious look on her face. The look on her face could mean that something was not right.

"What's the matter? Is it because of Benjamin?" I practically widened my eyes at her question.

"Benjamin?!" I asked nervously. "No. Not at all. Why? I mean, not like we were dating." Her face was in a perplexed frown. She probably must be wondering why I was gabbling.

She then placed her hand on my shoulder. "Tell me, what happened between you and Benjamin because I know that you both had a chemistry going on."

I sighed. "Okay. Yeah, we initially did but not anymore. In fact, he's not attending this lesson again." I was back to my sad mood.

"Aw...I can see you ain't happy. So tell me, what happened?"

"I...I don't even know. Actually, I broke up with him-"

"Why?!" She abruptly cut me off.

I snapped my head at her sudden outburst. "It's... It's actually a long story. And no, don't tell me to make it short in the best way I can 'cause I can't." She chuckled.

"No qualms. But could you please try to smile." She smiled at me and rubbed my shoulder gently.

I looked at her and let out a small yet genuine smile. "I'd try. By the way, why did you all of sudden come talk to me." I raised an eyebrow.

She gave me the 'duh' look. "We are apparently friends."

"Hmm...okay. So tell me something interesting about you. Let's get to know each other better. You're in?"

"Sure." She shrugged and adjusted herself to sit properly.


It was closing period. As I was packing my books into my bag, Chuka walked up to me and said, "Ruby, can we talk?" I looked at him for a while, saying nothing, then I averted my gaze from him.

I finished placing my books into my bag. After I was done, I walked out on him. He placed his hand on my arm, hence, stopping me from moving any further. "I'm sorry." That was what he said and he sounded so apologetic.

I spun to face him. "Sorry for what?" I folded my arms around my chest and pouted my lips. "That Benjamin left me forever?"

"Look, I don't know why Benjamin is no longer attending this lesson. But I swear, I don't have a hand in it."

I rolled my eyes. "And who said you did? Guilty conscience!"

He chuckled lightly. "See as she fine. You know I like you a lot." He smirked at me and frankly speaking, he was cute.

I scoffed. "Isn't it so obvious? I knew from the very first day."

"And that's the reason for the cold treatment." He rubbed his chin as if thinking of something to say. "So you knew I liked you?" He was now very serious.

"Duh. Yup, I knew." I narrowed my eyes confusedly. I didn't like the way he was gazing at me. It made me feel uncomfortable.

"Like, I had feelings for you?" He was boring holes right at me.

I gulped. "Er...uhm..." I swallowed pretty hard. "Don't you think Faith would be waiting for you impatiently?" I spoke rashly.

"She has left." He said dryly.

" do you...know?" My palms were beginning to sweat out of anxiety.

He rolled his eyes and sighed exasperatedly. "Ruby, please don't deviate from the topic."

"Huh? I...I need to run along now. Bye. See you later." I walked away briskly. I hadn't taken much steps when I saw him stand in front of me.

"I like you a lot Ruby." He confessed. "And...I...I want us to date."

"What!" That came as a shocker to me. "I can't. Besides, you are in a relationship."

"A relationship that has no trust, no feelings attached. Faith, for one, doesn't like me. I know that. And my feelings for her is also going down the drain." He had no emotion written on his face as he said this. "I'm tired of being in a relationship that we both ain't enjoying, Ruby."

"Um...I'm sorry to hear that." I exhaled and looked at him for a while. He looked broken down, which made me feel 'sorry for him'. "I don't even know what to say right now." I let out a nervous chuckle.

"Just say anything but please don't give me that sympathetic look. I know it's still a shocker to you that I like you."

"Kinda. But what is a bigger shocker to me is that you and Faith relationship is complicated and also, you know that she doesn't like you."

"You know that too?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

"Er...yes? But it's not like she told me or anything, I just guessed so." I lied.

"Hmm...okay. So...what do you say about the offer?" He placed his hands in his pocket and stared straight at me.

I shook my head. "I haven't even forgiven and you're talking about dating? Where is your sense Chuka?"

"I sold it to someone and replaced it with my desperation for you." We both laughed at his cheesy comeback.

"Really Chuka, really?"

"Yes ruby, yes." I nudged him lightly on the shoulder.

He paved way for me and I began to walk away, with him beside me. We were walking slowly yet silently.

"Uhm Chuka, do you know why Benjamin decided to quit attending the lesson?" I decided to break the silence.

"Not again Ruby." I looked at him perplexedly. "I thought I already told you that I have no idea why he made such decision."

"But you're his friend. His best friend at that." I stated matter-of-fact.

"So? He decided to keep this a secret but I know it's because of you." He sounded not in the mood for this conversation.

"But...I don't get why he would do this to me. Yeah, I broke up with him but that doesn't mean he would run away."

"Can we not discuss this any further? I'm taking this way, you?" He pointed at the direction that led to his house, probably. Unfortunately, I wasn't taking the same route as his.

"No. Bye." We waved 'bye' to each other and then, parted ways.

Home sweet home.

I rushed to my room and threw myself on the bed with my phone in my hands. I wanted to see what Benjamin was up to.

I clicked on his profile immediately I came online. He hadn't posted any picture, but he had posted a status. I read it. Kiss my few months goodbye, the sweetness and the sorrow. I have to do this for love. 😢 Christmas on its way! 😁

A tear was the response to his post. Why was he doing this to me? How would I cope without him? I sincerely liked Benjamin. The feeling was strong.

Lest I forget, Christmas was on its way and we would still crossover to a new year. That meant, my Christmas this year would be a sad celebration and when the next year arrives, it would be studying all through 'cause my final exam, waec, was next year and I would have to study really hard so as to pass.

I closed my eyes for a split moment and thought of the time Benjamin and I spent together. The kiss. Everything. I opened my eyes afterwards. And now, it was all over. Not a love life from Benjamin and I again.

I tossed my phone aside and laid flat on my bed to soak it with my tears. All was over!

* * * *

Sorry for the late update and also, for the boring chapter. I've been quite busy lately. But I just had to write this chapter so as not to keep you guys waiting. Ndo! Don't forget to check out my other book.

Also, remember to vote and comment for this chapter. God bless y'all.

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