08|| Uncommon Bond

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The flower that blooms in the face of adversity is the most rare and beautiful of them all.


Kimberly followed Tristan as subtly as she could but the number of people around him was alarming so she took a step back and turned around. She joined her colleagues on their desk.

“Wow, can you believe that white guy is our new boss?” Imade gushed, “he is really handsome.”

“I just thank God that he isn’t planning to sack workers” someone said.

“yes o” another person agreed. Kim passed by everyone making this discussion and sat in a daze.

‘He told me himself to not involve myself in his business but what am I supposed to do now?! He doesn’t expect me to quit does he? He must be joking’ Kim thought all this hard.


‘Why is he here? Does him owning the company have anything to do with the brotherhood?’


‘nah, it can’t be. But what is it?’ “Ow! What the heck?!” Kim exclaimed, rubbing her elbow. She looked at the person who pinched her. A male co-worker of hers along with Imade and a few others were staring at her.

“We have been calling you!” the man said, “are you really that worried about your job? We aren’t getting sacked.”

“Ugh, you…you won’t understand” Kimberly said upset and got up. She grumbled as she made her way through the halls. It seemed busier than before. It was a bit disorganized since Tristan was making some changes.

Kim looked up and noticed Tristan. Her eyes lit up, “Tristan.” Kim rushed to the elevator where Tristan entered. She squeezed herself in before the doors closed and the elevator started moving. It was only the two of them there.

“You took long to find me” Tristan said not sparing her a glance.

“Well, I can’t just go and start asking around for the owner of the building. It would make me seem as if I want to lose my job” Kim said annoyed, “also, why are you here?! How are you the owner of the–”

“Relax, we will talk in the office” Tristan said calmly and Kim’s heart skipped a beat. The way Tristan had said it sounded extremely cute. The elevator stopped and Tristan stepped out. Kimberly followed slowly.

Kim realized her train of thoughts and slapped herself gently. “What am I thinking?!” she berated herself, “stop thinking that.”

When she gained control of her emotions, Kimberly followed Tristan into his new office. She saw someone there already and he looked familiar.


“You brought her. I didn’t think you would” Darren told Tristan impressed.

“I didn’t do it for you” Tristan said impassively.

Darren looked at Kim and smiled, “hey Kim, how have you been?”.

“Darren, I’m fine, I guess…what is going on?” Kim snapped out of her surprise and fussed. “Can one of you explain why Tristy boy here is the new owner of Green Acres?” Tristan’s hands twitched upon hearing the nickname.

“I thought you said we should stay away from each other” she added, crossing her arms. Tristan slowly took a seat and sat in front of his table.

“There has been a change in plans.” Darren explained, “We noticed that the brotherhood have links to this agency so we are trying go sniff out the people related to them. That is why Tristan is now the owner of the agency.”

“We still have to maintain distance from each other. No one can know we know each other” Tristan said, “I want to avoid any form of suspicion. It will hinder our plans greatly if we gained attention.”

“Okay buuuut how did you do it?” Kim asked curiously.

“What?” Tristan questioned.

“How did you figure out the connections and take over the agency?” Kim asked, “I mean, hello, you own the freaking company now?!”

“We suspected Okotie would have connections here leading back to the brotherhood–it was pretty obvious–so we just invested our time and money in this agency so we could have complete control.” Tristan said, “I just put the agency so much into debt, they had to give me the company to settle it.”

Kim stared at the two men in shock. “You are monsters” she deadpanned.

“Yes now you can leave. Don’t forget what I told you” Tristan said and Kim nodded. Darren waved goodbye at her cheerily and she waved back before leaving.

“Do you trust her? Is that why you told her?” Darren asked.

“I told her so she won’t talk around with her unanswered questions” Tristan answered. “We still need to watch her though.”

“I will take care of that.”

“oh joy.”


Kim walked down the hall thinking. What a devious businessman, he did all this just to find the brotherhood? Why does he hate them?

Kim stopped in her tracks and pouted. “Why should I bother myself over this? I am done caring.” Kim resolved and returned to her desk.

Later, Kim was carrying some files in her hands and they were much. Kim believed in getting the job done in one go but as much as she loved to apply this, it just didn’t work in cases like this.

“It wouldn’t cost you much to carry this twice Kimberly”  a co-worker said.

“This is more efficient” Kim argued and continued carrying the files. She is unable to focus on where she is going and bumped into someone. “Sorry” she apologized and the person walked away.

The files tilted to the side and were about to fall down but someone suddenly grabbed the falling files. “Thank you” Kim said in relief and looked at her savior. “Mr. Seun.”

“Kimberly, drop the Mister Please call me Seun.” Seun smiled.

“Okay, thank you sir” Kim said, “let me call you sir. It is a sign of my respect for you.”

“Okay” Seun agreed, “where are you taking these files to?”

“Mr. Osunde’s office…sir, do you work here?” Kim asked curiously. The first and last time she saw him, he looked like an investor or inspector or something but now…

Seun smiled, “something like that. Let me help you take this there.”

“Okay, thank you sir” Kim said in appreciation and both of them walked to Mr. Osunde’s office together. They entered the office and Mr. Osunde was surprised to see Seun with Kim.


“It is okay, I just helped her bring the files” Seun cut him off quickly, “I have other work to do so I will leave you alone.”

Kim looked at Seun leaving the room and Mr. Osunde. “Is anything the matter sir?” Kim asked wondering what was going on.

“N-nothing, let’s continue reviewing the projects.” Mr. Osunde said.

Soon, Kim was done with that work and returned to her desk but she heard her name among some whispers. She sighed exasperatedly and turned to them. “What are you guys discussing about me now?” she asked directly.

“Hey, Kim. That man that helped you, do you know who he is?” A female colleague asked.

“No, I just met him yesterday” Kim answered, “I only know his name.”

“Well, he is the son of the owner of this agency…or at least was” another colleague said.

“What?!” Kim exclaimed. She clamped her mouth shut immediately.

“He must be loaded” a female colleague sighed dreamily.

“Wow,” Kim said, “wait, if he is the son of the owner of this agency, then Tri–Mr. Ogunkoya is the new owner then he is…”

“From what I heard, Mr. Seun still retains some shares so even if Mr. Ogunkoya is managing the agency, Mr. Seun is here making sure the company is taken over” a male colleague said, “business stuff.”

“Woah” a woman said, “so Kim, you really didn’t know?”

“I didn’t…wow” Kim said surprised.


The next day, Kim was carrying some files. She bumped into Seun on the way and unfortunately, he was holding a glass of beer. It spilled in his shirt. “Oh my…I’m so sorry” Kim apologized.

“Kimberly…we have got to stop meeting like this” Seun chuckled and wiped the beer off his dress. “What is all this work? You’ve gotten busier since Tristan Ogunkoya arrived.”

“Yes, Mr. Osunde is helping him so I have to take care of extra paperwork” Kim answered tiredly, “Why didn’t you tell me you were the son of the owner of the agency?”

“Is that something to brag about? Especially during this crisis?” Seun asked smiling.

Kim looked down in thought, “Yeah, that’s right. Sorry.”

“Don’t tell me sorry, instead,” Seun smiled, “let’s hang out for a bit.”

“What?” Kim is surprised.

Seun grinned, “Are you going to refuse me?”

“Are you trying to intimidate me?” Kim answered reflexively.

Seun laughed, “I like you Kim. You really don’t hold back.”

Kim looked away sheepishly, “well, um…”

“I will see you after work hours. Don’t leave without seeing me” Seun said to her. Some employees who were around watched them intently.

Kim nodded, “Okay, now let me drop these files before my arms give out.” Seun nodded with a smile and they both went their ways.

After working hours, Imade and Kim were walking downstairs together. “I heard you and Mr. Seun were talking in the halls, what were you talking about? Tell me!” Imade said eagerly.

“You are such a gossiper Imade” Kim hushed, “We were just talking and, he asked me out…I think.”

“What?! Really?!” Imade exclaimed, “that’s so cool! Are you going to go out with him?”.

“No, I’m not interested in all those things” Kim said unsure.

“When are you ever gonna be interested?” Imade asked deadpan. They continued walking downstairs and met up with Darren who was coming up the stairs.

“I am ready to take you home.”

“Darren, What?”

“I am your official chauffeur until you get your car back.”

“you can’t be serious” Kim laughed.

“I will be waiting downstairs” Darren said grinning and ran back down the stairs. He looked like a child eagerly waiting for father Christmas.

“Darren wait!” Kim called but Darren had already disappeared down the stairs. Kim stared at the stairs a little lost and Imade stared at Darren’s disappearing figure frozen. Kim winced.

“Imade?” She called and shook Imade’s shoulders.

Imade snapped out of her trance and gripped her arms. She exclaimed, “you know that guy and you didn’t even tell me?!”

Kim looked guilty, “I’m sorry. Lots of things happened, I don’t really know him. He just…we just met sometime ago after my accident.”

Imade narrowed her eyes at her, “you are so lucky I have to leave hurriedly otherwise…you must introduce me to him okay?”. Kim nodded in agreement and Imade smiled, giving her a thumbs up before rushing down the stairs.

Kim breathed a sigh of relief and followed. She saw Darren and Seun waiting outside for her. Did I really make this two guys wait downstairs for me? Kim thought a little flattered. Now the problem is how to deal with both of them.

Kim walked to Seun and smiled. “Yes sir”

“I have told me before, stop calling me sir” Seun said, “it’s Seun, call me Seun.”

Kim nodded, “okay?”. She looked behind Seun and saw Darren staring at her in wonder. She looked back at Seun, “um, I really don’t think I can hang out with you at the moment–”

“Don’t make a decision in haste, how about we exchange numbers and discuss it later?” Seun suggested, his smile never leaving his face.

“Hmm, okay” Kim answered, thinking about it. She brought out her phone and exchanged numbers with Seun. It was at that moment Darren finally decided to make an appearance.

“What are you doing?” Darren asked peeved.

Kim looked at him, is he angry?

Seun threw his head back looking displeased and looked away. He turned back to Darren. “What do you want Darren? And why are you here? Your cousin only owns a major piece of this company, not you.” Seun taunted, “since you are his follower, why don’t you disappear? He isn’t here.”

“Hmm, at least I have accomplished things with my daddy helping me–” Darren retorted in a sweet voice.

Kim watched them surprised, “the both of you know each other?”

“Of course, his cousin stole my company and he follows his cousin like a lap dog–”

“I’m going to break that mouth of yours” Darren said, advancing to him.

“No” Kim stood in front of him, blocking him. Darren looked at her and stepped back. He cursed in his mind for behaving like that in front of Kim. He looked away annoyed.

Seun looked at Kim and Darren. “You know each other?” he asked Kim.

“…um” Kim was unable to answer.

“Yes” Darren said and put his arm around Kim’s shoulder. Kim looked at him and Darren smiled smugly at Seun. “She is…a very special friend of mine so back off Seun, or we might not just stop at claiming your company.”

Seun and Darren stared at each other daringly and Kim shrunk. What the heck is this tense atmosphere? Why am I in between this? Kim thought suffering the anguishly tense moment.

“Um, I think I will leave you two” Kim said as she slowly removed Darren’s arm from her shoulders. “You look like you have things to talk about so I won’t interrupt” She said, backing away. Kim immediately made her way for the gate but Darren ran to her.

“Wait, I promised to drop you off” He said joining her. Kim forced a smile and nodded.

“I will like to see you try Darren!” Seun yelled calmly. Darren looked back at him then looked away. Kim walked faster to avoid anymore awkwardness. She left the company with Darren.

At night, in Tristan’s apartment, Iyke, Tristan and Darren were gathered. Tristan was in a white singlet that outlined his muscles and faded brown jeans shorts. “I hope this is important” Darren complained sourly, “this is Friday, I was hoping to go out and party.”

Tristan narrowed his eyes at Darren but said nothing. He looked at Iyke. “What is the new information you have Iyke?” Tristan asked.

“I found the next brotherhood member but he is more of retired” Iyke said, “he is controlling the affairs of their business but someone else is in charge and he is more ruthless.”

“You don’t know who he is?”

“Yes but I am working on it. On the other hand,” Iyke slid a file on the table to them. “You should keep an eye on this person. He is not as simple as he seems, there is something strange about him.”

“Hmm,” Tristan picked up the file and opened it. The picture of the person was there. “I see, him.” Tristan passed the file to Darren and Darren looked at the picture.

“Great” Darren said sarcastically.

“Watch him well Darren” Tristan suddenly said. Darren pursed his lips but he couldn’t refuse. He had his part to play, besides he was interested to see how this would play out as well.

“Okay” he agreed and leaned back in his chair.


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