14|| Kim and The Four Knights

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Nobody has the ability to make me as weightless and carefree as you can.


The next day, Kim woke up confused at where she was until she remembered she was in Tristan's house. "I really should stop forgetting" she said tiredly.

She went to the kitchen and found a note from Tristan. Rest. There is food in the fridge and you can watch any station you want on the TV, I subscribed for all.

Kim smiled at that and sat on the dining sleepily. She began to remember the little events of yesterday. Tristan bought her a new phone since her old one was lost and she had immediately called her family and Imade.

"Hello? Aunty Christy?" she said, her voice wavering.

"Kim? Kimberly is it you?" Aunty Christy said surprised.

"Yes, how are you? How is Cindy, and Richard and Dominic and Timothy? I hope they aren't giving you any trouble?" Kim asked choked with tears. "How is uncle? Is he taking his medicine well?"

"Kim, They are fine. Your uncle is fine. Where are you Kim? You didn't return that night and the next thing I hear, you traveled with your boss for some business" Aunty Christy said, "is everything fine?"

"Yes, I'm fine. Sorry for not calling sooner, I will be home very soon though."

"That's good. Your uncle wasn't happy when he heard you traveled without telling us" Aunty Christy informed, "especially after what happened months ago."


"Just take care of yourself, everyone is missing you. Eat well."

"Yes, I miss everyone too. Take care, bye."


Aunty Christy hung up and Kim stared at the phone smiling. She mumbled to herself, "It is good that everything is fine." She called Imade next.

"Hello, who is this?"

"Imade, it is Kim."

"Kim?! You are finally calling after five days" Imade exclaimed in disbelief, "you didn't even tell me that you were traveling with the boss. You just disappeared. I was so worried until I found out you traveled. This number sef? it is not your number."

Kimberly laughed, she missed this crazy girl. "this is why I love talking to you. You make me laugh." Kim said, "this is a new number, I lost my phone so I bought a new phone. That is why I haven't been able to call."

"Okay, I understand" Imade said, "but you should have found a way to call. It's okay, you and the boss and really close this days or am I imagining it?"

"Shut up" Kim laughed, "be serious for once na, Don't start this your thing."

"Okay o, but hear this" Imade said in a gossipy voice, "Mr. Seun is reportedly missing. No one has seen him in a while. Didn't he take you out last week Friday?"

"um, actually, I changed my mind at the last minute" Kim gulped a lie, "Tristan called me for the travel details so I didn't go with him to the club."

"oh, I wonder where he is." Imade said curious.

"forget that" Kim brushed the topic aside, "I will be back at the office soon."

"come soon, you should hear all the funny rumors about you and Mr. Ogunkoya, you will laugh" Imade chuckled.

Kim scowled, "I don't blame them. First of all, it was me and Mr. Osunde, now it is me and Tristan. They are mad o."

"ooh, Tristan. So you two are on first name basis?" Imade said coyly.

"Just stop Imade. I am hanging up now" Kim said deadpan. Imade laughed a bye and hung up. Kim stared at her phone amused and grinned to herself.

Now in the present, Kim tried to make something special for the men but she was struggling to decided something with the ingredients she had here.

Kim shook her head, "how am I to prepare something special with what I have here? Ugh, this is so annoying." Kim rested on the wall while frowning. She took out a bar of chocolate from the fridge and began to eat. She looked at the bar of chocolate in her hand.

"At least he had the mind to buy me chocolates" Kim said, "it is really nice that he remembered even though it has been so long since I told him."

Kim smiled softly at the chocolates then took out her phone and made a call. An hour later, Darren came into the apartment with a bag of foodstuffs.

"Oh, thank you Darren" Kim thanked, "sorry if I disturbed you. I know you need all the rest you can get."

"It's okay but why did you ask me to buy all this?" Darren asked, "what are you planning to do? I will just let you know that Tristan doesn't like people messing with his kitchen."

"I am not messing with his kitchen, I am just cooking. I really want to thank you guys and this is the best way" Kim said, bringing out the foodstuffs. "I really hope you guys like it."

"What are you cooking?" Darren said, his head popping up from over her shoulder. Kim turned around with a stern look on her face only to be stunned to see Darren in front of her and so close.

Darren stared at her a little dazed. Kim stepped away and took a bowl. "You don't need to know. It is a surprise so don't tell the others and get out" Kim said.

"How about you tell me what you want to cook and I won't tell the boys about the surprise dinner." Darren bargained with a cheeky smile.

Kim laughed then stopped, "not a chance. Out." Kim pushed Darren out despite his protests and he stood outside the apartment door.

"After all I did to help" he dramatically lamented.

Kim returned to her cooking.

Hours later in the evening, Tristan, Darren and Iyke showed up and Tristan expressed surprise on seeing Kim in the house. He relaxed and mumbled, "it's been long since I have seen anybody waiting for me at home." He looked up.

"Hey you guys" Kim cheerfully greeted, "how are you? How was work?". Tristan and Iyke could not help but eye Kim in a frightened manner.

"Is it strange that I find this odd and sort of creepy?" Iyke couldn't help but ask as he watched Kim take Tristan's things.

"No, I feel the same way" Tristan agreed.

Kim skipped happily to them and Tristan eyed her warily. "One, why are you so happy? For some reason, I am unnerved" He said, eyeing her with a hint of fear. "Two, aren't you supposed to be resting? You just got out of a very dangerous situation, you should be in bed."

"I'm fine. There is no way I would do work for you if I wasn't fine" Kim said in a obvious tone.

"Work?" Tristan raised an eyebrow.

"I made you guys a special thank you dinner."

"You didn't have to do that Kim" Iyke said smiling.

"I wanted to" Kim said warmly, "I will warm it up while you, get ready. Hurry." Kim smiled at Tristan after saying that and skipped to the kitchen. Iyke and Darren stared at Tristan's disbelieving look in amusement.

Darren snickered, "he isn't used to doing what other people tell him."

Tristan huffed and grumbled to himself. "I can't believe it...my house...i'm her boss...talking to me like that...unbelievable." Tristan walked away to change and Darren and Iyke sat in the living room waiting.

"Honestly," Iyke spoke up, "I like Kim with us like this. She reminds me of Deborah, but like an older mature version."

Darren smiled, "yeah."

Tristan returned to the living room just as Kim finished setting the food on the table. The men gathered round the table and stared at the rice.

"Jollof rice?" Tristan asked not impressed, "and here I thought it was a special food."

"it looks different" Iyke said, looking closely at the pot.

"That's because it isn't Jollof rice. This is gbanga rice. I learnt it when I traveled to Delta state" Kim said smugly.

"I have never heard or tasted it before" Darren admitted, taking a seat.

"it isn't a popular dish in Lagos. Just travel to Delta state and in every corner, you will hear gbanga rice" Kim said, serving the food.

"It isn't spicy is it?" Tristan asked apprehensive about trying a new dish.

"No, I wasn't sure if you guys liked pepper so I kept it to the barest minimum" Kim said brightly. Tristan sighed and the men said a short prayer before taking a bite.

"Mushy, but surprisingly good" Darren said amazed. He looked at Kim, "you are a great cook. Marry me and cook for me the rest of my life."

Kim chuckled and playfully slapped his shoulder. Iyke nodded in approval. "I am glad you like it. I will cook for you guys anytime you want, just tell me in advance" Kim said. She looked at Tristan.

"It is good" he said nonchalantly.

Kim soured at Tristan's mundane reply. "Good? that's all you can say. You are so ungrateful" She dramatically said.

"You are so petty," Tristan smiled and turned to her, "it tastes delicious Kim, is that better?"

Kim smiled, "I will take that." She walked away from the dining room. Later, they gathered in the living room. Kim turned to Tristan, "I never really asked, how did you find me if you didn't accept to come? There is no way they would have told you the address."

"I found you." Iyke corrected her. Tristan crossed his arms and rolled his eyes.

"Whatever. I tried tracking you and I was so close but Iyke had found out your location" Tristan said dismissively, "he told us about all Seun did. Seun called me to meet but I refused so I could plan how to get into the warehouse."

"We had a plan ready just the night before they planned to kill you." Darren completed.

"I got to admit, all this is stressful" Kim said resting on the couch. "I wonder how you guys deal with all this."

Iyke shrugged and started drinking a can of beer Tristan dropped for him. "Maybe now you can tell me exactly how the brotherhood works and why you all want to take revenge?" The boys froze slightly upon hearing that.

Kim continued not noticing, "I just want to know more about you guys. I want to help you because you were right, the brotherhood are terrible people."

"You shouldn't help" Tristan said harshly, gaining Kim's attention. She stared at Tristan's angry face.

"Why not?" she asked in a small voice.

"Because you have nothing to do with The Brotherhood. Your only job is to stay out of our way and out of danger" Tristan said coldly, "don't ask this question again."

Tristan walked away leaving the atmosphere tense and Kim upset. She got up and walked inside. "Kim..." Darren tried to stop her but she disappeared into the passageway.


The next day, Tristan woke up early to see Kim awake and wearing an outing cloth. "Where are you going?" Tristan asked, eyeing her threateningly.

"To work. I am your personal assistant so I have to help my boss" Kim said ignoring Tristan's gaze.

"I am not going to the Agency." Tristan retorted.

"Then I will just follow you to your other company. Darren talked about it last night and it got me curious" Kim said looking at him. "take me with you."

"No" Tristan refused.

"You have to, I'm feeling better and I am sick of the house" Kim said in desperation. "I was not made for the indoors. Take me with you."

Tristan stared at Kim and Kim stared back determined. "Fine" Tristan looked away and went inside. Kim pumped her fist in the air victoriously.

Minutes later, Tristan returned to the living room in his suit to find Kim gone. He looked around in confusion. He checked the entire apartment but she was nowhere. He looked out the door and saw her in the passageway.

Kim waved at him and he glared at her. Kim answered the questions his eyes were asking, "I suspected that you might leave me behind so I decided to wait out here."

Tristan narrowed his eyes at her annoyed and stepped out of the house. He locked the door and walked down the stairs with Kim following. They went to his car and then Tristan noticed a pink paper bag in Kim's hands.

"What's that?" Tristan asked.

"Oh, I made some food for you. For lunch time."

Tristan stared at Kim and the food with an indescribable look. Kim squirmed under his gaze. "I don't eat that kind of lunch at the office" he finally said after the silence.

"Oh, um, that's okay. I only made it because I did this for my uncle a lot." Kim said suddenly feeling awkward. She wondered if she overdid it. "It's okay if you don't want it, I will eat it-"

"It's okay. I will eat it" Tristan interrupted her and she looked at him. "Thank you" he added.

"Okay" Kim nodded and Tristan opened the doors he gestured for her to enter. Kim entered the car and Tristan drove off.

At Tristan's other company, T-Electronics, Tristan and Kim arrived and Kim looked amazed at the beauty of the building. Tristan stared at her amazed expression satisfied.

"Wow, I knew you were, like successful but I didn't know like...this successful." Kim said to Tristan amazed. Tristan shrugged nonchalantly.

Kim walked to his side and followed him in. "How old are you?" she suddenly asked.

Tristan looked surprised at that question. He looked at her, "why are you asking?"

"I just want to know how young or old you are to have this company" Kim said.

"I am older than you, that's for sure" Tristan said sarcastically. He entered a private elevator with Kim.

"Okay" Kim agreed, "but how much?"

"Stop asking, I'm not going to answer" Tristan said and turned to a woman in a desk in the hallways to his office. It was Doris and she greeted him.

Tristan nodded and said, "Doris, bring me the Green Acres and smarts appliances folders."

"Yes sir" Doris said and watched Tristan walk away with Kim. She eyed Kim suspiciously, this was the first time she had seen Tristan so close to a woman that wasn't Deborah. She finally walked away to do as Tristan's asked.

"Is your office here?" Kim asked.

"Why are you so curious?" Tristan turned around and asked.

"Because I want to know about you" Kim answered honestly, "I want to know about Darren and Iyke but you guys are not telling me everything. It isn't fair especially when you know my family, you have even met them."

Tristan stared at an upset Kim. "You are still not going to tell me anything are you?" Kim said frowning.

Tristan stared at her then sighed. He took her hand and brought her to his office. He dropped their things there and took her hand again. "Where are you taking me?" Kim asked confused.

Tristan took Kim into the elevator just as Doris returned and saw them hand in hand. She stared in amazement, "is she the boss' new girlfriend?"

Kim and Tristan stopped at the second floor and all the employees greeted them. Kim was suddenly aware of her hand in his and pulled it. Tristan looked at her.

"um, I will follow you. Just lead the way" She said sheepishly.

"Okay" Tristan said and they went into a small office block. They found Kazeem arranging files in the cupboards.

"Why did you bring me here?" Kim asked confused.

"That boy" Tristan said, "he was the one who helped me track your phone. Though it was useless since Iyke knew where you were in the first place."

"For real?!" Kim exclaimed wide eyed, "you used that poor boy to find me. What if the brotherhood found out about his involvement and hurt him?".

"I don't think that's possible."

"I would feel so guilty. And he is so young and innocent. He knows nothing about them, his life would be in danger, what if he is?!" Kim panicked for no reason, ignoring Tristan.

"Are you so fond of worrying for others?"

Kim talked over him, "Will we have to watch over him? He could be in danger. Do we tell him about the brotherhood-?"

"Will you stop overreacting?!" Tristan said irritated, "your worries make no sense besides, that boy isn't as innocent as think. Kazeem, come here."

Kazeem looked up and saw Tristan with Kim. He walked to them and greeted, "good morning sir."

"Kazeem, this is the woman I had to save, Kimberly" Tristan introduced while Kim looked at him shocked that he would introduce her like that. "Kim, this is Kazeem. He is also after the brotherhood."

"What?! Seriously?" Kim exclaimed in surprise. She looked at Kazeem again. "Wow."

Gbanga is another name for palm kernel so gbanga rice is made from the oil gotten from the palm kernels.

The title of this chapter was inspired by k drama 'Cinderella and the four knights'. Also, surprised about Kazeem? or not? VOTE, COMMENT, SHARE

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