17|| Missing Link

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Leaving me was okay. People leave me all the time. I'm used to it, what hurts like hell is when you made me feel so damn special yesterday and then make me feel so unwanted today.


In Tristan's apartment, Tristan thought back to the meeting with the police officer and the discovery that Kim's mother was a police officer. His thoughts were interrupted when Darren barged in.

"Why did you send Kim back without telling me?" Darren asked upset. Iyke followed behind looking uninterested.

Tristan looked at Darren impassively. "We left in a rush, do you have any problem with that?" he asked intimidatingly with a stern gaze.

Darren got the memo that Tristan wasn't in the mood so he quickly toned his upset down. "Not really, just next time you make a decision, let me know" Darren said sitting down.

"I will keep that in mind" Tristan said and turned to the documents in front of him. "Do you guys know, Kimberly's mum was a police officer?"

"What?" Iyke said surprised.

"Really?" Darren asked.

"Yes" Tristan nodded, "I went to drop her off and we saw her uncle talking to a police officer. They were talking so secretively. The police man said he was Kim's mom friend."

"What did you hear? Did the policeman suddenly show up because of Kim's previous accidents or...?" Iyke questioned.

"He said 'They are coming up, something is wrong'." Tristan repeated, "I have no way of knowing what they were talking about."

"Do you think Kim's mother had something to do with the brotherhood?" Darren asked amazed at the thought.

"It would be a big coincidence if that happened but Iyke, find out about Kim's parents and that officer. His name is officer Gbenga" Tristan said.

"Okay, but should we tell Kim about this? I am not sure she would like us investigating her parents." Iyke said feeling uncomfortable.

"Don't tell her anything. I want to be sure before I let her know" Tristan said and the two men nodded.

The next day, Kim went to work and was welcomed by Imade and a few work colleagues. "You were gone so long, I felt so bored" Imade whined, "how was the work trip? What did you do?"

"um, nothing much. The occasional work" Kim answered vaguely.

"And the boss, what was he like?" Imade asked curiously.

"Normal Imade, normal. What do you want me to tell you?" Kim stressed tired.

Imade giggled, "nothing, I just missed troubling you." Kim thwacked Imade who laughed. Kim returned to her work happily but she was a bit upset that Tristan wasn't at work today.

The next day, Darren came to see Kim. "You should have told me" Darren said upset that Kim didn't tell him she left.

"Sorry, I guess I forgot" Kim apologized.

"I don't forgive you. Not unless we go out some time" Darren grinned coquettishly.

"Hmm, I don't know but, okay" Kim shrugged. Imade joined them, "hey Darren."

"hey Imade" Darren smiled.

"Hey Darren" Imade smiled, "hey Kim, it has been a long time since we have hung out. Let's go out this Friday, what do you think?"

"Yes! I am exhausted. Being Tristan's secretary is a hassle" Kim said in relief, "working for Mr. Osunde seems like child's play in comparison to this."

"Tristan is a busy man." Darren chuckled.

"I realized that when I realized his company, T-electronics own more than five smaller industries" Imade said amazed as she stared at her phone.

"What? Seriously?" Kim exclaimed and looked into Imade's phone. Darren chuckled as he watched them.

"Do you want to join us on Friday Darren?" Imade asked.

"Sure, just tell me the place."

"Okay, we will be expecting you" Imade smiled.

Friday night, Kim, Imade and her work colleagues were talking and drinking. "Mr. Tristan is so strict. He rarely smiles and he is a workaholic. He doesn't even have a girlfriend," a woman slurred drunk, "but if he did, he wouldn't even have time for her."

"Are you just complaining that you haven't caught his eye?" Thomas, a colleague mocked amused and everyone laughed.

"I seriously need a boyfriend. Everyone around me has one. If I have a choice, i want a workplace romance, a hot dirty one" Bisi, another female colleague said and everyone laughed and whooped.

"Why aren't you drinking Kim?" Edet, a male colleague.

"I'm a lightweight" Kim said, "I really don't want an hangover tomorrow."

"But it's the weekends, it's the time to get wasted" Imade cheered, downing a cup of alcohol. Others cheered in agreement and Kim laughed in response.

"That Mr. Seun, do you know he is dead?" Vivian, a colleague said. Kim froze when she heard that. Vivian continued, "he and his father. They were found in a burnt down warehouse."

"Wow, so terrible" Bisi shivered, "I hate those kinds of deaths. God forbid." Kim looked away and started drinking.

"I heard there were a bullets found in their bodies. The police are saying they were killed before being burnt down" Vivian said, "whoever killed them left no proof and if they did, it was probably burnt down."

"How terrible, Kim, weren't you-" Edet started to say but Kim interrupted him.

"I don't want to talk about it" she said and got up. Imade followed her and the rest at the table stared at her in pity.

"She must be so heartbroken" Thomas said sympathetically.

Imade caught up with Kim who went to the other side of the bar. "Are you okay Kim?" she asked concerned.

"I'm fine" Kim smiled. "let's dance." Eminado by Tiwa savage played loudly in the club and Imade and Kim danced. Some of their work friends joined them.

The door of the club opened and Darren walked in with Iyke and Tristan behind. Tristan was dressed in a casual outfit and it felt refreshing to see him that way. They walked to a table on a higher plane from the dance floor and sat down.

"Try and have fun" Darren smiled at them, "don't be a stuck up, people don't like people like that." After dropping that piece of advice, Darren danced to the dance floor.

Tristan and Iyke watched the happy and carefree crowd dancing. "Darren's ability to relax is admirable" Iyke said, voicing Tristan's thoughts.

"If not that we are jealous of that ability" Tristan replied.

Iyke nodded in agreement. He looked at Tristan, "we are too alike."

"That can't be argued" Tristan said and clinked his glass cup with Iyke's. They gulped the drink down at the same time and continued watching the crowd.

Tristan watched the crowd dance and spotted Kim dancing. It was the first time he had seen her socialize. 'She is much more social than I thought she was' he thought.

He watched her laugh and dance with Darren. He also noted that she was swaying about. She looked drunk. 'Hmm, she is drunk too. I have never really seen what Kim is like with people outside her job' Tristan realized, 'what is she like? Is she like this? I really don't know Kim well.'

As Kim danced, her eyes met Tristan's and she stopped dancing to stare at him. Tristan blinked suddenly and was surprised to see Kim gone from where she was. His eyes searched for her only to be surprised to see her approach him.

Kim arrived at his table and slammed her hand on the table. Iyke was surprised, "Kim?"

"Hiii Iyke" Kim slurred drunkenly, "aww, there are two of you. You look so cute. You cute little thing, I'm your friend okay. Know that."

"Okay" Iyke said amused.

Tristan rolled his eyes at her and asked, "you are drunk, how many cups did you drink?".

Kim pouted and staggered. She held her hand up and slowly began counting her fingers. "Ooone, twoooo, three" she held up three fingers in front of him, "three."

Tristan scoffed amused, "you are a lightweight."

"You're bad!" Kim blurted, pointing at Tristan. "How could you say all those mean things? Do you know how upset I was? I thought we were friends."

Iyke watched them with a small amused smile on his face, looking like he would laugh at any given moment. Tristan stared at Kim.

"You are always rude to me. You always call me stupid and annoying too-"

"I stopped calling you that a long time ago" Tristan pointed out.

"It doesn't matter!" Kim whined, stomping her foot on the floor like a child. "You are so uptight, why can't you act like a normal person. You are so cold."

"I hope you know you will regret this when you are sober" Tristan said. Kim ignored him.

"You are very insensitive. Do you know that I couldn't stop thinking about the Ki-" Kim said but before she could complete it, Tristan suddenly lurched forward and grabbed her. He covered her mouth while twisting her arm loosely at her back.

Iyke looked at Tristan surprised at his sudden move but said nothing. He got up with an amused smiled, "I am going to get some drinks."

Tristan watched Iyke get up and walk away but Iyke paused and stepped back. He smiled at Tristan. "Have fun Tristan, just like Darren said" he added cheekily and Tristan scowled at him as he walked away.

Tristan let Kim go and made her sit on Iyke's chair. He hissed, "Why are you talking about the kiss? Don't mention it ever, please."

Kim pouted upset. She propped her hand on the table and sulked. "Okay, I won't talk about it...jerk, mean asshole, Tyrant, spice."

"What?" Tristan chuckled at the last part, "was that supposed to be an insult?". He looked at her.

Kim inched closer, "it's none of your business." She stared him for a while, "you are really pretty."

Tristan's look suddenly became guarded, "stop saying things like that."

Kim huffed childishly, "I will. You are very handsome, you are just very rude."

Tristan ignored her and kept on sipping on his drink. Kim followed his movements and stared at him leeringly. "Stop staring at me" he said not even glancing at her.

"I can't help it" she said softly. She pouted and jumped off her chair. Tristan did a double take when he found Kim on his laps and her arms wrapped around his neck.

"What are you doing?!" he exclaimed looking taken aback.

"You sound like someone who has no experience with women" Kim mumbled, her eyes roaming his face. Tristan could only stare at her uncomfortably.

"Get off" he said firmly. "your alcohol breath isn't helping matters."

"I just...want to confirm something..." Kim said staring at him dazed. Tristan huffed, looking away and looked back at her. Kim removed one of her hands and slowly placed it on her chest as if checking something.

They stared at each other and Kim leaned in closer. Tristan stared at her squarely and impassively but as she was about to kiss him, her head dropped on his shoulder. She was knocked out.

Tristan sighed resignedly and raised Kim's head so he could see her face. He stared at her and let a small smile slip. "She is...really interesting" he muttered amused and in the distance was Darren watching them.


The next day, Kim woke up in her room with an hangover. She groaned, clutching her head until she remembered what happened last night. Her eyes widened in horror and she shot up from bed immediately.

"Kimberly you moron!" she winced, "oh man, Tristan is going to be so angry. Why did I say all those stupid things?"

Kimberly winced as she got up. She walked to her knee length mirror and stared at her reflection. She thought back to last night and she raised her hand to her chest like she did last night.

"You're crazy Kim. You are just hallucinating" she told herself to stop herself from thinking whatever she was thinking.

Two days later, the weekends are over and Kim is back at work. Imade is talking about the events of the previous Friday. "Why are you denying it?" Imade said, "are you sure you don't have anything going on with Tristan?"

"I don't, will you stop asking the same question over and over again?" Kim said irritated.

"I can't help but think something is going on. I mean, you lied that you weren't in Tristan laps" Imade said, "if I hadn't turned away the others, you would have been the trending topic in the office."

"And I thank you for that."

"I'm not asking for much. I just want to know what is going on" Imade pushed, "I haven't seen you with Tristan enough but I can't tell you two know each other more than you let on."

"You are over thinking things Imade, I am just his secretary" Kim said, "you are too nosy Imade."

"And for a good reason, I can't help but feel you gave been hiding a lot if things from me lately" Imade said, narrowing her eyes as Kim.

Kim stared at Imade suddenly feeling bad. She used to Imade everything but the danger of the Brotherhood is something she can't share.

Darren joined the two friends. "Hello darling, hi Imade, you are looking good" Darren smiled.

"You are always saying that, always flattering us" Imade accused playfully, "when we are just wearing plain black and white office wears."

"Still, not many people can pull it off like you too." Darren smiled coquettishly.

"Hey Darren, you are friends with Tristan right. Tell me, do Kim and Tristan have anything going on because you saw them at the club right?" Imade said, "tell me."

"Imade?!" Kim exclaimed horrified that she would ask Darren.

Darren's easy going expression changed into a cool unreadable one. He smiled but the smile didn't reach his eyes, "I don't know, Kim? Tell us?"

Kim stared at Darren in wonder. "No," Kim finally answered, "like I have said for the thousandth time, no."

Imade shrugged and Darren relaxed. He smiled, "Kim, you owe me an outing. How about we go out tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow?" Kim asked, her expression changing.

She refused, "sorry, I can't. Tomorrow is an...important day."

"What is important about tomorrow?" he asked curiously.

"I don't want to talk about it" Kim said impassively and got up. Darren watched her walk away surprised.

"Kim! Kim!" he called but she didn't answer. He turned to Imade, "what is tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow is the anniversary of Kim's parents death" Imade answered somberly, "tomorrow, 16 years ago Kim's parents died in a car accident."


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