29|| Unsaid things

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Love is like dark chocolate, the more it tastes bitter, the more you want to taste it, the more you enjoy it.


Two days had passed since Nadia was brought to the house and Nadia was getting used to them. Kim was still on prickly terns with her uncle. None of them had said more than three sentences to each other.

Kim sighed and sat in the living room with her uncle watching the news. "...business mogul and philanthropist Augustine Malcolm was found shot dead in his beach side villa just after being revealed of multiple cases of international crimes" the reporter said.

"His deeds came into light by an anonymous submission, he was responsible for so many deaths and gang wars in the city" the reporter continued, "the police went to arrest him but he was found dead..."

The video of the police and ambulance at Augustine's house played and Jerry glanced at Kim. Kim met his eyes and they knew instantly that Tristan was behind this.

"Is that really the kind of man you want Kimberly?" Jerry asked upset.

"Tristan is still a good person Uncle, you don't have to worry" Kim said getting up and left.

At Darren's apartment, Tristan, Darren and Iyke sat watching the news. Darren switched the TV off when it was over and relaxed on the couch.

"We are done here so we should prepare to leave, how about next week?" Tristan suggested.

"Next week is Christmas, Kim and her family would like to spend it here" Darren pointed out, "since there is no problem, let's leave upper week."

Tristan thought about it. "We are not in the clear yet, someone followed Tristan and that puts Nadia, Kim and her family in danger" Iyke said.

"I was thinking of sending Nadia to Nigeria but I don't think moving her like this is healthy" Iyke said, "and I don't know where we can keep her, she has no extended family."

"Yeah, and Kim's family can't take care of her, that's a no" Tristan said, "let's wait till Christmas is over, we will take Nadia with us and find a place for her."

"Okay" Iyke agreed.

"I forgot to tell you Tristan, Carter is back" Darren said, "a contact told me."

"Carter?" Tristan's reaction was indescribable. It was a mix of emotions. Iyke watched him carefully.

"Carter...he is dangerous now. We have to watch out for him" Tristan said seriously.


At a park, Kim walked around, watching her younger cousins and Nadia play. She smiled and sat down. She turns when she felt someone sit next to her.

"Hello" Carter smiled.

"it's you, Carter, hi" Kim said. "what are you doing here?"

"Looking for you, I don't know why but I like seeing you" Carter said.

"You make me laugh, we barely know each other" Kim said amused, "but I like seeing you too. You are really friendly."

"Thank you" Carter said, "what are you doing?"

"Watching my cousins " Kim answered, "what about you? Are you always so free that you can walk around anytime?"

"I am that lucky" Carter just answered and Kim smiled. He asked, "do you have any sibling?"

"Yes, a sister. I am the older one" Kim answered, "how about you?"

"Um, sort of" Carter answered.

"Sort of, what kind of answer is that?" Kim asked surprised. He looked uncomfortable to answer but Kim pressed him.

Luckily for him, Kim got a call. "Oh, excuse me" she said and got up. "Hey Darren, I am not at home. I am at the park...okay, I will wait. Come quick."

Kim turned around at saw Carter standing. "Who was that?" He asked.

"A friend" She answered, "I have to leave soon, maybe we can see another time?"

"Sure," Carter said. He waved goodbye and left. Soon, Darren arrived in his car and Kim entered the car. Nadia, Richard and Dominic sat in the back seat.

"We haven't hung out in a while so today is Darren and Kim day" Darren said playfully.

"Sure" Kim smiled.

"Hey kids, do you want burgers?" Darren asked.

"Yes!" the children cheered loudly. Kim grinned and Darren nodded. He drove to a burger house and got burgers for the kids then dropped them at the house.

He and Kim sat a café eating. "This feels just like the old times when we were always together" Darren said, "Tristan is really monopolizing you, that control freak."

"Stop bad mouthing Tristan" Kim jokingly scolded.

"Ah, love must be nice. You are seriously defending the guy who we used to badmouth together" Darren accused dramatically, "I don't even know you anymore, love really is blind."

"I didn't say I love him" Kim hurriedly denied.

Darren looked up from sipping his hot chocolate and smirked. "I'm guessing you haven't told him." He noted. Kim looked down feeling chastised.

"I don't understand what is the big deal between girls and love" Darren said dismissively. "just walk to him and say 'I love you.'"

"It's not as easy as you make it sound" Kim said, leaning back on her chair.

"Just look at me, I came here to have fun and I ended up a relationship counselor" Darren sighed, feeling pity for himself.

"So, are you and the guys done with the brotherhood thing?" Kim asked quietly.

"Yeah, we are done here" Darren answered, "I have to say, Tristan is trying to wrap up his revenge faster than usual, just so he can spend time with you like a normal couple."

Kim furrowed her brows, "normal couple? We are a normal couple." Darren sighed and dropped the snack in his hands.

"Tristan told me about how your uncle isn't pleased with your relationship and he understands" Darren said. "Tristan knows that the path he chose could end in death for him or a potential threat on the life of everyone he cares about."

"He is just worried about you, I think he believes he has more to lose now that he has you" Darren said then added comically, "so all it took was a girl to make him start caring?"

Kim pursed her lips thoughtfully. "You don't have to worry though" Darren said, breaking her line of thoughts. "you and Tristan have something special, I believe you will last."

Kim smiled softly at that but then Darren ruined the moment. "But if you don't last, I will be there to replace Tristan if you need me too" he said solemnly.

"You...! That's not funny!" Kim yelled, reaching to smack him and Darren laughed playfully.

Later, Darren dropped Kim home and night fell quickly. Kim was lying on her bed when she saw a call from Tristan. She answered it immediately.

"Hello" she said, trying hard not to sound like she was waiting for his call, which she was.

"Hello, are you doing okay?" Tristan asked.

"I'm fine, you?" she asked, "I saw the news."

"I'm fine. Since I am done with my work here, I was thinking we could go on our date soon" Tristan said. "I promise not to stand you up this time."

"You better make good on that promise" Kim said and smiled.

"You know, I have never heard you say the words , 'I love you' to me before" Tristan said, "I have told you that so many times I feel like I am the only one in love."

Kim smiled giddily to hear that Tristan loves her. She took deep breaths to control herself. "Love is a responsibility, it shouldn't be said so carelessly" she said.

"Those words are like a stab to my heart," Tristan said feigning hurt. "get ready for our date tomorrow, I will pick you up at eight."

"Hmm, okay but what should I wear?" Kim asked, "formal? Casual? Sexy?"

Tristan laughed heartily, "you look sexy enough in any thing you wear, all I need is for you to show up."

Kim pouted, "okay. I will wait for you, good night."

"Good night, I love you" Tristan said and Kim swooned.

"Um, okay" she awkwardly replied and hung up. She pressed her face to her hands and winced. "just hang in there Kim, soon" she told herself.


The next day, Kim paced about the living room nervous. She had settled for a casual wear because she sensed a comfortable dress would be better for a snowy date.

"What is wrong with Kimberly?" Jerry asked his wife.

"I heard she is going on a date with Tristan" Christy answered. Jerry quietly watched her in disapproval while Christy stared at Kim with a smile.

"Kim has really grown up, I remember how young she was when you brought her in" Christy said, "Kim has always been hard working, she never really went out with friends because she wants to be the best in everything...I am happy she is with Tristan."

"Do you like Tristan for her?" Jerry asked.

"Tristan seems good for her. He seems to care about her a lot and he did a lot for us" Christy said, "he is a successful businessman and very handsome man, I think Kim chose well."

"He doesn't come without his baggage" Jerry quietly said.

"Are you and Kim avoiding each other because you don't approve of him?" Christy confronted him. "I noticed it but didn't say anything."

"There are many things I know you and Kim are hiding from the family but I didn't ask because I trust you. Does Tristan have anything to do with it?" Christy asked. She stared at Jerry demanding an answer.

They were distracted by the doorbell which Kim promptly rushed at. She stopped in front of the door smoothing her hair and dress last minute before opening the door.

Tristan's bright smile greeted her and Kim swooned. "Hi Tristan, you look nice" she said.

"Thank you, you look beautiful" Tristan said and kissed her cheek. Kim looked at him and he gave her a single rose.

"You have no idea how difficult it was for me to find a rose in such a cold weather" Tristan said and Kim took the rose amazed.

"It's beautiful, hold on" Kim said amazed and rushed upstairs. Tristan greeted Christy and Jerry. Christy welcomed him warmly while Jerry stiffly nodded at him.

Kim skipped back downstairs and immediately grabbed Tristan's arm. "We are going out aunt" Kim said, "take care, bye."

"Okay, take care dear" Christy said and turned to her husband. Jerry reluctantly mumbled a 'be careful' and left. Christy shot an apologetic look at Tristan and followed her husband.

"Um, let's go" Kim said and dragged Tristan out.

"With the way you are dragging me, others will think you are the one taking me on a date" Tristan said amused and Kim let go.

"Sorry, I was just eager" Kim apologized.

"It's okay, let's go" Tristan smiled and opened the car door for Kim to get in. He entered the car and asked, "what happened to the rose?"

"I went to keep it, it's a special gift that should be treasured" Kim answered.

"You are so..." Tristan pinched her cheeks gently.

Kim shrugged, "it's the little things that count." Tristan smiled at her and started the car. They drove away and following carefully behind them was Carter.

"Where are we going?" Kim asked.

"It's more or less a surprise, just be patient" Tristan said. Tristan drove for awhile then stopped at a building. Few people were going in.

"Where is this place?" Kim said, getting out of the car.

"Come in and find out" Tristan smiled. He went to the back of the car and took out a bag, then came and held Kim's hand. He led her inside.

"Wow" Kim looked at the Christmas lights and decorations of the interior impressed. She saw a large hall filled with ice. Some people were skating.

"Is this? Is this an ice skating rink?" Kim asked excitedly.

"Yeah, I thought you would like to learn a bit before we leave" Tristan said, holding up two pairs of ice skates.

"Wow, this is so awesome" Kim said excitedly. "you did well. How did you know my shoe size?"

"Debby, she is really good at fashion" Tristan simply answered. He led Kim to a seat to sit down while he put on the skates for her.

"Okay, I'm scared. I can't skate and I heard it's a dangerous sport" Kim said nervously.

"Don't worry, I'm here for you." Tristan smiled and finished tying the skates. He helped a shaking Kim to the rink and told her to hold the bars. Then he left to wear his skates.

"Tristan..." Kim whined fearfully.

Tristan laughed and stepped into the ice. He skated around her a bit and he seemed good. "Ah, I am going to fall" Kim dramatically whined.

"You are such a scaredy cat, stop being scared" Tristan said and grabbed her hand. He helped Kim stand and guided her.

Soon, Kim started having fun despite how much she fell. Tristan even carried her in his arms while skating and she squealed delightfully.

They skated happily for a while before leaving the rink. "That was fun!" Kim exclaimed excitedly, "can we come here again?"

"Yes, why don't we come here every year? Together always?" Tristan said holding her hand. Kim smiled broadly and nodded in agreement.

"Where are we going next?" Kim asked as she entered the car.

"Everywhere we go today is a surprise, stop asking?"


Next, they went to an aquarium and watched the animals. Kim looked amazed by everything. Tristan looked pleased to see her enjoying herself and they left to the next date stop, an arcade. After that, they went to a restaurant for lunch.

"Did you like our date?" Tristan asked.

"It was amazing, I liked that you took me to places I have never been to" Kim said gratefully. "I will make sure to take you to a better date, this is a competition."

Tristan chuckled and kept on eating. "It's not the end of our date though, there is still one more thing" Tristan said.

Kim looked at the setting sun and nodded. "Okay."

After they finished eating, Kim and Tristan took a stroll, down the streets arm in arm. Kim rested her head on Tristan's shoulder.

"Thank you for everything Tristan" Kim said, "for today and for everything."

"I don't like it when you thank me like that" Tristan admitted quietly. "it makes me feel like you are indebted to me. I want you to feel comfortable with me."

"I do feel comfortable with you" Kim said, "thank you is sort of a reflex action for my mouth, sorry."

"Don't apologize." Tristan said and squeezed Kim's hand. She smiled.

They walked to a dining place where lights shone everywhere. They paid a fee for entering and sat, staring at the open sky.

"What is this place? It's beautiful" Kim asked.

"It's the most romantic place in the city" Tristan said smiling. "I had to do a lot if research to find this place. In total I had do a lot of research for how date so I could hear what you wanted to tell me."

Kim smiled and Tristan added, "I hope you like it."

On cue, light brightened in the sky and Kim looked up to see fireworks burst in the sky. Kim stared at it in wonder. Her eyes were fixated on the bright colors in the sky and Tristan smiled to see her mesmerized expression.

Some people stood up, taking photos and videos of the firework show. Kim stood up watching and Tristan held her hand.

"I love you Kim and I really mean it" Tristan told her earnestly this time. "thank you for coming to my life."

"I don't think me coming to you life changed anything, I only inconvenienced you from your mission" Kim said tearfully but touched.

"Don't sell yourself short, you may not know it but I feel how you helped me" Tristan said and Kim smiled. Tristan reached for her face and pulled her in for a kiss.

"Tristan i-" Kim started to say but Tristan stopped her.

"Hold on, the last surprise of the day" Tristan said, "wait here." Tristan let go of Kim's hand and walked out.

Kim smiled, "so many surprises in one day, he is really sweeter than he thinks I am." She looked up at the now clearing sky.

Outside, Tristan got a ring box from the car. He opened it and looked at what was inside. He looked nervous for perhaps the first time ever.

He turned around only to come face to face with Carter. Tristan's face turned guarded immediately and Carter smiled disdainfully.

"Carter...you've been following me" Tristan said.

"Are you surprised? It was quite easy to trace you if you investigate well" Carter said. He looked at the box in Tristan's hand and smirked, "is that for your girlfriend?"

Tristan looked tensed when he heard that. "Don't worry, I've only met her a few times" Carter said with a smirk.

"Carter! Why are you here?"

"Is that a joke? It takes a woman and everybody else to make you care but when it comes to your own brother, you don't care?" Carter asked fuming quietly.

"Leave now Carter" Tristan quietly said.

"Oh no Tristan, we are going to settle this" Carter said with a hard glare at Tristan.

At the restaurant, over thirty minutes had passed and Tristan wasn't back. Kim looked around her worried. She waited some more before calling, his phone rang twice but he didn't answer.

Minutes turned into an hour and Kim was forced to leave the place. "Where did he go?" she asked concerned. She continued calling him. Sometime ago it was ringing but when she called again, it said switched off.

"Is-is he alright?" Kim said, finally feeling scared in realization of what could have happened to him.

What has Carter done? Also is he really behind Tristan's disappearance? Find out in the next chapter.


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