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TW: Offensive slang and actions
"Oh, my hansom little boy is growing up! Are you sure you can't let me just post one measly, little picture?" Dustin's mom pleaded.

Dustin shook his head through an embarrassed look, "Jenna and the party bus will be here any minute and I'm not going to let them catch me taking pictures with my mom- ...sorry." Dustin smiled sheepishly.

Mrs.Kropp sighed, "Oh, fine."

"I'm sure Jenna will be taking nonstop photos and blogs anyway so you I'll give you her twitter username later, sound good?" Dustin offered.

"Sounds amazing, honey." Dustin's mom beamed with pride, "If your father weren't at work, I'm sure he'd be just as proud of you that you're going with such a lovely gir-"

"YO DUSTIN!" Jenna's voice yelled form the front yard, "PARTY BUS IS HERE!"

Dustin shrank down as he looked to his mom with a nervous grin, "W-well, See ya' later..."

Mrs.Kropp sighed but with a smile, "Well, alright, but remember to stay safe and-" She added in a lower tone, "Use protec-"

"MOM!" Dustin gasped.

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding!" Mrs.Kropp chuckled, "Now, go! They're waiting for you!"

Dustin nodded with a half-determined smile, "Love you, bye!" He then quickly made his way outside, shutting the door behind him as he stopped waving at his mom and strode happily over to the party bus.

"Welcome aboard!" Jenna greeted Dustin as the bus's doors opened for him.

"H-hey." Dustin smiled shyly.

"Come on!" Jenna grabbed his hand and quickly pulled him in a moment before the doors of the bus closed, "They've got a flat screen!" Jenna beckoned him over to some leather couches with a flat screen where a few of her friends were sitting.

"This is Lacy and Tracy, they're sisters." Jenna nodded to the friends on the couch.

"'Sup." Both girls greeted at once.

"Oh, uh, hi there." Dustin waved quickly before the bus began to move, causing him to yelp and fall into one of the leather couches beside a now sitting Jenna.

"Man, you haven't even had a drink yet and you're acting tipsy!" Jenna teased.

"Drink?" Dustin asked nervously.

"Yeah, you didn't think my dad payed the driver extra for nothing, did you?" Jenna winked.

Dustin quickly looked at the ground, feeling uncomfortable as he had never had a full glass of- well, anything other than water and juice pretty much, much less alcoholic beverages...

"Want one?" Jenna offered.

"Ah, no thanks- I- don't want to get carsick." Dustin tried this excuse.

"Pff, lame!" Tracy commented.
"Totally lame." Lacy agreed.

Dustin felt his heart drop and continued to look at the ground with an upset face.

"Come on, Dust! Just one drink!" Jenna persuaded, "We won't even make it that bad."

Dustin bit his lip, hating peer-pressuring more than ever at this very moment, "F-fine, I guess..." He shrugged.

"That a boy!" Jenna cackled, "Hey, somebody get this boy a cocktail!"

Somebody at the back of the bus, behind a set-up bar, nodded and began mixing various things.

"Vomit is cool anyway, if it comes to that that is." Jenna chuckled.

The very sentence made Dustin want to vomit and he was questioning ever life decision that had led him up to this very moment as the drink was set in front of him.

Dustin stared at it for awhile before shakily picking it up and taking a sip, holding back a strong gag as he forced down another swallow.


"It's...good?" Dustin cocked an eyebrow.

"No, I mean, aren't you going to chug it?" Jenna asked expectantly.

"Oh- y-yeah, of course." Dustin squeaked as he picked up the drink again, wishing the car would come to a grinding halt so he wouldn't have to do this, "Down the hatch..." Dustin sighed shakily as he then pressed the drink firmly to his lips and began downing it, his throat burning, but surprisingly enough managing to keep the alcohol down...for now, that is, and in a matter of a minute, he drank the whole thing.

"WOO!" Jenna cheered along with Lacy and Tracy and the rest of the bus riders.

"Good work, Kropp." Jenna winked.

"Uh...ye-ah." Dustin hiccuped.

"Now he's tipsy!" Jenna remarked.

"I gu-uess." Another hiccup from Dustin.


By the time the bus arrived at the party, Dustin was heavily intoxicated, needing to hook arms with Jenna just to support his weight.

"Man, for a guy who's never drunken before- you sure as hell showed me!" Jenna slurred.

"Yo~ou bet!" Dustin slurred as well.

"What a fine boy I've got here!" Jenna cheered as she wobbled off the bus with Dustin.

Dustin began cackling out with laughter.

"What're you laughin' at, Dusty?" Jenna hiccuped.

"You think I'm a boy!" Dustin snorted.

"'Course I do, you are, silly!" Jenna began to laugh as well.

Dustin shook his head and grabbed Jenna's shoulders, "Nah, I don't got no dick." He laughed.

"Dustin, you're crazy!" Jenna giggled.

"No, no, seriously, I'm transgender." Dustin laughed.

Jenna stiffened at this, "Man, are you serious, Dust?"

"Pff, you need the birth certificate?" Dustin began reaching for his phone.

"...No.." Jenna grabbed her head and shook it slightly with a groan, "Seriously?"

"Mhm!" Dustin grinned.

"What the hell?!" Jenna pushed Dustin to the ground, away from her.

Dustin looked a bit shocked before backing up on the pavement.

"Don't you think you should tell me that before you ask me out!?" Jenna's mood had swung from happy-go-lucky to absolutely furious.

"Well, it's not a big deal, it's just-"

"Get the hell out my sight, tranny!" Jenna shrieked, kicking at Dustin.

Dustin was still disoriented but managed to get what was going on and struggle to his feet before Jenna could harm him.

Jenna's friends began crowding around her to ask what had happened, then shooting discussed looks at Dustin as he wobbled into the school.


Dustin groaned to himself, he had only had two drinks but that was enough to get him the slightest bit drunk and now it was catching up to him, and all the things he had done were as well.

Dustin continued to stagger as a few tears fell down his face, he couldn't believe what he had just admitted, to Jenna Rolland of all people...the whole school would know by tomorrow morning, and she most likely wouldn't be too kind about how she phrased the tweet.

Dustin hardly knew what to do, he felt completely and utterly helpless and his head hurt like hell. And...god, he wished he could be at Puck's play...but there he was, getting drunk with Jenna instead, and the play was already halfway over, what the hell had he been thinking?

Dustin let out a choked sob as he entered the bathroom that had started all this emotional mess. He slumped down against the tile wall by the sink, "I just want Puck..." He whispered out in a hissed voice, "I want this night to be over, I want to just-"

Dustin paused as he thought he heard his sobs echoed, prompting him to be quiet and to listen.

There was silence.

And then a small whimper from a closed stall.

Dustin's eyes widened before he heard a sob from the same stall. He got up slowly and cautiously walked over to the stall, knocking on the door, "Are...are you okay in there...?"

There was a gasp from the stall before a response, "G-go away! Please- these bathrooms are off limits right now! Go to the theater bathrooms o-or the dance or- just go away!"

Dustin's breath hitched, "Puck?"

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