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Dustin woke up with a groan, balling his hands into fists as he winced in sudden pain. However, this didn't help, as he soon let out a small gasp of pain as he felt his fists form, he quickly shook out his right hand with a hiss, looking down at it to see it was covered in bandages. Right, scolding hot door knobs. He rolled his eyes with a sigh before hearing the door to his room open. That's when Dustin started to process what was actually going on. He was in a hospital room. there was a curtain of privacy pulled around his bed, which probably meant there were other people in here if that kind of object was needed, and Dustin could feel multiple burns along his legs, which were also bandaged up, and the stinging scrapes on his elbows from the window glass. He groaned and slammed his head back onto the pillow behind his head.

"Easy there." A female voice chuckled from the foot of Dustin's hospital bed.

Dustin's eyes shot open and he began to sit up once more, "O-Oh- sorry." He muttered awkward as the lady walked to the side of his bed.

"Well Miss Kropp, you got into quite a bit of a pickle, huh?"

"...I'm a guy." Dustin muttered.

The doctor paused for a moment before responding, "O-oh- my apologies!" She dipped her head, "I'll be your nurse until this evening, and then you'll be assisted by one of my Co-Workers on the night shift." She smiled brightly, "I'm just quickly checking your vitals before I go, if you need anything just press the button right here on the side of your bed." She pointed to a white button that was indeed on the bed's frame.

Dustin nodded, "Okay.." he murmured.

"Your parents phoned in last night, they're coming back from their vacation in...?"

"New York City."

"Ah, yes. They'll be here as soon as possible." The nurse nodded.

"Thanks." Dustin gave a smile in return.

The nurse pressed at a few buttons from the machines that Dustin was connected to before leaving him be.

Dustin let out a small sigh of relief, he hated socializing with people he didn't know- well, socializing period. However, he barely got a minutes peace .

"Kropp, huh?" A voice came from Dustin's left.

"Who-who's there?" Dustin glanced to his left.

"Move your curtain." Sighed the voice on the other side.

Duh, of course. Dustin reached over and drew his curtain away enough to see a face poking out from a hospital bed a few feet away from him, their own curtain withdrawn as well.

"Ah it makes sense now." It was a girl with short brown hair that was parted on the left side of her head, the right portion of her hair flipped to the bottom of her ear-lobe, dyed a light color of purple that seemed a bit faded. She was currently wearing a hospital gown and had her bed-sheets pulled up to her lap.

"What makes sense?" Dustin cocked his head.

"No offense dude, but I can't blame that nurse for taking you as a girl." She motioned to the back of her head.

Dustin grabbed the back of his head but all he got was a handful of ponytail, "Wait wh-" he paused as that dots of his brain connected, "-Oh." His expression dropped into an unamused one.

The girl put her hands up defensively, "Hey, don't look at me like that, it's just the truth."

"You're confident, huh?" Dustin raised an eyebrow.

She shrugged, "I just don't care what strangers think about me."

"So that gives you the right to disrespect their ponytails?" Dustin flipped his hair a little.

The girl chuckled a little at Dustin's defensive hair flip, "I never said having a ponytail was a bad thing."

"Yeah, but it seemed pretty intended." Dustin rolled his eyes but a small smile tugged at the corner of his lips.

"Alright, Kropp, wasn't it? Like agriculture?"

Dustin shifted his bed, "I get that a lot." He groaned, "It's Kropp."

"Yeah that's what I said?"

"No- like with a K and two Ps."

"Oh so K-raw-p~p." The girl dragged out the P with a smirk.

"You really like getting on people nerves, huh?" Dustin shook his head light-heartedly.

"Only strangers, my friend."

"That was a really contradicting sentence."

"What do you mean?"

Dustin laid back in his bed once more, "You referred to me as a friend and a stranger in the same sentence."

"...Oh..." She shrugged, "Whatever."

Dustin shook his head, "Alright." He chuckled.

"I mean- do you want to be friends?" The stranger asked awkwardly.

Dustin couldn't help but admire the level of uncomfortable silence between them now, he could relate incredibly to it, "Well...I don't even know your name and, ...I just met you a few minutes ago."

"Pft, dude, people become friends because they met each other a few minutes ago. And I'm Puck."

"...Puck?" Dustin furrowed his brow in confusion, "Isn't that like...a guy's name?"

"You can have your girly ponytail and I can have my masculine name." Puck grinned.

"Don't use the word masculine." Dustin face palmed.

"Well why not?"

"Masculine seems like you're some ripped dude with a bunch of chest hair."

Puck laughed a bit, then grinning, "Dude, -I think you're going to make a fine friend."

// Hey so I've been asked a few times who Dustin is- and most likely a lot of you are wondering who Puck is-

So they're both in canon Be More Chill Musical characters. But both were only mentioned once, and weren't given any sort of character to them, at all. So here are the lines they're mentioned in:

The Smart Phone Hour (Rich Set a Fire) Jenna: "Cause' I heard from Dustin Kropp that Rich had barely touched a drop"

The Play: Mr.Reyes: "Places people! Remember, once Puck gives you the pansy serum, you have to really sell that you're transforming into a zombie!"

Some more of these kinds of characters may be added in the future and I'll put their origins at the bottom as well!


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