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Dustin looked up from his phone, pausing a game of Moderately Pissed Off Birds, When he heard the door of he and Puck's room open, he then moved the curtain to his right a bit to see who was there, and was a bit surprised when he saw, none other than, his parents. They were rushing towards him and a few seconds later, on meither side of his bed.

Dustin's mom had grabbed his hand- his left one, the right was still bandaged up, and his father tapped his foot on the opposite side of his bed.

"The hospital called us and said that there was a party- and- and then the school sent out a notifications and- nobody died but-!" Dustin's mom hugged him tightly, "We were worried!" She rested her chin on his shoulder.

Dustin's face grew a bit red in embarrassment, he knew Puck could hear them but he had thankfully closed the curtain, dividing them for the time being.

Dustin's father nodded, "We had tickets for Washington, an American Musical, today but-" He patted Dustin on the head, "We're glad you're alright, slugger." He smiled lovingly down at his son.

"Th-thanks." Dustin smiled shyly, "Th-the nurses said they'd discharge me when you guys got back- does this mean I get to go now?"

"Is it that bad?" Dustin's mom kissed the boy on the forehead.

"No- it's actually quite nice but...I miss home." Dustin gave a small smile.

"'Course you do." The boy's father headed for the door of the room, "I'll go check in with his nurses, do you want to stay with him or come with?"

"I'll stay with my boy." Dustin's mom grinned at her son.

Dustin gave  a grin back, "It's good to have you here." He murmured.

"It's good that you're alright! I was a nervous wreck when I heard found out about the house fire! And then I got a phone call that said you were unconscious in the hospital!" The woman let out a small huff of overwhelming stress, "You wouldn't imagine my relief once I knew you were okay- anyway, so we packed up our stuff and got here as soon as we could. And here I am!"

"And here you are." Dustin gave his mom's hand a tight squeeze, "Well, I'm glad the flight home was safe." He nodded.

"Me too! You know how much I hate flying." Dustin's mom shook her head with a sigh.

"Not as much as I hate it." Dustin shuttered.

"Mrs.Kropp!" A smiling nurse opened the door to the room, "We'll need your signature at the front desk please."

"Ah, yes, of course." The door slammed with the two women hustling out.

A few seconds later, Dustin's curtain opened, resulting in him yelping and pulling his bed-sheet up to his nose.

"Relax, Ponytail, it's just me." Puck smiled.

"Yeah, that's what I'm afraid of." Dustin rolled his eyes, though returning the smile, "It's nice to know your legs actually work."

Puck looked down at her feet and wiggled them a bit, pulling with her the rollaway IV-fluid stand that had a tube leading to the top of her right hand, "Your parents really seem to love you, huh?" She grinned admiringly.

Dustin nodded with a sheepish squint, "Yeah...they do...I enjoy it."

Puck nodded, "My mom is that way. She'd do anything for me, so long as it wasn't ridiculous- but even your dad seems to fall for you, what's your secret?"

"N-Nothing- I mean- what do you mean?" Dustin blinked in confusion.

"It's called an expression, geez." Puck sighed.

"Yeah- I get that but- honestly, he just loves me for me." Dustin shrugged, "I dunno'."

"It's fine, Ponytail, that's great." Puck gave a small smile, "I just wish I could have the same kind of relationship with my dad is all."

Dustin cocked his head, "You don't?"

Puck sighed, "Every family has it's rivalries, right? Mainly siblings, sometimes cousins- mine is with my dad...I dunno'...he tries I think, but most of the time it's just...really hard for us to connect..." She shrugged, "But that's just my experience."

"O-Oh...I'm sorry." Dustin frowned.

"Don't be, it's just life, ya' know?" Puck's expression returned to a grin again, "Well I better get back in bed- my legs aren't used to this much standing after two days in bed- plus, you have some visitors again." Puck smirked before pulling the curtain closed.

Dustin glanced over his shoulder to see his mom with what looked like a knowing expression on, a sly smile covered her face and her eyebrows were knitted together in a devilish way that made Dustin quiver a bit.

"Alright, Dust, come on, the nurses and I checked you out- did you say goodbye to your little, gal pal over there?"

Dustin's face lit up bright red, "Y-yEAh." He heard his voice crack before he hurried to exit the room, not bothering to officially say goodbye to puck- they'd see each other at school- right? He could always text her and-

Oh no.

Dustin had forgotten to get Puck's number.
He thought for a moment about turning around and asking for it- but knowing Puck- well, knowing the two-day summary of Puck- she'd just make a jeering comment about it, something about him liking her so much he needed her number- He just sighed in defeat and began listening to what topic his mom had brought up.

"So, who's the girl?" Mrs.Kropp grinned down at her son as they made their way to the elevator.

"M-Mom!" Dustin squeaked, "Sh-She's just a friend- p-plus you know I've only dated guys before." He huffed.

"Yeah, but you also came out to my as pansexual, Dust- and don't think an old school gal like me still doesn't know what that means."

Dustin crossed his arms, scrunching up his shoulders to his reddening cheeks, "I-I don't like talking about sexualities mom." He murmured.

"Alright, Alright, I'll be quiet- but if you ever-"

"Mom!" Dustin hissed.

Mrs.Kropp put her hands up defensively as Mr.Kropp approached them just as the elevator opened.

"Good timing, dad." Dustin nodded as they all stepped into the elevator, pressing the B2 button for where they were parked.

"Do you mean with the elevator door just now opening or breaking the tension of all this salt." Mr.Kropp smirked.

"Oh-My-God- please don't ever use that word ever again." Dustin groaned as he covered his face up with his hands.

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