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     Everything hurt... The only thought that could truly stay in my head was how much everything hurt. Every bruise, every cut, every muscle...hurt. It all hurt. Before now, I thought I knew what pain was. This... THIS was true pain. The reality was that I, at 13, went through a kind of abuse no one should suffer.

     Before now, I thought pain was being under the roof of overprotective parents. I thought pain was having to be the odd ball. I can't believe I very genuinely thought that real pain was being crushed under the unreachable expectations of everyone around me.

     From my place on the ground, I looked up at the tiny source of light that fell into my cell through a crack in the architecture. Would I ever be able to go outside again? With the shape I was in right now, not to mention my new physical appearance, that wasn't happening... At least, with hope, I wasn't leaving anytime soon. With no hope, I'd never see the outside world again.

     The cells smelt so musty and the scent of blood, old and new, left me with a constant migraine. The underground was lit very dimly. Going off of my own knowledge of history, this was truly a place meant to drive a prisoner insane. However, I was somehow lucky to not be on the brink just yet.

     Funnily enough, my one saving grace was in the hands of four turtles... Four teenage mutant ninja turtles were the only hope I had to get out of here. They owed me for this. They didn't know that yet, but once I get out, I'm demanding a large pizza all to myself.

     I should probably introduce myself.

     Hi. My name is Alexis Knight. I'm 13 and I was mutated by Baxter Stockman. Currently, I'm being held captive by the notorious Oroku Saki, also known as the Shredder. I was kidnapped from my dimension and have since been a prisoner.

     At some point in the past, I don't know how long exactly, I was a normal teen in the car with my mother. I had been in the passenger seat, watching the world go by. I was mad at her. Once again, being my overprotective mother, I had been denied, in front of the few friends I had, the chance to travel. All because I "wasn't old enough to take care of myself." Which, I found ridiculous due to the fact I was almost always left alone from 8am to 6:30pm. I felt more like a pet or a prize and being the adopted child intensified that. My feelings were unacknowledged and the next thing I knew, I was getting grounded for "talking back". The reality was that I was only trying to defend myself...

     The memory does cut for me. There was a loud bang. The car lost control and I blacked out. When I woke up again, I was being carried away from the scene of the crash. My mom was no where in sight. When I tried to move to find her, I realized I was restricted.

     "Hey, let me go!" I started to wrestle my way out, "Let me go!"

     "The one known as Alexis Knight, will not be released from what is known as "Kraang's grasp," my captor responded.

     Hearing the monotone voice I finally looked up to see who was holding me. I was very caught off guard seeing two identical men in suits. They held the same facial expressions and it took a moment to register that one of them had mentioned Kraang. The Kraang didn't exist...

     "No..." I started to struggle more, "No, no, no, no, no! Let me go! Let me go!"

     The grip on me tightened, "That is a negative. Kraang, open what is known as "the portal."

     The other one, with a small device, opened one of the same portals that I had seen from the 2012 series of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. There was no way these were Kraang. There was no way I was being captured by the Kraang. The Kraang didn't exist! That was soon proven wrong.

     "The device known as "The Portal" has been opened. The subject known as Alexis Knight will now be delivered to the one known as Shredder."

     Hearing that, I put up as much of a fight as I could muster, "No! Let me go! Mom!"

     My breathing picked up quickly as I now found myself in the throne room of the Shredder. The portal closed behind us. I looked at all the faces that were now before my eyes. All around the room, mutants, foot soldiers, Karai, Baxter Stockman, more Kraang and the scariest thing of all, the Shredder himself. I could feel tears prick my eyes.

     "As part of the plan known as "the deal", the one known as Alexis Knight has been delivered to the one known as the Shredder," one alien spoke.

     I looked around frantically, hoping maybe the turtles happened to be close by watching this. Instead, the Shredder, or better yet, Oroku Saki himself stood and approached me. I started crying with no shame.

     With one hand, he grabbed my face and moved it, inspecting me as if I were some pure-breed dog he was considering purchasing.

     "You aren't what I was expecting," he finally spoke before looking to the Kraang, "I was expecting more of your little experiment."

     "The thing known as "details" was not part of what is known as "the deal"." The Kraang next to me responded.

     The Kraang holding me also added, "The Kraang have fulfilled what is know as "their half of the deal."

     "Yes, Kraang. What is known as their half of the deal has been fulfilled. The one known as "the Shredder" will now be keeping what is called "his half of the deal"."

     I dared meet the eyes of the man who stood before me. His eyes narrowed and I could only stare back with tears. What could he want from me? What could the Kraang want with me? Me? An experiment of theirs? What was going on?

     "Girl..." Shredder stared me down, "Tell me... Do you recognize anyone in this room?"

     Seeing the blades make an appearance I nodded, "I...I do."

     "Who can you name?"

     With a deep breath, the names came out very slowly as I looked around the room, "Dogpound, Fishface, Karai, Baxter Stockman...your foot ninjas. The guy holding me is a brain alien known as the Kraang."

     "Who am I?"

     "...the Shredder."

     "No." His blades were pointed dangerously close to my throat, "My real name."

     I blinked. I took a quick glance around the room, hoping for some sort of reaction. Only Baxter's face showed shock at having been named. Everyone else was mutual. I swallowed thickly as the blade touched my neck.

     "Your name is Oroku Saki." The blades withdrew. "You were once friends with Hamato Yoshi before-"

     "That is enough." He stepped away. "Very well, Kraang, I will see to it that she is returned to you in one piece. We will follow your instructions closely."

     Not being able to take it anymore I shouted, "Wait! Why me? What's going on? What experiment? What instructions?"

     My breathing was wrong. It was too fast for me. Was this what hyperventilation was really like?

     "Bradford, Stockman." Both men immediately stepped forward, "You know what to do."

     I screamed when Dogpound picked me up. However, it was very short lived due to getting knocked unconscious. I don't know how long I was out for, but when I woke up, I was in absolutely AGONY. My veins felt as if they had been set on fire. When I took a deep breath to calm myself, I got a whiff of what could only be called disgusting. Quickly, and in complete misery, flipped myself to my stomach to throw up, only to wretch more at the smell of my own vomit. The intense sound of my own gagging hurt my ears.

     Once I was done, and exhausted at this point, I crawled away from the mush that used to reside in my stomach. I flopped down. Everything hurt and it felt weird. It was like I was put in a room where I could only hear my own breathing. I could hear every breath I took, every swallow, every shift of dirt, whatever water was dripping in the cell...I could hear it.

     The smell of throw up sat with me, making my stomach churn. I could also pick up rotting fish, wet dog, sewage and some kind of cleaning chemical? The more time went by, I picked up the smell of cologne, garbage and something that I could possibly describe as acidic? It wasn't really easy to describe.

     As I contemplated the intense noises and smells, footsteps alerted me to someone's approach. The scent of cologne got stronger, the footsteps got louder accompanied by annoying pen clicking and soon enough, Baxter Stockman entered the room.

     I could only blink as he took notes with too big of a smile.

     "Alexis Knight," his voice rang so loud I had to cover my ears, "Experiment of the Kraang and handed over to me. How ya feelin'?"

     I was touching the side of my head, only to feel a lack of ears. Freaking out, I sat up, feeling the sides of my head. My ears were gone! Somehow I could still hear?

     "Top of your head, sweetheart." The scientist muttered to himself, "Seems to have heightened senses. Detected senses, hearing."

     As he rambled on, my hands went to where he suggested and I retracted my hands feeling fur. The more I touched my head, the more I felt fur, and something oddly soft but solid. From what I could feel, this fur was connected to me? The moment I pulled, hoping to take it off, I felt a sharp pain in my head and shouted in response.

     "Ears are successfully attached to cranium and have intact nervous system connected to body," Baxter continued.

     "What is this?" I wanted to cry at how loud everything was. "What's on my head? What happened? What-"

     I got cut off.

     "Subject is very inquisitive." He attached his pen to the clipboard he had brought with him, "You, young lady, ask too many questions... But if you must know, I have successfully mutated you into a hybrid mutant! I don't completely understand how you've retained so much of your humanity but-"

     Hybrid mutant? As he babbled on about the details of mutation, I touched the fur on my head again. When I covered the fur with my hand, the ranting became sort of muffled. Using both hands, I covered the fur and the scientist was almost completely muffled out. I repeated this a few times. These...were my ears now?

     "-and not to mention this was grey wolf DNA provided by the Kraang, so maybe they have something to do with this. You're just so fascinating and look at the disconnect in color! Brown hair, but grey colored fur on the ears and tail."

     Tail? Did he just say tail?

     I turned to look behind me and I felt light headed seeing the amount of fur that was there. I reached out to touch it and immediately retracted my hand. I felt that touch! I didn't just feel the fur on my hand, I felt it within the mass of fur too!

     Soon it was in my lap. Baxter was watching as I messed with the new body feature that was attached to me. I was frantically petting, tugging, and finally managed to get controlled movement from it. I had actually moved it, without picking it up or even touching it! I started to scoot back, wishing it really was a dream.

     The smell of wet dog started to mingle with the scientist's cologne and it was a revolting combination. I had no control over the smell I picked up and I could only attribute it to the fact I had been mutated.

     "Subject took 10 minutes upon waking up to realize there was a tail," Baxter wrote in his notes. "The Kraang better appreciate the effort I went through to get this done."

     I finally spoke, my own voice ringing way too loudly in my ears, "What do the Kraang want with me?"

     "Well you see-"

     Dogpound made an appearance, shoving the human away from my cell, effectively cutting him off. Simultaneously, Dogpound was the one carrying the scent of wet dog. It was absolutely wretched! I covered my nose. Why did I have to go through this?

     "The kid's not allowed to know about any further instructions," he opened the cell door and picked me up by the back of my shirt, "Now, come on, Shredder wants to speak with ya."

     My nose was still covered, "Can you at least take a bath? You stink!"

    I was met with a very deep growl, but I wasn't scared. I was more focused on all the new sounds and smells that messed with me. Or in this case, caused me to feel sick to my stomach. As Dogpound carried me through the building, I was brought back to the fire that ran through my veins. At this point, I was making the connection that it must be the after effects of mutagen I'm feeling. I could hear many mechanical sounds that either clicked or squeaked. The worst was a once in a while grinding that hurt my hearing.

     When we arrived back in the throne room, the bigger mutant threw me across the floor. I grunted when I hit the ground. I glared at him, but immediately covered my ears hearing the Shredder's armor creak and groan, like some kind of lower key version of a nail on a chalkboard.

     "So it seems Baxter Stockman has finished his instructions." Shredder stood and approached me, "How does it feel to be a hybrid?" I could only cower, hoping his armor would stop grating against my eardrums. "Still, even with the mutation complete, you're nothing special to look at."

     I glared at him with that comment. Maybe not the smartest idea, but geez dude. Harsh much?

     "That doesn't matter now. What matters is that you know something of value to me." The man went back to his throne, "You know of the turtles."

     I blinked, finally uncovering my ears, "What?"

     "The Kraang think you're important. With some...coxing, they informed me that you know something about the their location."

     But...If the Kraang knew that, they would have found the show right? Or did they find the 2003 series? Maybe the 1990 version? That didn't make a lot of sense to me. Why hand me over to the Shredder if they found out I watched the 2012 TV series? I decided to voice my thoughts.

     "Then how come the Kraang can't tell you? Why go through the trouble of kidnapping me?"

     "That's none of your concern. What matters is that you are their prize and if we get the answers from you, we can defeat a common enemy." At this point Dogpound stood over me as Shredder kept talking, "Alexis Knight, you will tell us where we can find the turtles."

     As I stared at the villain, who quite honestly was scarier in real life, I had to take a moment to think. I didn't actually know where the turtles were. Not exactly. However, I did know they lived in the sewers. Giving away the fact the turtles were in the sewers could possibly throw a wrench at how events would occur. It could even lead them all to defeat. At this point, they were my only hope for survival as well. If the Kraang wanted me, they would eventually find me...right?

     Maybe it was the adrenaline, maybe the hope of being saved, but at the end of the day, it was stupid. I took a deep breath before allowing myself to show anger.

     I glared at Oroku Saki, "You can forget it! I won't tell you anything."

     His eyes narrowed. He leaned back in his throne and nodded his head. Behind me, Dogpound picked me up by the back of the shirt again. He turned me to face him, growling, trying to intimidate me. I growled back.

It didn't click, until I was flying across the room, that this was the start of a long and painful stay.


A/N: Hello TMNT fans! How have you been?

This story, Through a Wolf's Eyes, is an old fanfiction of mine that I started back in 2013-2014. I was very young and naïve at the time. I was so excited to publish it when I got a Wattpad years later, but with time, comes maturity. Not only as a person, but as a writer...

Alexis was not a great character. She was very border-line Mary-sue and wasn't exactly fleshed out for a character. Not to mention, I had no idea was real trauma was back then. So, friends... here's to a fresh start for Alex, for this story, and to myself as a creative writer. 

I hope to actually rewrite the series with time, so best of luck!



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