Following a Case of Shellachne

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     I stared at the static filled screen of the tv. It was another restless night and I just gave up on trying to sleep. It was nearly time for the guys to get up. I brought Sensei some tea not long ago. He was usually up about an hour before the guys. He asked me about my sleeping habits, but for once, it was really just a restless night for me.

     I was absolutely borde and I felt like a limp noodle, but no matter how long my eyes were closed, I just could not sleep. The tv static was kind of loud and kind of boredom lulling, just not to sleep. So I just sat there, bored and tired... I hate both of these feelings.


     I rolled my eyes and grinned at Mikey, "Good morning, Freckles. Sleep well?"

     "Shell yeah!" He sat himself next to me and pulled me into a hug, "I had this awesome dream that we had a life time supply of pizza and it got delivered to us for FREE!"

     I yawned, "That sounds amazing."

     "You don't sound so good." He looked me over, "Did the nightmare monsters come back?"

     "No, not this time." I smiled, "I just couldn't sleep. I tried drinking warm milk, counting sheep, reading. It was just a restless night last night. But I got four hours of sleep, so I'll live for the day." I poked his nose, "So don't worry your cute head."

     "Awe! But didn't you have a hard time sleeping yesterday?"

     I felt my face drop. Sometimes, I hated that Mikey was very preseptive of a situation when he wanted to be. Sometimes, I loved it, sometimes I hated it. I was hating it at the moment. But I could say, I wasn't the usual exhausted that I was when I lacked sleep from having nightmares. So I was going to consider last night a good night. Sadly enough.

     I sighed, "Yes. BUT!" I nudged him a little, "There's always a but." He laughed at this, "I feel energetic enough to get through the day. I will admit, I'll probably be ready for a nap by the time I get done with training."

     He pulled me into a tight hug and I squealed childishly, "Come on, sis! I know you can make it, through the day! You believed in me and now I'm gunna believe in you!"


     I laughed and squealed as he picked me up and spun me around. Raph walked in to see what the rucus was and ended up rolling his eyes as he walked in on Mikey holding me over his back by the legs. I just saw him from the upside down perspective.

     Mikey managed to toss me up and caught me. My stomach was starting to hurt from how much laughing I had done and my cheeks hurt from how much I was smiling. Raph continued to stare at us with an unamused look. Mikey and I looked at each other and then at Raph.

     "Morning, brother of mine," I greeted.

     "From how loud the two of ya were bein' I decided to assume there was no breakfast."

     "We can make it."

     "Nu-uh!" Mikey let me stand, "Imma make breakfast and It's going to be so much better!"

     I grinned, "Is that a chalange?"

     "Shell ya!"


     We raced to the kitchen and to say the least... Donnie had to clean eggs from the ceiling while sensei had to help get harden batter out of my hair. That left Leo and Raph to lecture the two of us on never having a breakfast making contest ever again.


A/N: So just a cute look into Mikey and Alex's relationship! Aren't they precious?

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